ED: May The Games of Architect Intelligence (AI) be with you & Mother Earth's 8 billion beings & 1BnG & HAI .. breaking sept 2023 one of my fav 5 hours spent at university!!
.chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk RIGHT OLD MESS
EE: Back in dad's teenage diary as navigator Allied Bomber Command Burma, a day headed ROM meant a friend's flight went missing. In 2023 ROM is politest term we can use for failure to help youth celebrate 73 years of research with von neumann on only good tech can save our species, and 36 years of world class brands architecture research round biggest decison makers started 1988 when dad restored from The Economist: on how bad media can destroy millennials futures. From the last articles we influenced in The Economist Trust has been the exponentially missing metric. Thanks to a chat with Von Neumann's daughter (who's advances for humanity would her dad have trusted most 2025-1950? EconomistDiary.com is launching a game Architect of Intelligence. Dare you play the most urgent cooperation game in sustainability goals hi-tech-trust-touch world?
ED dedication : To Architects Fazle Abed & Steve Jobs -who convened silicon valley's 65 birthday to Abed in 2001 giving 7 years of design foresight to why mobile digital network not seen in his 1984 launch of PC networking
INDUSTRIAL REV 260th GAMES-cards of sdg-gen
Uni2 :FFL*JOBS*DHgoog
welcome to AIsdgs.com where media designers help take down fake media wherever its wasting 8 billion peoples time

you may want to join economist dairy in 1951 when The Economist sub-ed  NM was seconded to NYPeinceton for year to listen to John Von Neumann design the number 1 journalism-for-humans quiz, Architecture of Intelligence (AI): it was agreed the most valuable scoop earthlings may e-vision = what goods can humans unite wherever celebrating early access to 100 times more tech per decade? - eg a billion times more 2015=1955

or back from future of 80 years of 2025report: join bard-solar express route 1843 to 2023-4-5: 1843 EconomistDiary.com under 30 queen victoria accepts Economist founder James Wilson help to start mapping commonwealth trading maps replacing britannia ruling all of asia waves round global market of englishmen's tea ; in 1859 victoria charters bank for Wilson to go design financial service for quarter of humans on india's subcontinent; after year 1 celebrations by most of the peopels, james dies of diarhea; it takes 112 years before former shell oil ceo educational intelligence empowers womens lesson plans round oral rehydration, 10 community business of goal 2 2 food, goal 3 health and 90% of the peoples trust in a regional bank for female generations to build nation

SDG 5  4  3   2  1  0 welcome to Asia and the top 5 sdgoals 50 years search scaling the most exciting collaborations women-led communities empower
ED soon after 2010 death of Von Neumann's first journalist of Architect Intelligence The Japan Ambassador to bangladesh hosted 2 brainstorming sessions- since 2001 Steve Jobs and Fazle Abed had united their support of net generations futures : would a moon of the top 30 cooperations visioned by 1billiongirls help bridge human intel until Steve Jobs gift of a university in phone (iphone 2007) might renew interest in man made engines blending human intelligence ... EconomistLearning.com from 2009 stanford's fei-fei li began the new entrereneurial revolution of pretraining computer visiosn (in about 10 different ways from science games deepmind, to 1000language games LLM , to object recognition of autonomous cars are ever needed, to nlp to literature veviews in real time of very covid publication to 2019 stanford hai inviting every human discipline grads spend time on to HAI ,,,,as pretraining of humans rose to 2015 hopes were that high that it was time to declare 17 cooperation dev goals and roadmapping of UN2 comprised of dynamic subystems of above zero-sum human networking. Bangladesh as deepest place branding of SDG5 celebrates being 52 years young in 2023 the 265th year of smithian moral sentiments at Abed's Alma mater Glasgow Universiity. Supporting hi-tech hi-trust Asian place winners include: singapore 2023; hong kong (22.1 Place winners 22.22022 ... Thailand2021 ..) . Abed was not just a world class civil engineer; he dedicated half a century until his death in December 2019 as servant leader. Aligned by HG Wells bon mots: civilisation is a race between education and catastrophe, Abed Bhai preferred to be seen as host of microeducationsummit not financiers summits: his gravitation purpose of 30 women empowered cooperations that of united refugees, villagers and civil societies in ENDING POVERTY. Fortunately for the worlds poorest new nation Bangaldesh 1971- Abed had networks like no other community leader. HIs friends' coop roadmapping reached out to intel vitalised by at least a billion village mothers in tropical inland asia where, a third of infants were dying of diarrhea before Abed's person to person networking became the best news ever chatted. Fro mid 1950s studies in Glasgow he spent nearly 13 years growing to be Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company's regional CEO. So his lifetime searches uniquely capitalised on what UK and Dutch Royal Societies (soon Japan Royals too) knew how to help end the poverty their colonial era had up to 1945 trapped the majority of humans world trade in. Simply put most Asian coastal belts link national borders defined by what these < a href="http://www.kc3.dev">3 kingdoms designed in to trading barriers over nearly half millennium. And which had made the English language that of world class engineering (digital age as well as pre-digital) So by 1970s these nations royal societies (including londons arts green-geographical, medicinie, science, architects ...) were happy that a grounded movement could link them into what they didnt fully know culturally or consciously. From 1970 on Abed linked in global village mapping like no one else - through these relationships and by designing business microfrachises not charity wherever possible for village women to own. To study with abed alumni is to join in the world's most cooperative empowering women movements for good as well as of childrens development.

