ED: May The Games of Architect Intelligence (AI) be with you & Mother Earth's 8 billion beings & 1BnG & HAI .. breaking sept 2023 one of my fav 5 hours spent at university!!
.chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk RIGHT OLD MESS
EE: Back in dad's teenage diary as navigator Allied Bomber Command Burma, a day headed ROM meant a friend's flight went missing. In 2023 ROM is politest term we can use for failure to help youth celebrate 73 years of research with von neumann on only good tech can save our species, and 36 years of world class brands architecture research round biggest decison makers started 1988 when dad restored from The Economist: on how bad media can destroy millennials futures. From the last articles we influenced in The Economist Trust has been the exponentially missing metric. Thanks to a chat with Von Neumann's daughter (who's advances for humanity would her dad have trusted most 2025-1950? EconomistDiary.com is launching a game Architect of Intelligence. Dare you play the most urgent cooperation game in sustainability goals hi-tech-trust-touch world?
ED dedication : To Architects Fazle Abed & Steve Jobs -who convened silicon valley's 65 birthday to Abed in 2001 giving 7 years of design foresight to why mobile digital network not seen in his 1984 launch of PC networking
INDUSTRIAL REV 260th GAMES-cards of sdg-gen
Uni2 :FFL*JOBS*DHgoog
welcome to AIsdgs.com where media designers help take down fake media wherever its wasting 8 billion peoples time

you may want to join economist dairy in 1951 when The Economist sub-ed  NM was seconded to NYPeinceton for year to listen to John Von Neumann design the number 1 journalism-for-humans quiz, Architecture of Intelligence (AI): it was agreed the most valuable scoop earthlings may e-vision = what goods can humans unite wherever celebrating early access to 100 times more tech per decade? - eg a billion times more 2015=1955

or back from future of 80 years of 2025report: join bard-solar express route 1843 to 2023-4-5: 1843 EconomistDiary.com under 30 queen victoria accepts Economist founder James Wilson help to start mapping commonwealth trading maps replacing britannia ruling all of asia waves round global market of englishmen's tea ; in 1859 victoria charters bank for Wilson to go design financial service for quarter of humans on india's subcontinent; after year 1 celebrations by most of the peopels, james dies of diarhea; it takes 112 years before former shell oil ceo educational intelligence empowers womens lesson plans round oral rehydration, 10 community business of goal 2 2 food, goal 3 health and 90% of the peoples trust in a regional bank for female generations to build nation

SDG 5  4  3   2  1  0 welcome to Asia and the top 5 sdgoals 50 years search scaling the most exciting collaborations women-led communities empower
ED soon after 2010 death of Von Neumann's first journalist of Architect Intelligence The Japan Ambassador to bangladesh hosted 2 brainstorming sessions- since 2001 Steve Jobs and Fazle Abed had united their support of net generations futures : would a moon of the top 30 cooperations visioned by 1billiongirls help bridge human intel until Steve Jobs gift of a university in phone (iphone 2007) might renew interest in man made engines blending human intelligence ... EconomistLearning.com from 2009 stanford's fei-fei li began the new entrereneurial revolution of pretraining computer visiosn (in about 10 different ways from science games deepmind, to 1000language games LLM , to object recognition of autonomous cars are ever needed, to nlp to literature veviews in real time of very covid publication to 2019 stanford hai inviting every human discipline grads spend time on to HAI ,,,,as pretraining of humans rose to 2015 hopes were that high that it was time to declare 17 cooperation dev goals and roadmapping of UN2 comprised of dynamic subystems of above zero-sum human networking. Bangladesh as deepest place branding of SDG5 celebrates being 52 years young in 2023 the 265th year of smithian moral sentiments at Abed's Alma mater Glasgow Universiity. Supporting hi-tech hi-trust Asian place winners include: singapore 2023; hong kong (22.1 Place winners 22.22022 ... Thailand2021 ..) . Abed was not just a world class civil engineer; he dedicated half a century until his death in December 2019 as servant leader. Aligned by HG Wells bon mots: civilisation is a race between education and catastrophe, Abed Bhai preferred to be seen as host of microeducationsummit not financiers summits: his gravitation purpose of 30 women empowered cooperations that of united refugees, villagers and civil societies in ENDING POVERTY. Fortunately for the worlds poorest new nation Bangaldesh 1971- Abed had networks like no other community leader. HIs friends' coop roadmapping reached out to intel vitalised by at least a billion village mothers in tropical inland asia where, a third of infants were dying of diarrhea before Abed's person to person networking became the best news ever chatted. Fro mid 1950s studies in Glasgow he spent nearly 13 years growing to be Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company's regional CEO. So his lifetime searches uniquely capitalised on what UK and Dutch Royal Societies (soon Japan Royals too) knew how to help end the poverty their colonial era had up to 1945 trapped the majority of humans world trade in. Simply put most Asian coastal belts link national borders defined by what these < a href="http://www.kc3.dev">3 kingdoms designed in to trading barriers over nearly half millennium. And which had made the English language that of world class engineering (digital age as well as pre-digital) So by 1970s these nations royal societies (including londons arts green-geographical, medicinie, science, architects ...) were happy that a grounded movement could link them into what they didnt fully know culturally or consciously. From 1970 on Abed linked in global village mapping like no one else - through these relationships and by designing business microfrachises not charity wherever possible for village women to own. To study with abed alumni is to join in the world's most cooperative empowering women movements for good as well as of childrens development.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

 260 Years of First & Last Chances of Man and Machine

When Sir Fazle Abed died on 20 December 2019, the 260th year of Glasgow moral exploration of humans and machines was coming to an end. In the view of Adam Smith Scholars, few if any engineers have made more human sustainable application of machines than Sir Fazle Abed and the billion village women he helped empower from 1970 in their families and communities race to end poverty. That over a billion Asian villagers have ended extreme poverty is the greatest economic miracle at least the way Smithians value the purpose of economics. The uniqueness of the miracle is that for 25 years valiage mothers had no access to machines so they developed the most trusted person to person community networking round life saving skills. Once tech partners started linking in, the vilage mothers were ready to make giant leaps for nature and chld development.

