ED: May The Games of Architect Intelligence (AI) be with you & Mother Earth's 8 billion beings & 1BnG & HAI .. breaking sept 2023 one of my fav 5 hours spent at university!!
.chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk RIGHT OLD MESS
EE: Back in dad's teenage diary as navigator Allied Bomber Command Burma, a day headed ROM meant a friend's flight went missing. In 2023 ROM is politest term we can use for failure to help youth celebrate 73 years of research with von neumann on only good tech can save our species, and 36 years of world class brands architecture research round biggest decison makers started 1988 when dad restored from The Economist: on how bad media can destroy millennials futures. From the last articles we influenced in The Economist Trust has been the exponentially missing metric. Thanks to a chat with Von Neumann's daughter (who's advances for humanity would her dad have trusted most 2025-1950? EconomistDiary.com is launching a game Architect of Intelligence. Dare you play the most urgent cooperation game in sustainability goals hi-tech-trust-touch world?
ED dedication : To Architects Fazle Abed & Steve Jobs -who convened silicon valley's 65 birthday to Abed in 2001 giving 7 years of design foresight to why mobile digital network not seen in his 1984 launch of PC networking
INDUSTRIAL REV 260th GAMES-cards of sdg-gen
Uni2 :FFL*JOBS*DHgoog
welcome to AIsdgs.com where media designers help take down fake media wherever its wasting 8 billion peoples time

you may want to join economist dairy in 1951 when The Economist sub-ed  NM was seconded to NYPeinceton for year to listen to John Von Neumann design the number 1 journalism-for-humans quiz, Architecture of Intelligence (AI): it was agreed the most valuable scoop earthlings may e-vision = what goods can humans unite wherever celebrating early access to 100 times more tech per decade? - eg a billion times more 2015=1955

or back from future of 80 years of 2025report: join bard-solar express route 1843 to 2023-4-5: 1843 EconomistDiary.com under 30 queen victoria accepts Economist founder James Wilson help to start mapping commonwealth trading maps replacing britannia ruling all of asia waves round global market of englishmen's tea ; in 1859 victoria charters bank for Wilson to go design financial service for quarter of humans on india's subcontinent; after year 1 celebrations by most of the peopels, james dies of diarhea; it takes 112 years before former shell oil ceo educational intelligence empowers womens lesson plans round oral rehydration, 10 community business of goal 2 2 food, goal 3 health and 90% of the peoples trust in a regional bank for female generations to build nation

SDG 5  4  3   2  1  0 welcome to Asia and the top 5 sdgoals 50 years search scaling the most exciting collaborations women-led communities empower
ED soon after 2010 death of Von Neumann's first journalist of Architect Intelligence The Japan Ambassador to bangladesh hosted 2 brainstorming sessions- since 2001 Steve Jobs and Fazle Abed had united their support of net generations futures : would a moon of the top 30 cooperations visioned by 1billiongirls help bridge human intel until Steve Jobs gift of a university in phone (iphone 2007) might renew interest in man made engines blending human intelligence ... EconomistLearning.com from 2009 stanford's fei-fei li began the new entrereneurial revolution of pretraining computer visiosn (in about 10 different ways from science games deepmind, to 1000language games LLM , to object recognition of autonomous cars are ever needed, to nlp to literature veviews in real time of very covid publication to 2019 stanford hai inviting every human discipline grads spend time on to HAI ,,,,as pretraining of humans rose to 2015 hopes were that high that it was time to declare 17 cooperation dev goals and roadmapping of UN2 comprised of dynamic subystems of above zero-sum human networking. Bangladesh as deepest place branding of SDG5 celebrates being 52 years young in 2023 the 265th year of smithian moral sentiments at Abed's Alma mater Glasgow Universiity. Supporting hi-tech hi-trust Asian place winners include: singapore 2023; hong kong (22.1 Place winners 22.22022 ... Thailand2021 ..) . Abed was not just a world class civil engineer; he dedicated half a century until his death in December 2019 as servant leader. Aligned by HG Wells bon mots: civilisation is a race between education and catastrophe, Abed Bhai preferred to be seen as host of microeducationsummit not financiers summits: his gravitation purpose of 30 women empowered cooperations that of united refugees, villagers and civil societies in ENDING POVERTY. Fortunately for the worlds poorest new nation Bangaldesh 1971- Abed had networks like no other community leader. HIs friends' coop roadmapping reached out to intel vitalised by at least a billion village mothers in tropical inland asia where, a third of infants were dying of diarrhea before Abed's person to person networking became the best news ever chatted. Fro mid 1950s studies in Glasgow he spent nearly 13 years growing to be Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company's regional CEO. So his lifetime searches uniquely capitalised on what UK and Dutch Royal Societies (soon Japan Royals too) knew how to help end the poverty their colonial era had up to 1945 trapped the majority of humans world trade in. Simply put most Asian coastal belts link national borders defined by what these < a href="http://www.kc3.dev">3 kingdoms designed in to trading barriers over nearly half millennium. And which had made the English language that of world class engineering (digital age as well as pre-digital) So by 1970s these nations royal societies (including londons arts green-geographical, medicinie, science, architects ...) were happy that a grounded movement could link them into what they didnt fully know culturally or consciously. From 1970 on Abed linked in global village mapping like no one else - through these relationships and by designing business microfrachises not charity wherever possible for village women to own. To study with abed alumni is to join in the world's most cooperative empowering women movements for good as well as of childrens development.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

chrismacrae.com about Macrae's

 Both sides of my family tree comprise diaspora scots. My mother grew up in Bombay while her dad sir kenneth kemp mediated dialogues with Mahatma Gandhi dircted towards independence of the quarter of the people of the indian subcontient. 