Thursday, January 1, 1970


 and Microfin - Girls and Boys livelihood education and end poverty banking  networks would be much better served if 3 pre-digital systems were understood first

That of Sir Fazle Abed BRAC Bangladesh (see library below) which was gravitated since 1972 around how to sustain finance through 200000 different rural hubs directed by and for poorest vilage women - at poverty alleviation and rural families nation building -  by maximising local service capacity and life saving knowledge networking  out of villages (with no electricity and whose personal networks therefore valued peer to peer action learning)

That of Nobel Dr Muhammad Yunus which (Grameen licensed by national law 1983-2011) was primarily about what happens if a small team of young graduates (maximum 5) go and locate themselves in rural region and serve tihe financial and livelihood learning needs of 60 by 60 village mothers every week reinforcing a 16 decisions culture of female empwoerment

Other local financing for the poor - which when separated from livelihood learning (at all ages) turns out to be purposeless in terms of sustaining generations even if some finacial or political men make quick gains

Whether or not you agree with all of this this statement, this lkibrary is dedicated to studying what happened to those who  linkedin to sir fazle abed's systems of economic development - predigital, transitional and post-digital (eg partnership of jack ma and bkash.com )

further ref fazleabed.com  masterclass100.com 

how to play world record jobs creators game 1

what if the most important moores law is that from 1946 to 2030 social communications TECH doubles girls empowerment capacities every 7 years - whose innovation was most timely when all along the road to sustaining all 7.5 bilion beings liveleihood orbits by 2030

1946-1953 john von neumann 1 -without whom no programable computing ; von neumann was well aware of einstein's proofs that when man's science says there is nothing more to innovate the truth-seeking maths reply is model at a more micro level- engineers are aware you integrate bottom-up as are mapmakers..

gandhi without whom there would not have been half a century of innovation dialogues how to go beyond british colonial models across most of the old world including s africa and india

note of dating- normally we try to date person from life changing moment around which peson's future alumni networks linked in- some exceptions eg in gandhi's case the consequece "independence from being colonised" seems most valuable - also his life changing moment 1906 satyagraha s.africa wouldnt qualify as occurring in sustainability's defining 84 years although it makes a foundling link for eg mandela to shine 3 generations later- our maps are comppsed around the idea that TODAY is the most exciting/valuable time to be alive- mainly 3 geerations over 60, 30-60, under 30s (that's half the world in people but until recently less than 5% of financial development freedom) trusts in investing and learning from each other- all this will by 2030 put our species' orbit into or out of sustaining mother earth - sustainability as the most urgent maths mapmaking ever mediated  : revolves round local to global community collaboration-applications. In light of the above, we isabella@unacknowledgedgiant.com are most interested to hear from anyone passioate about mapping 13 regional views of oceans and continentswho have we not known about that your geerations most trusted?

1953-1960 deming -without whom engineers would not have been inspired to order magnitude more reliable quality both in old engineering eg bullet trains and new microelectronic engineering as well as world trading superports designed around containerisation (leading to a revolution of just-in-time logistics, supply webs around the world) and sustainable pots colonial models of east and western interaction

1960-1967 JFK without whom human race wouldnt have been inspired to believe no mission impossible once hunan and computing intelligence make most of each other

1967-1974 fazle abed without whom worlds poorest village women would not have built their own last mile health services or any of the other solutions of ultra sustainability goals requiring total botom-up transformation of development banking models that sir fazle and bangaldesh as 8th most populous nation (and poorest nations ogf 1970s) shared with joy, hope and courage worldwide

1967-1974 Jack Ma began his journey in parallel with sur fazle abed as one of the 3 greatest liveihood educators of all time  

1974-1981 murthy and nilekani lead founders of infosys the startup of digital india 

1981-1988 Xi Jinping emerges as youth servant leader of movement of ending poverty by interfacing rural and urban development -through which chinese youth will be asked to turn dreams into reality by celebrating the higher order purpose of chinese capitalism by evolving a new network of place leadership. His peers start to link in alumni organisation revolving around the transformation of tsinghua as world's number 1 public servant university and from 2008 connector of the suburb of beijing that becomes the sustainable world;s number 1 digital entrepreneyrs hub In this part of beijing, other outstanding univesties within walking diustance are peking university and renmin university. Together this locates the largest stdent population (and international exchange opportunities) in the world. NB Exponential imoacts between 1990 and 2010 of nationalpolicies such as one child mean that the majority of family trees become dependent on the samrt netowrking of their one 24-35 year old. IN surprising ways this liks in the social securty of the nation round women lift up half the sky- girl graduates increasingly take on their generations responsbiity for worldwide youth friendships including sister cities and grounding what applications tech wizards code.

 1981-2030 - who do you vite for in other time perionds to 2030 and if locally siomeon mattered miore please tell us who we can linkin



 1960-1967 Lee Kuan Yew started 50 years of place branding singapore- one of human development's 5 most joyful cases in 20th C and pivotal now

1960-1967 1964 Tokyo Olympics" Prince CharlesBritain's  Oriental trade envoy without portfolio -more

1960-1967 Larry Brilliant tour with Wavy Gravy visits Mahirishi- starts his life of ending last case of smallpox,#Br2 #BR6 ending unneccesary blinbness in India, later pioneering digital risk mapping as first leader of google.org

1967-1974 George Moore cofounded Intel 1968 origin of the programable silicon chip, coined Moores Law, early cooridnate of how silicon valley loope digital ventire capitalsim between snata clara and san francisco 

1967-1974  #BR1 #Br6 yoko ono co-wrote Imagine

1975-1982 According to The Aid Lab it was million person famine (and assaination) that caused Bangladesh to try both top-down and bottom-up approaches to aid -yunus 7 years of action learning led to the national ordinance founding Gremeen Bank 1983 and revolking it 2011- see yunus10000 and more

2008-2015 mahbubani has been backbone of isngapore's national university for decades but his timing of publication of can asians think? with era of g4-g5 tech  is movement shaping - more

Mandela1988-1995 saw end of 27 years in prison, end of apartheid and election of mandela

need to date t maharishi amma 




download - BRAC : The Citizen-Building Network

special feature BRAC bank: banking for Small Enterprises - the least studied of 5 interconnecting ways BRAC finances women and youth empowerment, entrepreneurship and communities sustaining family sized businesses  (other 4 bkash, microfinance plus, Ultra, international remitances hub in Netherlands) also various partnerships of the world's largest NGO network including global association of banks with values  1

Transcript sources  . edu  anti-poverty design :  latest 1400 play based dev centers  80th birthday tributes sobhan 

T0 International Poverty Reduction Center in China
Poverty Reduction and Development Forum: Transforming Development Pattern and Poverty Reduction Beijing, 17 October 2010
Address by Sir Fazle Hasan Abed KCMG Founder & Chairperson of BRAC Sharing the BRAC experience in Bangladesh and Beyond

Your Excellency, Vice-Premier Hui Liangyu Minister Fan, Director of the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation Chairperson of the Session: Ms. Renata Lok-Dessalien

Our interventions aim to achieve large scale, positive changes through economic and social programmes that enable men and women to realise their potential. The most important thing that we have learned about development – that people who are poor must participate in creating their own solution. They must be empowered and they need access to financial resources. Self-empowerment comes from the confidence and selfworth an individual feels. BRAC works to develop the capacities of the poor, particularly women as agents of change 


Fazle Hasan Abed - Wikipedia

Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, KCMG is a Bangladeshi social worker, the founder and chairman of .... Jump up ^ "Fazle Abed". Fortune. 23 March 2017. Retrieved 27 March 2017. ... Print/export. Create a book · Download as PDF · Printable version ...