Economistpoor.com associates were privileged to visit Bangladesh 15 times since December 2007 mainly to listen to Fazle Abed. Perhaps uniquely we celebrated the opportunity created by the Japan Ambassadir to Bangladesh to join in 2 brainstorms chaired by Sir Fazle at a time when a kot of civil society was in flux. Sheika Hasina had just forfeited Grameen Bank from Dr Yunus. Abed's response was to double up on future projects that young women could look forward to provided the most sustainable partners were found. For example, he used one of the brainstorms to start inviting Asian Ambassadors to unite 100 universities' graduates in SDG collaboration projects. Since starting Brac University in 2001 he had demonstrated how university blended with digital and community collaboration offered a partnership platform unlike any ever seen before. 

He had shared research of how to expand ultra poverty graduation scaled in Bangladesh to what has become 50 countries and rising at the time of his death. Thats quite a lot of shared work for young economists to linkin everywhere through the UN's SDG decade. And the idea of connecting universities was in the Abedian mind a loving world with deep and diverse opportunity to innovate wherever sustainability challenges mattered.

We invite you to join in draft an updatable book on the most exciting collaborations global village world has ever seen, and the 2020s race to app these at every GPS on planet earth.

Abed's final gift returned to his core belief on education - create a space where children experience love and safety to an early childhood format. All over the world knowledgeable communities and parents are simultaneously recognising early childhood play as a missing opportunity; the "luminaries partnerships" Abed has formed around this education revolution are proof that parents and communities everywhere demand no delays in celebrating this development start for children the world over.

About 50 young journalists, mainly Asian for joyful cultural translations , have helped us search out how Abed's collaborations evolved  over half a century ago from what was potentially his biggest mistake - building 15000 homes for 10000 people in a space so isolated that dozens of mothers were dying of starvation every week. Abed had put his life savings into these homes; Abed not only pivoted but energised servant leadership - entrepreneurail revolution n less -  in designing microfranchise business to end startvation and to empower village mothers to linkin their own village health service. Fortunately his 1960s connections from a decade rising as shell oil companys leading young Asian engineer and chartered accountant helped locate in southern and eastern hemispheres  had to discovered how to produce 10 times more village rice and why veggie microfranchises were also needed as basic rice doesn't have enough vitamins to prevent infants from stunting during their first 1000 days. The first health service networks BRA=Colaboration built were probably what saved Bangladesh (8th largest and very poorest population ever born as a new nation) from being a basket case and why Chinese village mothers wanted to share analogous solutions in their own journey towards women hold up half the sky. Indeed oral rehydration invented in Bangaldesh became the number 1 celebration of Unicef James Grant wherever he led nations uniting around child development . And James reciprocated by sponsoring brac to go nation wide. James asked Abed do you have another core idea for village health services? Abed said continental scaling of vaccination. So anyone who linkedin with brac womens knowledge got to see how to do that too- no worries if vaccination literacy became as vital as other literacies!

What's  amazing about Abed is he practised engineering in a way that revolutionised the morality of development economics and he demonstrated over and over that collaboration not competition is the most valuable dynamic, poorest families empower by community scaled entrepreneurship must race together to sustain. So we hope you will help us improve this book if places and people you love are facing any sustainability crises. 2020s children need us to connect the simplest, lovig and most urgent practices to skill up in. When as Abed's women experienced for 25 years no communications other than people you meet, girl do you need trust, collaboration, focus on what businesses you enetrepreneur locally.: and yes when suddenly new technology partners seek you as they did through fazle abed from 1996, girl do you want machines to make giant leaps for girlkind, down on earth, with nature as your resilient judge.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Thursday, October 28, 2021


by I Parry — Globally, fossil fuel subsidies were $5.9 trillion in 2020 or about 6.8 percent of GDP, and are expected to rise to 7.4 percent of GDP in ...

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Is it possible for media or universities to be designed to end poverty?

 Our Definition of Ending Poverty - a world designed so that each next girl or boy born has a good chance at life- in turn this means every community is designed to sustain this goal

History distributed life opportunities very unevenly geographically- even as President Kennedy declared the 1960s goal of racing to the moon - the majority of peoples lived in rural areas without access to electricity and with life expectancies over 20 years below 

Once you know that it should be no surprise that the entrepreneurship's number 1 university partnership of last mile health is closely related to partnering universities in ending poverty; ...

The main ways a billion village women in Asia ended poverty were through microfranchises :

replicating last mile rice production where knowledge linked ti alumni of borlaug increases village productivity several fold

designing last mile health services in bangladesh over 100000 village others made positive cashflow by doordashing 10 non prescription medical items; each mother had a route of 300 homes to visit weekly; over time she because the most trusted person for medical news such as when to get vaccinated

It wasnt until 1996 solar and mobile partners came to villages that village networking could be anything other than person to person; after that both internet and university could be designed to both connect partners COLLAB platforms and both microfranchise specifications and  deeper research - see these 36 collaborations which have turned brac into both the largest ngo partnership and the number 1 universities of 1 early childhood play, 2 last mile medicine, 3 ultra poor financials services...download one page guide 


partnership links 

U of Last Mile Health

U of Early Childhood

University of End Poverty

Women Univeristy of triangularising : end poverty, grow middle claas, go green


 Journal of New economics- G;asgow University- friends of Adam Smith Scholar

EconomistPoor.com   EconomistDiary.com


Between founding in 1843 to 1990 The London Economist overarching editorial purpose was mediating end of poverty.Its sub-editor Norman Macrae 1947-1988 was also biographer of John Von Neumann and advanced the logic of The Economist December 1976 that designing every community as a thriving place to ne born into would need bottom-up transformation in which biggest corporates and governments were likely to pose the greatest compound risks to the 21st C celebrating the first sustainability generation

