Expoential lessons concerning food - see laso oecd and #aiforgood view on how tech can most help- of course ai earth ai climate and ai food involve largesly simlar gps mapping which needs ti be both oopen and diverse enoiugh if ai food is to multiply sustainmability and not extinction; there are also complicated interactions with ai oceans- not just as to whether fish as a major nuritiona resource will suvive but in every way the externalities of teh ocean are often abused by the biggest corpoirations (the ocean has semes such a vast dumping grounmd and onme not patroled by any owner)
how to grow enough food to end starvation was the first lesson and business microfranchsie cluster researched among abed's 100000 vilagers from 1972
fiortunately borlaug alumni had reache Asia by 1950- japan taiwan korea south had all started celebrating how local farmers could be many times more efficient and effective especially with rice the crop that the wprld depends most on to end local starvation
abed designed rice mjicxrfranchsie first of all brac food/human energy solutions- quickly joined by veggies- rice alone doews not mnormally have enough vitamns for kids (eg nioght blindness is one form of stunting - if a childs first 1000 days are nor dietary sufficient neither body or mind will ever recover fully)
over the last 50 yeras the world population has more than doubled but not evfenly - asian countries populations have in soem cases tropled whereas the richjest white nations have stopped grwoing populations ; overall what has hapened is there is no overalol shoratge of food but
local distribution can go wrong
climate is changing food suceure/insecure places fast
according to nuclear experst are agricultural chains have specific frabilities such that even a small nuclear war will heve a knock on consequence of losing at least one eight of humans
if we are goiung to get to net zero - up to a quarter of emisso9ns are caused by muddled food markets - eg 1 flying fresho food ariound the word; flying some processed food around teh world twice; failiing to celebarte local family slow food feasts - even though this can bting joy and livelihods to community
in many cases local governemt food for poor sercvies are 10 or more teiems less efficient tahn optimal cases including tehwashington dc nbased woeld kitchen
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