BRI.school legend #BR0 (China) yo #BR2 (South Asia) to @BR11 (Arctic Circle) to #BR12 :UN



stories -legend ER journalists (tracking doubling of comstech every 7 years since 1946) log innovation by approx 7 time (leap) periods- cf gates way ahead exponential (colab netwirks) change means always more than plannable over 7 years always less than hoped in 3 years

MICRODEVELOPMENT is about changing every life critical market to empower the poorest suppliers- its about livelihood education for all ages-  to name all this microcredit was a very costly branding mistake - as is failining to understand that bootom-up solutions have to integarte from vilage to 20000 vilages to natuional leadership to global leadership As The Economkist said recently, the miracle economics of women empowerment out of Bangladesh villages wasnt microcredit it was brac-

one component of brac as the world's largest NGO and leader of livelihood development around the very poorest women is its total hi-trust presence in bangladesh financial services - from the only massive microfinance network to see its ownership survive transformation from the most non-digital to the fully digital networking, here are some of BRAC's dynamic subnetworks:

 to be a leading financial servant to the poorest, brac had to build Ultra-- Micro plus --- Brac Bank --- Bkash ...

BRAC log  B1-7

B1 1972-1979

B2 1979-1986

B3 1986=1993

B4 1993-2000

B5 2000-2007

B6 2007-2014

B7 2014-2021 

B1.1 see T2 from relief model to microdevelopment model (how girls built bangladesh economy bottom-up)- innovating give directly and social business through 7 years of living with poorest in rural lab searching for scaleable microfranchises

B1.2 see T3 fazle abed's conversion from CEO of Shell OIl Pakistan to Disaster relief coordinating engineer to  village designer of Microdevekopment and women empowerment

B2.1 see T1 Oral rehydration builds rural health service from nothing and scales BRAC microdevelopment including financing across 200000 villages

B2.2 Building Rural Health Service network - see T0 - Health services are delivered to the community through over 80,000 community health servants who receive training on 10 common illnesses. They are modeled 6 after your “barefoot doctors.” They are the front line of public health – in water, in sanitation, and in the fight against tuberculosis. They have been taught to detect, refer and administer the DOTS (Direct Observation Treatment Shortcourse) treatment for tuberculosis.

B3 schools see T0- Schooling also relies on women from the community but teachers are drawn from among those who have at least 10 years of education. BRAC‟s goal is to provide nonformal primary education to poor children who have never gone to school or have dropped out for economic reasons. The objective is to provide what they have missed so that they can catch up with the formal system. Each BRAC school is made up of one classroom with 35 students and one teacher who teaches everything. Currently 1.5 million children are enrolled in BRAC schools and more than 4 million have graduated

B3.1 Agriculture value chains - see T5 

B4.0 Barefoot lawyers - see T4 and this 

service branch of BRAC 
BR4.1  University see T2


B5.1 see T1 brac goes international - idea 1 girls schools afghanisatan #BR7

B5.2 see Fazle designs Ultra Poor -see T6 (give directly solution) 





From Freedom From Want by Smilie

.In 1950 , Abed's Uncle Saidul went to London as Pakistan's trade commissioner, and in 1954 Abed followed. For an 18 year old, traditional ideas about going into govenment service seemed outdtaed in the new post-colonial world, and Abed wanted to do something out of the ordinary. He still cannot explain what drew him to naval archotecture, except for the fact that it was well out of the ordinary. Soon he found himself in Glasgow. The naval archotecture course was a 4 year program with alternati ng 6 month periods in the calssroom and the shipyard, where studentls learned through hands-on experience. Afetr 6 months of basic physics and maths, he went to Yarrow and company shipyard as an apprentice draftsman, an experience he describes toay as "not that lovely". The second year, he skiipped the shipyard and started to think ahead. He was beginning to realizxe that as a naval architect he could be obliged to spend the rest of his life in Glasgow, Belfast, or Norway. He visited Norway in 1955 to take a look, and he was not impressed. he wrote to his uncle in London saying he had concluded that naval architecture was "not my line" after all. His father objected to him quitting but his uncle welcomed him back to London where he now concluded that his options lay between law and accounting  

Editors at The Economist discuss entrepreneurial revolution and why Norman Macrae supported Bangladeshi Microfinance ...
337 views9 years ago
Interview with founder of Entrepreneurial Revolution at The Economist http://erworld.tv http://normanmacrae.ning.com Trailer for ...

7 years ago 



Mushtaque Chowdhury, PhD Vice Chairperson, BRAC

  Reading Time: 10 minutes -

Dr. Mushtaque Chowdhury is the Vice Chairperson and advisor to the Chairperson and founder of BRAC. He is also a professor of Population and Family Health at the Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University, New York. During 2009-2012, he served as a senior advisor and acting Managing Director of the Rockefeller Foundation, based in Bangkok, Thailand. He also worked as a MacArthur/Bell Fellow at Harvard University.
Dr. Chowdhury is one of the founding members of the two civil society watchdogs on education and health called Bangladesh Education Watch and Bangladesh Health Watch respectively. He is on the board or committees for several organizations and initiatives, including the Advisory Board of the South Asia Centre at London School of Economics, Lead Group for Scaling Up Nutrition Movement at United Nations and is the current chair of the Asia-Pacific Action Alliance on Human Resources for Health (AAAH). He is also the President of the Dhaka University Statistics Department Alumni Association (DUSDAA). Dr. Chowdhury was a coordinator of the UN Millennium Task Force on Child Health and Maternal Health, set up by the former Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, along with Professor Allan Rosenfield, Dean of the Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University, New York.
Dr. Mushtaque had previously received the ‘Innovator of the Year 2006’ award from the Marriott Business School of Brigham Young University in the USA, the PESON oration medal from the Perinatal Society of Nepal in 2008 and Outstanding Leadership Award from Dhaka University Statistics Department Alumni Association. He has a wide interest in development, particularly in the areas of education, public health, nutrition, poverty eradication and environment. Dr. Chowdhury has published several books and over 150 articles in peer-reviewed international journals.
A Ph.D. holder from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Dr. Mushtaque completed his MSc from the London School of Economics and a BA with Honors from the University of Dhaka.