Thursday, October 14, 2021

why are partners in university of early childhood p;ayschools huge jobs opportunity of sustainability generation

 formats for eg kids 3 to 6 year olds show wide variations in outcomes but the good ones are fairly easy to benchmark now that abed university has 15 yera learning curve

hgoal 1 create a space in which kids and teacher love each other- have safe space; enjoy peer to peer events like circular sing songs
make sure teacher is respected by whole community 

make sure tehre is a fullstructural program - playbooks which are understood for their learning content (eg montessori is about 90 yeras int this)

thetre are also some special and some magic additions

specials if some or all kids are under huge stress (eg refugees) then there is now a lot of transferable knowhow on why this is the urgent stage to inetrvene and help reset child's school expereince

magic we now know that if for example children are still having readinfg difficulty - there is a 30 hour intervention (90 days of 20 minute ie abou one term to resolve this )- no child should leave at age 6 illiterate; this also means chhildren start with much more equality (good for everyone) at primary school

-there are huge adcanatge to community parents teachers as well as kids if best way of playschool is applied

poart 2 over last 14 yera we have received mire and more reports all of the world that half of kids are not going to find jobs unless they havenew abilities - eg enetrepreneurial and financial literacy wjasts jhappened is that classrook schools are gerareed t age of big employers that icreasingly doesnt exist; class room schools are not geared to amximsing apprenticeshops or community engagement even though these are where 21st c jobs are increasigly found

most skils now need esxpereintial practice- while we know a mistcian needs her own eperientual learning, its just as true of any use of technology or any perfor,ace in a service economy

by focusing the whole world on the emnw opportunity of early childhood we can resent relationships between school systems communite9s etachers kids and make sure that where needed all ages of schooling are redesigned

if you look at educational chpaters in 1984's 2025 report you will see much more exploration on why rechnology required chnage to schools; eleders have left it late not continuous belnding real and digital until covid came along- nows the time to make sure we seriously help everyone redesign including making sure teachers have time to relearn

if you look at antonio gutteres proposal to hold youth futuers summit in 2023 - the advantage will go to places that take the urgent opportunity to join in designing co-creative schooling processes which are simly at teh heart of playschool

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

 is anyone's knowhow more important to sustainability generation than the late great fazle abed? download this 1 page document to tour 36 collaboration networks he and a billion poorest women developed over half a century- use our 36 index system to linkin who's working on solutions he would celebrate

download one page guide

from economistafrica.com check out this jack ma 2021 champions connecting with abed alumni subnetworks

smart climate village collabs 5.5

james grant world class public health colleges for poorest 4.6

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

chapter synopsis 3 health

 Chapter 3 Core to nation building of Bangladesh's fisrt 50 years was raising life expectancy from 25 below to close to world norms through maximising last mile health service capacity with collaboration focus on affordable life-shaping solutions for infants and mothers

 While the new nation of Bangladesh wasnot known for world class inventions in 1971, it did have one medical solution that would rock the world of pediatrics. In poor tropical (humid) nations up to a third of infants die of diarrhea. If a mother knows (Oral Hydration) how to mix boiled water, sugar and salt in correct proportions she can save her infants life. While this invention was discovered in the East Pakisan cholera lab, nobody had found a way to market a potentially zero-cost cure. The networking of this across the whole rural nation of Bangladesh and over to China was to be what the first 3 head office employees of brac found partners to action network principally Unicef’s James Grant who was overjoyed both to fund brac’s nationwide oral rehydration educational campaign to every village mother and make his own life’s work that of storytelling OR to every developing nation leader.

During brac’s first 14 years Abed's focus was designing business microfranchises; accepting a huge grant like UNICEF’s was the exception. The opportunity from brac wining the un year of the child competition and it was what extended brac’s rural womens networking from the 100000 person metavillage (see chapter 5) to practically the whole rural nation. Almost as miraculous as Oral Rehydration is the first health service microfranchise Abed designed – a sort of doordash of 12 non prescription medicines franchised as a weekly visit to 300 homes per village mother making a living as a para-health servant. This also led to these mothers (which grew into 80000 village businees-women) being the most trusted guide to all sorts of health happenings.  Read on - chapter 3 coming soon

Monday, August 30, 2021

synopsis chapter 1 financial services to end poverty

  Chapter 1 Ending poverty with financial services

Synopsis – over 50 years Abed designed financial services to connect all of the nation’s value chain of banking so that the very smallest business owner was included in affordable loans and good savings provided she worked hard and met her community’s life shaping needs. In 1971, when Bangladesh began as a new nation, 90% of people were rural. – most rural men were unbanked; in the case of rural women almost zero enjoyed financial services. From village banking for microfranchisees to city banking for SMEs and first generation citizens from rural to international remittances half a century has seen human development around a lot of financial service segmentation- Thanks to Abed those families starting with the least were never forgotten. Remarkably bkash.com the world’s largest cashless banking system in terms of user population was one of the most recent consequences of partnering those who agreed with Abed’s purpose of banking as intergenerational in exponential impact and thus core to collaboratively celebrating sustainability goals

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Chapter 4 EDUCATION Synopsis


Chapter 4 Education designed to value's the (girl/boy) child's life, love of self, collaborative teamwork, communal dignity of everyone as an action learner and livelihood co-creator