My dad Norman Macrae was home schooled in Britieh Emabassdy's including Stalin's Moscow to age of 13. His father had been doing graduate studies in heidelberg when world war 1 broke out. Speaking German he became a british envoy of intel especially the wrongs of Hitler and Stalin. Dad went on to spend his last days as a teenager in allied bomber command Burma campaign.  You could say this gave him google maps of pacific and indian coasts and much of the old world a geeration ahead of other historians or futurists let alone professional systems designers

Surviving world war 2 he enjoyed 3 extrardinary mentors- last class of keynes cambridge (see eg last chapter of general theory of employment, money & interest), sir geoffery crowther who had just finished editing the centeeary biography of The Economist and Von Neumann. Dad met von neumann in Princeton while seconded to New York for a year by The Economist. Von Neumann asked dad to mentor Economist journalists in the most balauble question evcer asked - what Good will peoples do with 100 times more tech every decade 1930s to 2020s. (In those days before the emwpoerment by neumann analytic tools, economists slide rulers could not manipulate many numbers- so probably most economists were for good philosophers. Would economist be chnaged for better or for wirse?

This later question might be quite consequential for species sustainability. If the exponeneial growth of applying Glasgow's engines had been a root cause of world war 2 between the 8 financially biggest empires of 1939 it seemed important to design systems by 2020s so that 8 billion beings were freed from wars and the basic constraints of life that history has so far led many children to be born into. It wasnt until age 39 that The Economist let dad ssign one annual survey. So in the 1950s his reporting as only journalist at Messina bort of EU was anonymous. Dad chose to make his first 10 surveys from 1962 focues on peoples whose freedom he sought: Japan Russsia, latin America ... South Africa. There was huge joy that Japan 1962 had discovered rising models relevant for all of Asia and seconded by JF Kennedy. Immediate opportunities for freeing other peoples were not so clear , still norman made checklists of what needs to happen and how the rest of the world's people need to seize future windows of opportunity so that tech for good means sooner retahrer than later every next birl of boy born enjoys a quality chance at life. Erath has abundant diversity. There's quite enough natural assets for every child to thrive if we unite peopels in positive emotional inteligence instead of hate that media histiries and tech leaps have previously been prone to. 

Actually I was born in 1951 and soon after my bitrth my parnets left for new york. My gayhgetr was born in 1997 the year the clintons started an annual millennials cheering event called microcreditsummit. I was interested to finnd out what the connections were between von neumanns work, my dad's work and that of women empowered networking which has been the greatest human development miracle since 1970 across tropical asia particularly bangladesh and tropical china. In 2007 my data had started to die of cancer but picked up an advance copy of dr yunus social business book. We sampled 2000 copies to students and 10000 youtube style dvd interviews of yunus leadership team. Dad hosted his ast public birthday party at The Royal Automobile club - a last chance for journalists and youth to work out how women empowerment fitted into the goods of von neumann alumni searches.

What I discovered was somewhat sad. Yunus had got too close to the inspirational story telling that buoys up the us democratic party. It had iondeed helped him win the nobel prize. But it had angered bangladesh prime minister whose father founded the nation. She made sure yunus forfeited his bank - there was a government rule than bank directors had to retit=re at 65. Meanwhile you might hope university professors or at least public broadcasters like the bbc had got the right end of the curriculum of how a billion village mothers networked to end the extreme poverty that had arisen from no access to electricity grids but which from late 1990s became a game of leapfrog partnering with solar and mobiles. not onw western university, and certainly none of 100 i interviewed (as part of sponsoring yunus) offered the real knowhow the greatest good in population terms ever generated. If you have any doubt look at the top 30 cooperation platforms. which we have filed details on after 16 visits to Bangladesh and studying how 12 years before Grameen Bank'soeiudnance a former shell oil ceo sir fazle abed had started devoting 50 yerar to empowering women to build last mile health microfranchises, local agriculture to end starvation, sch0ols and much more.

Of course now we are hurling into post covid 2020s. Do you think knowing the reality of asian women empowerment helps the reality of how to help Antonio Guterres lead digital roadmapping Un2.0 .Its flabbergasting that in the 70+ years of trying to mediate what to do with 100 times more tec/decade the UN has become the first major western gov institution advancing this good. Perhaps every gov can learn from UN2.0 if we the peoples all help guterres now and web3 freedoms never yet webbed nor mediated

more on what macrae networks linkin