I realized that my role is not just about collecting data, but it is to make the work of BRAC known to broader development community within and outside the country.

You have been a development professional for forty years and have recently been awarded for your achievement. Please elaborate the details of this global recognition.
The award I received recently is called the “Medical Award of Excellence’ which is given annually by the US-based Ronald McDonald House Charities. Connected to the McDonald’s restaurant chain, the Charity was initiated in 1974 and has been providing support for compassionate care to children and their families worldwide. As of now, it works in 64 countries serving over five million families annually. This award, initiated in 1990, was won by many eminent personalities in the past, including former US President Jimmy Carter, former US First Ladies Betty Ford and Barbara Bush, Queen Noor of Jordan, Tennis star Andrea Jaeger and Health Minister of Rwanda Agnes Binagwahu. I am probably the first South Asian recipient of this prestigious award, and I feel very proud about it. An Award committee invites nominations from prominent people from across the world and decides on the winner from a shortlist of outstanding candidates. Recognition is the central aspect of it, but it carries prize money of $100,000, which will be donated to another charity of my choice.

You’ve been a part of BRAC from its inception. Tell us something about its situation back then.
When I joined in 1977 as a statistician, BRAC had only been operating for five years with its headquarters located in a small office at Moghbazar in Dhaka. But the main activities were in the field, in the remote areas of Sunamganj district. Soon after joining I was sent to the Sulla Project in Sunamganj. BRAC had been carrying out community development activities in about 200 villages of the haor region since 1972. There were projects on health, family planning, nutrition, education, agriculture, and microcredit. All the projects were geared towards empowering the poor and women. As the haor population did not grow or consume many vegetables, one of the projects promoted its cultivation and use. My first assignment was to evaluate the outcome of BRAC’s vegetable promotion in the villages. I spent a week in different communities trying to understand what the project was all about and how the villagers accepted it. I developed a simple questionnaire and tested it as a pilot. I was a fresh graduate from Dhaka University, and my knowledge or experience of how to design such an evaluation was rudimentary at best. Ultimately the idea of evaluating this program was abandoned as there was no baseline to compare with. However, this failed exercise taught me about the value of experimental design and non-quantitative ethnographic methods in research. More importantly, this first trip to Sulla gave me an immense opportunity to learn about the problems that the poor and women faced in rural Bangladesh, particularly in the backward haor areas, and see how BRAC was trying to address them through innovative means. The villages where BRAC was working had a very low literacy rate, less than 20%. BRAC designed an innovative adult literacy program called functional education. Following Paulo Freire, the Brazilian educator-philosopher, a significant part of the technical education program was to make people conscious of themselves and their role in society. I was deeply moved and pleasantly surprised by seeing how BRAC was making poor women aware and empowered. I attended several village meetings in which I found the women very vocal and articulate in explaining how they were being exploited in the family and the society. I was convinced and impressed that BRAC was doing some fundamental transformational work in changing the rural community. Such Freirean work that we did in the 1970s and 1980s laid the foundation for BRAC’s work in the years to come. The transformation we see now in the lives of women in Bangladesh has had much to do with what other NGOs and we did during that time.
After the Sulla trip, I was asked to work in BRAC’s second integrated project, Manikganj. Supported by EZE of Germany, the project required a baseline survey to be done. I spent three months in the project and devoted all my knowledge and energy to do a good survey. There was no looking back afterward. I initiated many studies including a survey on Gonokendra, a monthly development journal that BRAC was producing for primary school teachers with UNICEF support. At the same time, I also started collaborating with a researcher at Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) to do some sophisticated analysis of data that we had collected on family planning in Sulla. I used to spend my daytime in BRAC and evenings at BIDS working on the family planning data. The results were dramatic – Sulla had the highest contraceptive prevalence and continuation rates in Bangladesh. I realized that my role is not just about collecting data, but it is to make the work of BRAC known to broader development community within and outside the country. We then started giving attention to publishing the success (and failure) stories of BRAC through scientific publications. The family planning results were published in the BIDS journal, The Bangladesh Development Studies, in 1978. BRAC is an action organization but my first few years of experimenting with research led to the quick realization that there was an appetite for evidence and its use in the organization. My purpose in BRAC was already determined – to help BRAC become an evidence-based organization!