Most of 21st Century brac’s hundred thousand people are skills trainers distributed across rural Bangladesh who value Paulo Freire culture of service learning -indeed St Francis’ quest that female followers practice community health servants and male followers celebrate being nature’s deepest connectors; of course, here are a few engineers too; but I can’t remember having met a bureaucrat in the organization that Abed facilitated. Nowhere is data deeper than when you ensure you are always searching out what the poorest need to be included in the future   

Frankly speaking the foundation of brac around skills trainers started from Abed’s biggest mistake. As one of Asia’s leading young engineers, in 1972 he used his life savings to build 15000 homes for 100000 people whose region had been flattened by the war of independence. Bangladesh is a crowded nation but in other ways Abed’s metavillage 5.1 was one of the most disconnected space in the tropics. No electricity, no engines of any kind.  No sooner than this was built than Abed found dozens of women were dying each week of starvation; scores on infants were dying from dehydration. The desperate “educational” need was to develop business micro franchises in food production and last mile health services- and to train village mothers to operate these with positive cash flows however small but compounding positively

Thus 4.1 WOMENS LIVELIHOOD TRAINING – Through microfranchise design 1.1 and training village mothers’ productive community building to end poverty and actioning sustainability goals started what has become civil society’s most collaborative and largest 21st C partnership network

Bangladesh was born 8th largest and poorest nation 90% rural ie villagers without access to electricity. So women empowered action learning networks were all person to person. About 15 years into Bangladesh’s development village mothers could afford to demand village schooling for their children.

4.2 PRIMARY Brac built the largest non-government primary school system – over 40000 one room schools in little more than a decade.  Village mothers operated these schools using brac’s own learning materials. Above all Abed designed in a loving environment for kids t experience but at age 11 moist outperformed city schools run by the government. Designing many children’s  only 6 years of learning made it important to add in “missing curricula”: financial literacy is paractised at 2nd grade onwards; because brac village mothers deliver most of the last mile health services, health and safety practices are bult into the culture of being a brac student.

4.3 PARTNERS IN SECONDARY – GIRLS JOBS APPRENTICESHIPS PLUS. For various reasons including millennium goals focus on primary schools, Abed could not assemble funds fordesigning secondary schools. Instead he built mainly girls apprentice clubs to partner libaries as well as secondary school scholarships. Brac’s community culture maximised livelihood support for children/families that it linkedin

4.4 UNIVERSITY. 1996: In the second quarter of a century of Brac and Abed’s work tech partners in the form of solar, mobile started to come to the villages. Abed started up brac university. Everything brac and village women empowered networks could be updated there, and much more including the request probably first made by Mrs Stave Jobs that Abed work out which of Bangladesh women’s solutions could be extended to other countries. So, while the university aimed to be sustainability’s best national university, abed wanted to design solutions that graduates of collaborative sdg universities could apply the world over.

4.5 ECP. Early Childhood Playschools were a gap in education all over the world. So, brac university offered Asia’s first masters in ECP. Giving children the earliest experience of a loving space to developm has special advantages in places brac works from the poorest villages to refugee situations. Partners in Early Childhood Playschools can bring world class psychological inputs; and indeed, clarify why brain science supports action learning as the most effective method in so many skills from arts to computer coding to microentrepreneurship.

4.6 Luminaries of Education, Collaboration and Urgent Sustainability Generation. Anything humanity doesn’t yet know how to do- including living sustainably with nature- can only be massively solvable by Education. Before he died, Abed passed on the idea if education luminaries to Hong Kong and tech billionaire Charles Yidan and his newly emerging 4-hemispher education foundation: Yidan Prize & Yidan Luminaries. Luminaries connect practitioners if education with practitioners of anything that can be a solution youth need to be the first SD Generation. each year as well as celebrating new prize winners, luminaries are connecting 4-hemisphere stages for celebrating advances of 360 degree education – today and discipline including tech wizards can positively interact with bringing up the younger half of the world as first SDG generation. For example, Yidan’s director of partnerships is also entrepreneur in residence at Stanford. From Bangladesh to Hong Kong to Stanford to Cambridges (Boston and England) to Oxford to Wuhan let girls and boys joy of co-creating shine.

Chapter 5 - Designing Sustainability's 6 Decades of Collaboration Platforms Sustaining Women Empowered Community

related synopses chapter 1 finance ; chapter 2 feed ; chapter 3 health;  chapter 4 educate 

Chapter 5 Designing meta-partnerships for community’s most exciting collaborations in sustainability

Synopsis Goal 5 Partner collaborations with Abed’s Billion Community ABC: NEWS – New Economics Womens Sustainability

If you were privileged to be a fly on the wall in any of the 50 years that Asia’s leading young oil company engineer (Fazle Abed) turned to suppirting village women end extreme poverty (starting 1970- cyclone kills million people around Fazle Abed ; 20th dec 2019 Abed’s last day on earth) you would have heard future debates on who in the world would join us in not just relieving this urgent crisis but empowering women to develop sustainable futures for their next generation

Over the half century, we identify these as 6 most exciting compasses (each multiplying development possibilities) which Abed as Moral Engineer invited partners to co-create -The Economist's 1970s  entrepreneurial revolution quest in Abed's case so that a billion poorest women agented the end of poverty (apart from preventing extinction of all of us - the greatest miracle any economist will ever get a window into)

5.1 100000 personmetavillage – as far away from the first 210 years of humans and machines as you could find on earth in 1972. (Building 15000 homes with his life’s savings was in one sense Abed’s biggest mistake-- no sooner than this community was built than he found dozens of village mothers dying of famine in the village pathways each week – why hadn’t he focused first on the action learning challenge of designing village mothers’ micro franchises of food security and last mile health services – each day he failed to attract sustainable investment partners was a death trap for a few more village mothers)

5.2 Billion Girls Collabnetworking Fortunately the same sense of urgency was going on in tropical village China when women were also being told they were now responsible for equaling male productivity. The most exciting micro franchise swaps started – Chinese mothers wanted to learn oral rehydration, the Chinese had the rice seed most closely adapted to Bangladesh’s most unusual seasons/ecologies. Every entrepreneurial compass to end poverty was worth experimentally swapping apart from financing which for obvious reasons had different sources – compass 2 agricultural food security, compass 3 last mile health, compass 4 skills education, compass 5 100% women inclusion in village productivity. Extraordinarily 25 years before the UN declared sustainability development goals a billion Asian women knew what their life’s work needed to be adapted round!

5.3 Brac Internet -giant leap for rural girl-kind– 1996 saw bracnet brought by Japanese and Silicon Valley partners

5.4 Brac & Asia's 100 SDG University Partnership -What a double leap for mother earth – 2001 Abed partners start Asian's new university movement –aimed at attracting the world of researchers and data mapping most linked to the bottom 2 billion women and mens development. In launching a University in Dhaka in 2001 , Brac was also seeking collaborations wherever universities wanted their new graduates to scale up local worldwide solutions (see eg early childhood schools or ultra poverty graduation) that 50 million or more people urgently needed to get back onto sustainability orbits. The 21st C had commenced with Abed feeling a double sense pressure – he could see new tech accelerating impacts in Bangladesh that put brac in a business race to complete nationwide value chains but Mrs Steve Jobs had also asked him at a millennial goals party: why don’t you serve/share your goal's solutions with the rest of women's world? Sustainability world's most collaborative universities was to be the way to keep this intergenerational and inter-hemisphere commitment practical.  

5.5 Climate smart-adaptability village networks- we talk a lot about sustainability smart city exchanges and heck do we need deep trust in mediating that – but don’t forget village women worlds also needs to travel through the last decade when preventing extinction is possible

5.6 zoom my last chances up scotty- perhaps there is poetic climate justice that the 260th year of what the heck did Glasgow start up around machines became a blended mediation where at least as much was being innovated in borderless zooms as the leaders thrones physically situated in Glasgow – the greatest human interest story continues at ecop26.com and where are you linking in from

Friday, August 27, 2021

chapter 2 agriculture to end famine and to raise future hope -synopsis


- Chapter 2 Ending famine with village agriculture and 100% employment of women geared to community building and celebrating nation's market/entrepreneurial advantages

Through the third quarter of the 20th century, famine was the biggest killer of Bangladeshi and Chinese people. 

Fortunately solutions to ending famine in Asia had been demonstrated during the extraordinary peacemaking umbrella Americans had provided to the three far north eastern islands and peninsulars after world war 2.

KNOWHOW NETWORK SAVING THIRD OF WORLD LIVES- BORLAUGS GREEN REVOLUTION. By 1960, Alumni of Borlaug had shown that Japanese, South Korean and Taiwanese people could produce up to ten times more rice locally than had been historically understood. The 1960s was decade that Abed had become a rising Asian star at the Anglo-Dutch Shell Oil company, So Abed could easily find out where this green revolution was advancing across Asia. 

Whilst many of the innovations Abed designed into village businesses took extraordinary entrepreneurial creativity, the first business microfranchises he designed for village mothers (in the 100000 person metavillage he had built in 1972 -(see chapter 5) tapped into thie obvious urgent need for local food security actionable by choosing relevant local adaptation.

 Bangladesh’s tropical part of the Asan continent is not an exact enough match for rice productivity with the far  (north) eastern places that had already succeeded with Borlaug-type seed customisation. The nearest successful adaptation had been made by tropical Chinese villagers. They were only too happy to swap their knowhow on how to end starvation with Bangladesh’s knowhow on oral rehydration (see chapter 3). 

It's fascinating to see Abed’s sequential rollout of women-villager led markets – from rice to veggies for vitamins infants need not to stunt, to his first wife’s passion (Aravind) for village crafts including agriculture of silk cultivation targeted at gaining revenues from rich citizens, to what has become 14 value chains that 21st C brac enterprise lead nationally so village mothers are included in sustainable entrepreneurship. Of course other least developed nations may gain from a different profile of which agricultural markets to integrate around rural communities – but question – do you know of any other developing nations that has generated over half a century  such purposefully matched agricultural development by and for rural families? Why or why not?

Footnote in 2020s Bangladesh has 3 main ways of earning foreign currency:




All three Bangladesh trades exist today because of empowering rural women to hold up half the sky. If economics is a moral let alone an exponentially sustainable profession it should demand truth in understanding how miracles of extreme poverty happened. We can learn from how both Bangladesh and Chinese women were the secret sauce of the greatest human development in history. We shouldn't be surprised that female villagers were loving enough to thank their networking connectors for sharing what life critical bottom-up solutions worked. The sources of finance were completely different. The Asset bases of the nations incomparably different. The mechanisms that changed women's role from breeding to business entrepreneurship were different. But in these extinction-prevention 2020s fake studies of clues we have to human sustainability will compound crises at every national border. The older half of the world bares an extreme responsibility for stopping ideology traps from destroying the younger half of our species. This was one reason why Abed's favorite topic of conversation in the 12 years 50 friends and I were lucky enough to study brac's future history was the collaboration of 100 Asian universities 95.4) whose graduates transparent connectivity would be crucial to diversity mapping- we get one dccade where human and artificial intel comes together: lets make sure the bottom up foundations of that mimic nature not manmade power games. 