Tell us the story behind BRAC’s success.
The recipe behind BRAC’s success has always been its robust, dedicated and uninterrupted leadership. Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, whom we fondly call Abed bhai, with his vision of a free and exploitation-free Bangladesh, has always been at the helm. He is a versatile genius with immense knowledge about everything. When I shared a draft report of the Manikganj baseline survey, my first output in BRAC, he took two days to read it. While giving his feedback, he asked me a few questions, which surprised me, of course very pleasantly. The questions he asked were about my use of different statistical methods and whether the use of specific other methods would strengthen the analysis. That was the day that I decided to stay in BRAC for the rest of my career and work with Abed bhai. I knew I would have the opportunity to learn and utilize my knowledge here directly. I sympathize with my many colleagues who did not get such opportunities to work with him directly.
Many observers have attributed BRAC’s success to its exceptionally efficient management system. The internal audit department, for example, employs nearly 300 staff. BRAC is large with almost one lac staff, but the management is sufficiently decentralized with a clear information sharing system in place between the field and headquarters. Observers have also pointed out BRAC’s continued and unfailing emphasis on women. Most of the program participants, be it in microfinance, education or health, are all women. BRAC believes in scale. If a solution is effective at a small scale, we feel it is an imperative to bring it to as many people as possible. ‘Small is beautiful but large is necessary,’ as the saying goes in BRAC! BRAC’s programs are large and now reach about 120 million people, most of whom are in Bangladesh.
BRAC works closely with the government but doesn’t shy away when needed to challenge any government action that BRAC thinks goes against the interest of the poor. BRAC also works in close partnership with the development partners. Some of the donors of BRAC have continued supporting it since its inception. BRAC has achieved such trust of our partners. The other distinguishing feature of BRAC is its insistence on sustainability. BRAC has been establishing enterprises since the 1970s. The enterprises support its development programs and generate a surplus for use in other development activities. 80% of the $1 billion annual budget of BRAC is generated internally. BRAC is often its fiercest critiques. The investment in research and evaluation has made BRAC one of the very few evidence-based NGOs globally. And last but not the least is BRAC’s continued commitment to its purpose. It has remained true to its goals but has changed course and strategies based on the changing needs of the poor and the national and global realities.

What is the reason behind the success of NGOs in Bangladesh?
The War of Liberation has brought a massive change in the mindset of the people of Bangladesh. Most of the large NGOs such as BRAC and Gonoshasthaya Kendra are the direct fruits of the War. The NGOs made good use of the changed mindsets. The prestigious medical journal Lancet has recently published a full series of articles on Bangladesh’s progress. Interestingly, one of the reasons attributed to this success is the Liberation War. The promotion of family planning is cited as an example. Before the war, conservatives created obstructions against family planning. However, after liberation, the conservatives were defeated along with their viewpoints, and others were free to live based on their own beliefs and philosophies. The work of NGOs and, of course, the government has led to the family planning revolution in the country. This social reform brought by the liberation war was hastened by NGOs whereas such improvements are not visible in Pakistan or India. In case of sanitation, on another example, Bangladesh has done tremendously well. The rate of open defecation in Bangladesh is 1% compared to India’s 50%. Bangladesh has worked in a similar direction from the 1970s and created a base, which is still contributing to issues such as family planning, sanitation, and microcredit. The NGOs are still working to empower and make people conscious, and I believe this has contributed significantly to their success in the country over time.

What social impacts do the “Ultra poor” and “Adolescence Girls Club” projects run by BRAC have on the society?
BRAC’s program on ultra-poor focuses on the bottom 10 to 15% of the population in poverty scale. They do not have access to microfinance. Initiated in 2001, this program offers a package of interventions including participatory identification of the ultra-poor families, transfer of assets such as cows, goats, chickens or small grocery shops, training on how to take care of the assets, and coaching. We also give them a stipend so that they can concentrate in rearing the assets, as well as health services. Till date, we have been able to reach around 1.7 million families. According to research studies done by the London School of Economics, the participant family members have continued their upward march to earning more income and assets and improving the nutritional status of their children. Experiences suggest that 95% of the participants are able to graduate out of ultra-poverty within two years and gain access to microfinance and other market-based poverty reduction tools. In 2004, the Ford Foundation and the World Bank replicated the model in ten countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, which produced similar positive results as Bangladesh. At present, this model is being implemented in 40 other nations of the world. This is an example of how a model developed by BRAC in Bangladesh is being used to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) globally.
BRAC Adolescence Girls Club model has also been replicated in many countries where BRAC works. In Uganda, for example, thousands of Ugandan adolescent girls are participating in over 1200 such clubs. Research done by the London School of Economics found that participation in adolescent clubs has resulted in higher use of family planning and in lowering fertility rate. This is quite significant in a society where the large family (with 6+ children) is a norm. A vast social change is being ushered in the process.

What measures have you taken concerning the health sector?
Bangladesh has done reasonably well in recent years in improving the health status of its population. This has been possible because of selected public health programs are undertaken by the government and NGOs. Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) program done by BRAC is a good example. Other successful programs include immunization, tuberculosis and family planning. However, there are other issues in the health sector that need to be addressed to reach the SDGs. These include non-communicable diseases such as cancer, hypertension, and diabetics, etc. which is responsible for 65 percent of deaths nowadays. To address such issues we need to have a good health system and definite and sustained steps towards ensuring Universal Health Coverage (UHC). We are currently working on some areas including maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH), TB, nutrition, primary health care, eye care, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), malaria, etc.
BRAC has a significant contribution in the country’s educational sector. What new things is your organization planning to bring forward in this regard?
The literacy rate in Bangladesh has gone up over the years, but effective literacy is still not more than 50%. BRAC is doing its part of bringing children to schools. Fortunately, almost all children are enrolled in schools but, unfortunately, many drops out before passing the primary level. The transition from primary to secondary is low. The quality of education remains a major issue. BRAC is experimenting new ways of financing primary and secondary education. We are also in the forefront of using modern technology in classrooms, and in instruction and this respect, we are working closely with the government. We are also experimenting new models of delivering early childhood education from birth to age 5. The BRAC University has already become a major destination for the new generation. It is one of the top universities in the private sector. In a recent rating, BRAC University is third in Bangladesh after Dhaka University and BUET. The University’s School of Public Health is attracting students from over 25 countries of all the continents.