Saturday, July 31, 2021

AI20s.com AI log Xmas 2022 ED: Most urgent search since start of 2023- anyone want to gamify how millennials free to play AI Games - urgent match with eg King Charles AI World Series since Nov 2023 and whether Soft landing in Paris can unite youth superstars of both celebrity and intel worlds; on plan z 6 months osaka expo in 2025 may be most important space for aiverygood gamesters as we breathe 2025's rare air - first imagined back in 1983 by our club of 2025report

EL: AI March Madness 2024: on hypothesis that Taiwan American Lisa & Jen-Zen are liberating humanity's greatest experiments with 150 million + transistor brain-engines: if there is a particular overlap of intel you see pls phone any east coast time +1 240 316 8157 Though resident in DC , NY and Valley on West Coast seem to me where good intel needs to AI remap millennials worlds. Just a Diaspora Scor.s visions of www. I am most interested in intergenerational exponential maths audits not short-term. I spent about 15 years 1990-2005 finding out this was opposite to purpose of PWG and other Big5 I worked with and sadly opposite to how EU has mapped intel. So I am often not popular but also able to give a different insight on any big decision project that has got stuck. I was first from 1988 to  publish how to value brand architecture partnerships and whether their unique purpose sustainable Chris www.economistdiary.com

Over my 50 years of working life i realise i have published far too much on my concerns with bad media and too little on good intelligence

i now vision that intelligence as the only chance us humans have of designing win-win trade for all 8 billion peoples. I'd like to change definition of education - how lifelong students and teachers improve each others intelligences as one and same system of communities spending humans time and data 

for my latest monthly updates on intelligence pls mail me chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk or text +1 240 316 8157

for media publications see EconomistDiary.com  last edition of 2025Report (now a 42 year old genre of imagineering what happens to gen3) or Usum or my books world class brands, brand chartering, co-author with Economist Norman Macrae the 2025 report genre; ; for journals see my guest editing triple issue journal of marketing managent 1999 on brand reality and the ever increasing need to combat fake media, or checkout another 50+ papers eg via academia.edu

Latest Chat with Gemini is also invitation to form linkedin Igroup Chips4all

postbag sept 2023 chrismacrae.com

EE:  UN sept2023 Hi and welcome to what 2 intelligences =you and I -  can see 1  2 - worlds toughest jobs 

-i am just from diaspora scot family tree and a mathematician :MA stats DAMTP Cambridge 1973. Corpus Christi with a focus on can we turn poor media and schools good; somewhere 100 times multipliers every decade of digital intelligence blended with humans exponentially determine all our futures -whilst my dad became von neumann's biographer and Economist generation NET (Neumann Eistein Turing) future history correspondent since 1951- my abilities are minor accept that worldclassbrands and universityofstars and worldclassLLM associates and i can usually go through data a board or vice chancellor says it has and work out whether it can actually see its unique purpose/consequences and partnership choices -in 1989 i invented/published genre brand architecture to mediate this specific system mapping skill- over 20 years ago i worked during most of 1990s at price waterhouse coopers trying to design maths of an opposite hi-trust or goodwill audit to 90 day monetary extraction ; while we found the maths the profession did not accept a 2nd audit; I expect your typical big finance clients wouldn't want me though i know various shades of chartered accounting groups who meet in new york to look at whether eg ai will suddenly change transparency of every biggest decision maker - if so who will be left on the goodwill exponential side side; accidentally i also worked fir 3 of the 5 biggest western ad agencies - in 1999 i was asked to review top 50 interviews of people then at arthur andersen- my valuation model said they would be worthless unless they changed but the agency wanted to sell in a 50 million dollar redesign of global corporate logo so my work was snuffed!

every year since worldrecirdjobs.com 2008 normanmacraefoundation has launched a small but deep journalism /data project - this college year 23-24 we welcome everyone wanting to gamify goodAI - start at AIgames.solar or EE or Friends20.com or mail chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk if your web co-creates with sdg generation futures

i tend to roam from glasgow (adam smith schiolar/ethics journals of new economics and social business and affirdable community health maps and water angels risk foresight network) to washington dc though wherever  I can find space to share pro-youth visions i'd like to be near stanford or near UN or in any of heh asian cities that 60 trips since 1982 took me to starting with a decade unilever indonesia and other muslim womens markets for good

chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk +1 240 316 8157 AIGames

Diary home of NeumannEinsteinTuring's most valuable survey since 1951 ; what good will humans design and unite wherever enjoying first access to 100+times more tech every decade ?- eg trillion times moore silicon valley 2015-1955 

In gamification world, our simplest way of addressing this challenge is to imagine asking how brilliant exponential builders of one generation would rate today's or vice versa
 eg for 2023's quiz
 download this 4 page over-guide updates as 73rd celebration of dad first meeting von neumann princeton 1951...

our associates' number 1 maths passion is exponential trust-flow mapping  valuetrue.com, LLM play at www.bard.solar  and our training spaces include alumnisat.com and membership of NY led ED3dao and friend of NY"s most human media agency soundtracknewyork - we design exponential audits for those needing to intergenerationally sustain the most massively needed services amongst us 8 billion beings

hello i am Chris Macrae Dip Stats DAMTP Cambridge , a diaspora scot, septogenerian; i have mainly resided since 1997 in DC region where my daughter was born-I feel my best professional work has been done over 60 trips to asia where from my first journey in 1982, i was privileged to be involved in Harvard/Mit modeling of some of Unilever's largest ever national brand launches- starting with indonesia - allunilver projects apart from Japan were about needs of muslim mothers - lence my linked in handle unwomens and newsletter ed3envoyun.com 

 Miraculously south asian village mothers scaled aid2.0 and shared this with energy 0f 1billiongirls.com ;  it turned out were the deepest person to person networkers collaborating around life critical knowhow and desing microfranchise businesses for good -the generation from early teens up in 1972 ended extreme poverty of inland village families (taht mainly the English Empire had left out in designing the world around trading tea and which somehow the UN didn't really see until partners coordinated by Quadir family brought Bangla solar and mobile to late 1990s)  
across tropical asia where eg half of all infants used to die from 2 lack of access to 2 solutions - mass innoculation and oral rehydration) -both of these were  educational chalenges the wolutiosn wre very ow cost - oral rehydration depends on mixing boiled water sugar and salt in corectly recipe amounts) i have been on the net since 1994 when i published book on leading the most purposeful oragsaiytiosn or networks in the word; i have kept discussions going around same email chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk though many webs i volunteered co-editing eg eu knowledgeboard emotional intelligence were taken down very suddenly for reasons never explained to the volunteers (well i was told in 2004 that politicians gave us research on trust auditing because they fet their publics were not interested; they would revis this if 3 european enrins hapened in same year; by 2008 when subprime multipled even more damage than 3 enrons politivcal musical chairs hd forgotten their promise and si it was when web3/wifi was launcehd out of swizeralnd in 2009 digital media 2.0 was no more deeply human than digita 1.0 in its massive rush among 6 big western organsiations to suck up the most data (firtuantely there was another branch of humans designing Architecture of Intel
while i believe we face extinction if we dont connect UN goals now it has to be noted that in terms of poulation, locations of UN were chosen in very uneven geo-locations; thailand doesnt seem to me the most naural place to seve asia's two thirds of humanity in spite of its choice in 1947 (Bard SAYS) to host a United Nations (UN) office. The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)

  design maths exponentials answers to questions like how would the following rate each others work in celebrating next generation's advancement aligned to mother nature's valuation of life on earth

here is my 73rd year learning curve  featuring people I belive 8 billion beings need to valeutru first; I am always searching for whom I don't know - we welcome nominatiosn at worldreordjobs.com

2016 Antonio Guterres OR Jim Kim OR Fazle Abed OR Steve Jobs (3 of these people design frabcsucan serice in every co-worker - the foutrh hist fazle abed 65th birthday party in 2001 -setc=ve wanted his last gtreat invention to celebrate deepest human connections of digital tech in ways that steve jobs1.0 the pc hadn't quite done).

By the way if you wish to substitute Dr Yunus - see goirlsworldbank before you join our diary yunusmooc.com (it took me 16 trips to undersatnd both of these amale angels contributions to poorest asians developing nations- if you love storytellers start with yunus; if you are trying to understand replicable community solutions thats why I got so cheered up after my aftehrs death when japan ambassador to bangaldesh invited me to listen to fazle abed's 65th birthday party wished hoisted by steve jobs family - they both committed to connectnggraduate age studenst to build futures that elders with minds designed by expoentual lower trajectirues literally cant inagine designing cooperation around  exp videos 2008 2016 2020

The NET my afther Norman soent a yera 1951 seconded to NYPrinceton by The eEonomist to pretrain with Neumann and his friend Einstein Turing -what had they invenetd - which were the SWOT (especially expoential Opportunities/Threats) of their legacy - neumann boiled this dow to 4 cupport UN with all of its crises; celebrate the most human energy scientists; celebrate digital engineers linked to9 deepest needs of communities; design win-win maps of trade

Dad had spoent his lst dys as a teenager so Neumann's questions echoed with his understanding of adam smith and a condition of dad's employment at The Economist was he passd an iq test on the centenary biography if the purpose started 1943 by founder of The economist Janes Wilson and his 20something female supporter Queen Victoria -c ould emoire be transfomred into commonwealth

Its importamt to understand a handful of englisg words - artificial when applied to engines means man made - it was first coined in this sense in earky 19th century when brits who had designed engines to amplify physical power asked could engines be designed to amplify analytical power; by 1865 physical power included trasportaiin powere meaning cities would become expoenetialllly more populous than rural and lectricity had somehow becomin a bridge - it powred physical engines; it supported architeccts desin interconnectin cities; and it gave birth to the first worldwide communications scetir the telegraph; frm 1865 switezerland became the epicentre of mass coooperation/coms industries which turned out to be both good and bad (2 world wars); if this is where humans had got to in designing machines there was a very serious chalenge to mediat - which von neumann called the survey of what good will people unite when accessing at least 100 times more tech per decade; by 1965 that was 100*100 perdecade for the people epicented around the town spavniards had named st clare (patron of community health) and its link to stnfird (founded to calue all teh states chldren when the family's only sone had died in his teens of water born disease contacted on the family's visit to Rome); there was 100 times more analytical capacity of programable chips which had leapt firward according to god=rdon moore's law when a japanese calculatir manufacturer had given intel its largest ever order; alsomot the same time the tokyo olu=ympics demonattaed the power of satellites to briadcast though i have always been most interested in intel exhnages between every gps which staellites do at almost no cost once the infarstructure is invested in)


EconomistDiary.com 4 may 2023

upd may 2023 - US public submissions Gen AI

AI Submission By Diarists of John Von Neumann and The Economist since 1951
contact chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk Washington DC region +1 240 316 8157

When my father Norman met Von Neumann in 1951, during a year in NewYork-Princeton, a list of 4 intergenerational challenges were envisioned as most deeply determining humanity's future.

 It is true that both men had been lucky to survive world war 2 (dad served as a teenage navigator allied bomber command Burma) and this may have shaped their priorities. One of these had clearly been assigned to the UN and the innovation of multilateral system design. 

Three drivers that Von Neumann suggested needed to be constantly and transparently questioned as the legacy of his peer mathematicians were:
Above Zero Sum Trade Models -eg life critical knowhow can multiply value in application unlike consuming up things
Energy "which will make scientists both the most hated and wanted of experts"
By the 21st C even more exponential opportunity and threats will be mapped around intelligence connecting hardware, software and brain science.