What is the future of prospect of the Bangladesh economy? 
Like most Bangladeshis, I am very optimistic about the future of Bangladesh. The poverty situation has improved significantly – proportion of population poor has declined from about 60% in the 1980s to less than a quarter now. This, however, means that 40 million of our citizens are still poor by any standard! This is unacceptable. The recent HIES released by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics shows some alarming trend. The gap between the rich and poor is growing very fast. In 2010, the poorest five percent of the population had 0.78% of the national income, which has now reduced to 0.23%. On the other hand, the share of the wealthiest five percent population has increased from 24.6% to 27.9%. There is no alternative to shared growth.


download brac bank for sme interns report

download map of worldrecordjobs.com

boon coiurage to citizens of Good.Country and others who want to use media to multiply goodwill 1

world record job creator 9* Sir Fazle Abed: whose system designs and microfranchises exponentially helped world poorest women build 100+ million person nations  (eg 9.1 quadir brothers : brac and www.bkash.com; 9.2 abdul latif ; 9.3 paul polak ; 9.4 borlaug ;  9.5 ying lowrey 










value of 


.. webcast 

  • brac


    q to George Sorios: Is there any organisation in the world worth more for youth to action learn wit…chris macraeJul 1, 201315 views


BRAC Education Programme

BRAC Education Programme

where else do you know education matters as to youth's friends of BRAC text USA 240 316 8157 or e chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk


=================================================wednesdays draft script
5th year of discussing
-worldwide evidence eg kim 80th birthday greeting, soros and wise laureates, Norman macrae research...
5.1 Next few years see many tipping points –potentially doubling or halving brac's goodwill annually (yuxuan can you brief amy on drawing those pictures i showed you of one expoentially down parrtner collapsing all- if i have to draw anything for sir fazle that will be first piece of the map) 
5.2 Message that only BRAC can unite world around: 
Thriving girls livelihoods (starting with those born poorest) integral/essemtial to Sustainability System design
5.3 Urgent startup Projects supporting this message:
1 Linkin leapfrog coding club – bkash puts you at epicenbtre of leapfrogging finance- sir girdon browns tream asking who is leapfrog of education; also youth's hackathon world is wondering what does bangladesh as an elearning nation mean?

1a which rural practice apps eg health or nutrition action learning can help create most peer to peer value for youth to develop  (eg is adolesecnt health the next oral rehydration -see amy and george mail)

1b sustainability investment bank assocuation -owned 51%+ by coders for the poorest (and final piece of brac's total bottom up financing of bangladesh -ulttra por, microfinance plus brac bank bkash ...)
2 Global Girls sustainability council supporting shameran as advisers to where BRAC action learning opportunities can be celebrated – start with chiense because 1.2 billion girl livelihoods in play up to 2030now 
3 Global youth summits and opportintity webs- build biorderless job creating friendships in which china and bangaldesh youth/girls are pivotal in every twin nation exchange
so this is the difficulkt part for me to explain in one minute that lives up to your extraordinary promises 

5.4 global youth partership consultanct network of amy and yuxuan -anchored in china but linking in all pro-youth jopbs places

integrating youth other disadvantaged places into nationwide job creation – starting with china village (Yale Brother) and provincial poorest (Mrs Song Open Space community building soutiuons) and other research circles trusted by Tsinghua alumni with keadership quests to nd fron froni key us supercity friends of amy’s year of research (eg Kiehl, Camilo, Billy,  Ryder projects - eg global womens youth leadership shadowing club) and yuxuan’s additional networks – tsinghua , wise, pan Africa youth alumni, cfreative children educators association (eg gordon dryden) 

actually next week in dhaka I will ask sir fazle and shameran abed to start by piloting one brac-open-university-online curriculum:  how do we peer to peer train the new finacial literacy - which is your nations bkash, or alipay and how does app your nation needs depend on what

the second on-demand curricula could be how the world can learn from building chinas health service with jim kim assuming that his occupation from next fall

or how the world can learn from way bangaldesh builds its elearning nation now that broadband is in every school


chris macrae 240 316 8157

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Access to Capital for Women: Capturing Opportunities to Grow Your Business <noreply-women-capital-access@novoed.com>
To: chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk 
Sent: Tuesday, 19 July 2016, 10:02
Subject: |+Acumen| The 5Cs of Capital Access



Your first module for Access to Capital for Women is now available. It includes a reading and an exercise for you and your team to do together.

Over the years, our students have told us about the tremendous benefits of peer learning. So if you don't have a study partner yet, please complete the Team Formation assignment before starting the course. You can find instructions on "How to Form a Team" on the course platform. 



Sir Fazle has been honoured with numerous national and international awards for his achievements in leading BRAC, including the Thomas Francis, Jr. Medal in Global Public Health (2016), World Food Prize (2015), Trust Women Hero Award (2014), Spanish Order of Civil Merit (2014), Leo Tolstoy International Gold Medal (2014), CEU Open Society Prize (2013), Inaugural WISE Prize for Education (2011), Entrepreneur for the World Award (2009), David Rockefeller Bridging Leadership Award (2008), Inaugural Clinton Global Citizen Award (2007), Henry R. Kravis Prize in Leadership (2007), Palli Karma Shahayak Foundation (PKSF) Award for lifetime achievement in social development and poverty alleviation (2007), UNDP Mahbub ul Haq Award for Outstanding Contribution to Human Development (2004), Gates Award for Global Health (2004), Gleitsman Foundation International Activist Award (2003), Schwab Foundation’s Social Entrepreneurship Award (2003), Olof Palme Prize (2001), InterAction Humanitarian Award (1998) and Ramon Magsaysay Award for Community Leadership (1980).

He is also recognised by Ashoka as one of the 'global greats' and is a founding member of its prestigious Global Academy for Social Entrepreneurship. In 2009, he was appointed Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George (KCMG) by the British Crown in recognition of his services to reducing poverty in Bangladesh and internationally. He was a member of the Group of Eminent Persons appointed by the UN Secretary-General in 2010 to advise on support for the Least Developed Countries. In 2014, he was named in Fortune Magazine’s List of the World’s 50 Greatest Leaders.

Sir Fazle has received many honorary degrees, including from Princeton University (2014), the University of Oxford (2009), Columbia University (2008) and Yale University (2007).



question from owner of yazmi's 3 billion millenials elearning satellite- how do we map most trusted partners in sustainable world's favorite curriculum?

RSVP isabella@unacknowledgedgiant.com washington dc mobile 240 316 8157



..please help us update or fill in 100 links every job-creating and poverty-ending millennial might enjoy knowing exist -chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk washington dc 301 881 1655

-related link world record book of job creators


breaking news: brac massive scale up girls education



brac human resources

brac research


brac university @YT

School Public Health _ James M Grant

brac dev

brac human rights

brac bangladesh

brac africa

brac blog


BRAC international

BRAC US (global fundraising)


brac at twitter

Beyond Boundaries: videos youth workers 

by value chain

schools, open edu  ; missing curricula : eg financial literacy ; CommunityLearningC

banking, investments by an for those with greatest sustainability challenges:

1 cashless banking -bkash  inno

microfinance+ banking

3 urban regen banking  brac bank 1  2

global values of banking


brac disaster relief




rice  2

crops  -seeds

safety and bottom-up professions (ending exponentialexternalisation of risk)

brac theatre

makers markets -Aarong 65000 artisans (85% women)



.by urgent location or issue partners

BRAC ebola

BRAC mobile money innovation

BRAC social innovation lab

Frugal innovation summit

Uganda- BRAC's fastest scaling partners Lab in Africa with Mastercardfoundation & ...

Gates Foundation and DFID prioritise development of Tanzania with BRAC

George Soros prioritises development of Liberia

BRAC internet - partners Japan-US-Bangla

MyBrac beta with Duke U

World Bank prioritises Ultra Poor collaboration networking

brac's home web 1 2 3 4
fan web of sir fazle abed

About BRAC Partners

Strategic Partners

Institutional Donors

Government Alliances Corporate Alliances

Implementation Partners Knowledge Partners


Partnerships for BRAC International


...can you help us word a question that BRAC's 30 million end-poverty families have either an answer to or are partnering in (MOOC)  massinve open online collaboration to?

help welcome chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk washington dc- usa=1  301 881 1655

- how can a quiz of  Bangladesh and BRAC's 45 years exponential action learning curves and partners aropund the world become the most  exciting map for empowering 3 billion millennials and their elearning satellite on the journey:

#2030now - end poverty and under-employment everywhere

#2015now partners - eg action2015.org 2015sustainability.com  worldbank tedx 

parallel resources to this web unacknowledgedgiant.com -oartbers in publishing world record games of ob creation

 and fazleabed.com bracnet.ning.com

 planetdhaka.com yunuscity.ning.com 

 wholeplanet.tv journalofsocialbusiness.com 

socialaction.tv socialbusiness.tv futurecapitalism.tv 

worldeconomist.net worldentrepreneur.net

worldclassbrands.tv   valuetrue.com  trilliondollaraudit.com

YouthCreativeLab MOOCwho.com

womenuni.com mandelauni.com ...




editorial queries february 2015

few main concerns


1 if eg bono is leading social movement of invest 10% of gdp in agriculture to end poverty then that only makes sense to me if you map a total agricultural economy for the poor the way brac has for 44 years (ditto if branson and UN foundation partners are going to map 4th sector its economically wrong not to do that with brac as main benchmark) Search for both evidence and supporters of DBanj / Bono ONE campaign that best way to end poverty is invest 10% of GDP in agriculture-eg dbanj world bank tedx;


2 I am trying to introduce knowledge ambassador.partner role that I believe sir fazle and indeed any world leading NGO needs as opposite to just fundraising agents - this is most urgent in relation to the 4 leaders of everything to do with invest 10% in health if kim farmer soros abed


3 I wish to futurise debates around what brac mobile and women empowerment can lead: this includes bkash and elearning for brac - but also questions what is the 20 years story of advances brac has made since bangladesh became first mobile partner country of women to end poverty; also if september in new york is really to be where world empowers millennials to chnageover to sustainability goals then this year's f4d needs a lecture from sir fazle or a micro tedx!!!!


a lesser concern is to correct dates or labels on map (some are approximate guesses on bracs exponential learning curves)

a bigger concern is to identify which partners want to claim longest and most collaborative relations with brac and the sir fazle abed mindset as arguably number 1 out of Asia in millennial job creation and sustainability



also where my quiz of most valuable content channels of 3 billions millennials elearning satellite started with the 4 partnerships you know how to linkin for Africa : kenya womens financial inclusion, rwanda (west af) community health training, south africa G7 with blecher/mandela extranet, and maybe ethiopia main connector of food secure value chains amplified by pop stars - maybe the 4th of these is best mapped as wholeplanet rural economy to end poverty!


and then there are particular 2015action questions that brac needs to epicentral to the future of worldwide financial systems if BRAC knowhow is most open and cross-cultural connector of race to unite humanity around poverty is valued as most collaborative for all milennials of #2030now 


chris macrae   brac.tv - a guide to collaboration's best for the world organisations 301 881 1655




October - sees the most curious youth summit on governance convened to date 

Purpose of valuetrue millennials networks is to help peoples, especially youth, rediscover Scottish Economics (SE) 1748-1948.

SE's essential valuetrue question is: if a peoples have no health service, no education, no banking, not enough nutrition , insuffucient clean water and energy and sanitation and safety for their - children how do they value building those sorts of market above all esle? and then linkin other market sectors around valuetrue purposes too? We value the internet's elearning opportunities by being perpared to map and learn from anywhere and any peoples who value such intergenerational sustainability chalenges openly and transparently. Currently the simplest first map we suggest (educators and) all of the net generation looks at is BRAC in Bangladesh. Bangladesh was born the world's poorest new 100 million plus nation in 1971. Villagers were the majority of the populace and their communities had none of the essential life shaping services From 1972 BRAC's Sir Fazle Abed started linking together grassroots community solution networks.

how did villager networks around Sir Fazle build rural health service? build village education? build banking networks? build valuetrue maps of food , water and safe-for-children communities? 


World Bank Group Youth Summit 2014: The Need for Open & Responsive Governments

October 7, 2014


IFC Auditorium, Washington, DC

The World Bank Group is hosting its second annual Youth Summit, in partnership with the Office of the United Nations Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth. This year's event will focus on increased youth engagement in issues relating to government transparency, accountability, and collaborative governance. The event is free of charge.
The World Record Book of Job Creation -game 1 survey your social network for top 10-12 job creators. Rules choose people who can win-win with eact others networks because their deepest skills or trust networks compliment each other 


In this context, here's a summary of our favorite learnings from BRAC so far - we'd love to hear yours -chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk www.valuetrue.com washington dc 301 881 1655

BRAC.tv world class lessons on job creation


Choice of schooling systems is absolutely vital to development of a new nation and ending poverty. Bangladesh is uniquely fortunate with WISE ranking BRAC number 1 job creating education system


Along with education, health and banking are systems that impact families' lives and livelihoods out of every community. The search for what can a once poorest 100+ million nation do about building affordable healthcare across generations is one that BRAC and Partners in Health that both millennials and world bankers might gain from studying first



In fast changing countries the tensions between what peoples in big cities and in rural areas most wish for their childrens future can make or break or redefine nations. The coming of the digital world seems to have picked up the speed of change everywhere. Getting crop science transparently sustainable for rural people is pivotal to any transparent race to alleviate poverty. Studying how brac has built crop science knowledge to anchors whole food value chains around sustaining villagers jobs is a most joyful application. How mobile technology empowers peoples (especially women and youth) in this regard may be the most vital leadership decision those who own satellites and mobile networks connect to 21st C humanity.