(These priority goals can be verified with John's surviving daughter Marina if required)

Von Neumann suggested that Economist journalists blend that discipline with AI curiosity by adopting the leadership interview question: what good can peoples unite wherever they are first to access more than 100 times more tech per decade? The Economist editor Geoffrey Crowther agreed and so AI curiosity was integral to The Economist's evolution as early viewspaper of globalisation and changing livelihoods of future entrepreneurship www.normanmacrae.net

Given this 73 year viewpoint, we can hypothesise that AI  can now either help solve or destroy the capacity of mother earth to host our species at the 8-10 billion beings level

Double Loop Vision -pictured at timeless co-blog economistsocial.com


To clarify ways forward for GenAI, we suggest tracking how (Generative) AI spends peoples times in 3 main ways; and how it spend their money in 3 ways.

I have spent most of my professional life on the time spent loop which we construct around education, media and what data science mathematicians are assigned to maximise societal harmony -at a foundation level these are the markets that most determine SDGs 1-5. I have monitored this arena because in 1984 I supplied the likely digital innovation timelines to the book 2025 Report co-authored with father- reviewed here by The Economist's former science editor Viscount Matt Ridley Death of a great optimist - Matt Ridley

Unfortunately, as the West transformed from mass tv world through digital webs 1 and 2 - education was not priortised over very short term commercial media. We could say that Berners Less assumed web1 was educational but by late 1990s all the top webs searchable were commercial. Then entering web2 era a handful of commercial giants sucked up all data eg MAFAG Microsoft Apple Facebook Amazon Google as well as players in their spaces which they mainly took over. This is the opposite to the entrepreneurial revolution survey Economist Xmas 1976 dad published in his 25th year of applying Neumann's questions tp Economist reports.

FIRST PLEASE CELEBRATE EXCITING NON MEDIA VERSIONS OF GENERATIVE AI. eg Deep learning Alphafold has probably advanced biotech by a million human years of time by open sourcing the proteins database. 

Secondly. there are dozens of experiments going on at Stanford HAI. Adam Smith scholars might even say that those who change AI generatively around the moral sentiments exemplar of Fei-Fei Li have kept a different web2 open to that of the MAFAG. In any event, if the world is to unite in leaping forward from covid how media and tech are meta-designed in next few years leaves everything to play for.

My suggestion would be to make sure generative aiforgood catalogues are celebrated as almost a different exercise than the debate over what to do with eg chatgpt and bard. The world's biggest digital orgs have now being using chats on their own private data for a decade so bots are undeniably powerful. I would train 5th grade teachers immediately in uses teens up will need to make good. Fir example if a group like khan academy adds a plug in so that  students have their owns skills dashboard and digital personal assistant that will have returned education to supporting millennial livelihoods as described in our 1984 book. see also www.ed3dao.com

My provisional understanding is any plug-in to a tool like CGPT changes what you get. Currently CGPT cuts off at Fall 2021 making plug-in choice essential for anyine who is future-oriented. I am not technically qualified to know whether some plugins can be designed to stop particular misuses

At the end of the day,. maths is being applied both to for better and for worse worlds. Over-regulation would likely slow down the for good while the illegal will continue to multiply harm
Of course, as soon as you get to more specific contexts . recursive analysis of the role of public service and regulation should be energised as http://www.ai.gov appears to have started doing.

Overall I see controversy over chatgpt as a bit of a red herring. Its not the proven reason for good AI such as aforementioned leap into proteins. And rather than reinvent the wheel, the guard rails which Stanford Hai seems to be building look smart to me.

more info? chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk Wash DC NY Glasgow... 

Richard has 30+ years in Ops of major boston and wall street financial institutions and has startup issuing  new 

electronic identityforgood - inter alia john has 45 years connecting society and stakeholders of MIT, PBS and  new york's leading recording studio for good flatiron Soundtrack New York ; peter has over 40 years of chartered accountancy from PWC to Africa and beyond;; 

cheers  +1 240 316 8157   http://www.economistgames.com 
Possible topics for meeting

topic 1 - do we know how to contact top people responsible for refugees?

another topic2 floated by representatives of Guterres top team (preparation for 2024 unga being millennials global forum) from march 20 is: what if UN2 resolved its funding crisis by world agreeing 1/10000 tax on all financial transactions put at about 3000 trillion dollars annually -source chatgpt4

more details::

this would have been centenary year of my father   http://www.normanmacrae.net   who met von neumann 73 years ago and became The Economist's  neumann ai for good interviewer - i have tried in small ways mainly in Asia to understand and contribute to his work for last 48 years. This goes back to Xmas 1976 survey Entrepreneurial Revolution The Economist Xmas day 1976 year 25 of Neumann survey what goods can unite peoples with 100 times more tech per decade - s

sadly along with political macroeconomics all adjectival entrepreneur movements since then have diluted trust in  the main system transformation conflict mapping with coming globalisation, media and digitalisation my father was most concerned with

Guterres has arranged a new points person Guy Ryder previously geneva ILO for brainstorming out of this world views like this - I expect its John and Richard who have contacts in boston and amongst mathematicans and women empowerment designers who could come up with a few concepts to that what if - how does identity for good come into that . WE also have quite a lot of connections through hong kong and some in singapore if relevant. These places have different way of gamifying and designing the metaverse which might be connected to crypto for good

While there are a handful of NY people like Guy Ryder who are identifiable in guterres top team - I myself dont have the ability to get a meeting with them. However it could be timely because if Banga previously Indian leader of Mastercard is appointed to the world bank having something team guterres can discuss with Banga would be valuable
chatgpt4-   Yes, the total value of all financial transactions around the world in a year is much larger than the value of transactions that occur on stock exchanges. Financial transactions include not only equity trades but also other types of transactions such as bond trading, currency trading, and derivatives trading, among others. According to a report by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the total value of financial transactions worldwide in 2020 was estimated to be approximately $2,914 trillion USD, which is more than 28 times the value of transactions that occurred on global stock exchanges in the same year. It's worth noting that this figure includes both exchange-traded and over-the-counter (OTC) transactions.