The future of food, energy and water and waste cannot be separated socially or economically anywhere that peoples are to grow peacefully or cross-culturally. Wherever economists or professions fail to value this they fail world citizens and villagers. BRAC as the world's largest NGO is as diversely conscious of this sustainability crisis as anyone and searches out partnerships towards these ends in ways that are core to how open education applications of the internet are now being determined. This may yet define which millennials' goals wholly and truly define our generation's impact on the human race


Borderless governance? If 14-35 year olds were empowered by their own digital currency, then the way millennials interfaced with china NOW may be where humanity's future history spins. Is this an innovation agenda on which elders and regulators of cashless banking and crypto-currencies have patiently sought testimonies from BRAC - on girls' views if not all youth's views






brac on creating sustainable livelihoods for youth

100 links to BRAC -and more!     special from The Economist's elearning news year 43 q1     -reports from start of last millennium goals year


in 40 years as a statistician exploring most humanly purposeful (and pro- next generation) organisations and networks in the world, BRAC gets my vote as number 1,  SO help wanted

please help us update or fill in 100 links every job-creating and poverty-ending millennial might enjoy knowing exist -chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk washington dc 301 881 1655

-related link world record book of job creators


breaking news: brac massive scale up girls education



brac human resources

brac research


brac university @YT

School Public Health _ James M Grant

brac dev

brac human rights

brac bangladesh

brac africa

brac blog


BRAC international

BRAC US (global fundraising)


brac at twitter

Beyond Boundaries: videos youth workers 

by value chain

schools, open edu  ; missing curricula : eg financial literacy ; CommunityLearningC

banking, investments by an for those with greatest sustainability challenges:

1 cashless banking -bkash  inno

microfinance+ banking

3 urban regen banking  brac bank 1  2

global values of banking


brac disaster relief






safety and bottom-up professions (ending exponentialexternalisation of risk)

brac theatre

makers markets -Aarong 65000 artisans (85% women)



.by urgent location or issue partners

BRAC ebola

BRAC mobile money innovation

BRAC social innovation lab

Frugal innovation summit

Uganda- BRAC's fastest scaling partners Lab in Africa with Mastercardfoundation & ...

Gates Foundation and DFID prioritise development of Tanzania with BRAC

George Soros prioritises development of Liberia

BRAC internet - partners Japan-US-Bangla

MyBrac beta with Duke U

Wolrd Bank prioritses Ultra Poor collaboration networking

brac's home web 1 2 3 4
fan web of sir fazle abed

About BRAC Partners

Strategic Partners

Institutional Donors

Government Alliances Corporate Alliances

Implementation Partners Knowledge Partners

Partnerships for BRAC International




brac -top 100 pro-youth video

Is there any organisation in the world worth more for youth to action learn with than BRAC http://bracnet.ning.com  http://normanmacrae.ning.com  http://planetmooc.com  www.bkash.com  with special thanks to Sir Fazle Abed, George Soros and Budapest Central European University Class of 2013







YES SCOTLAND can be the nation worldwide youth trust most for job creating education - ever since Adam Smith picked up his pen in 1758 Scotland has been the epicentre of pro-youth job creating maps- the trouble has been that London and more recemntly the European Union - has so often prevented the rest of the world from celebrating them -  afore ye go, why not scotland as a job creating leader in tye bodreless world of 21st C -  correspodence welcome chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk co-publisher world record book of job creators (including games of top 10 job creation by key markets) 



Norman Macrae Foundation for Collaboration invites you to

Back in 1972, two extraordinary things happened:

The Economist's pro-youth economist started questioning everyone on the economics of sharing knowhow - stimulated by seeing how excited students were to do this in early experiments with digital networks

BRAC was born

share what you are best for the world at knowing how to do... rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk - our honor code - if we can understand why its good for the world we will tell you if we already know someone who is sharing how to do it and see if you want to be introduced? if its new to our maps of knowledge sharing we will add you to map or try to help in any way that we can



BRAC provides my favoritte system to learn from. For example, the idea of microfranchises as a model that creates jobs,  provides solutions to communities' most desperate problems, but leaves all or most of the value produced to stay in the community. One of BRAC's first microfranchises became nearly 100000 community volunteer health networks. They first made a living training mothers of infannts how to do oral rehydration - before the community health worked nearly 1 in 6 infants died of diarrhea.. They then added in an array of basic medicines children and mothers need most including vitamin sachets and malaria pills, They are the most economical health networker the pre-webbed world ever saw because they focused on low cost mass solutions to the most basic types of illness. In the post webbed world, I cant think of a nation rich or poor who wouldnt gain from microfrancising 21st C nurses seen not only as caring suppliers of basic helarh services but the number 1 content connector odf the 21st C.

 ;Most exciting cuuriculum in world of 2013?






help discover 6 most important lessons youth need to celebrate first about BRAC = youth economics world's most valuable brand

Norman Macrae Family Foundation of The Economist's Unacknowledged Ginat and partners in PlanetMooc.com 


System transformation Movements started up in 1972

  • BRAC
  • Entrepreneurial Revolution dialogues hosted at The Economist searching for leaders of 2010s =worldwide youth's most productive and sustainable time

recent notes from The Economist on BRAC as number 1 value multiplying network


BRAC Foundation Structure 1

Village organisation as value multiplying hub

Beyond illiteracy training

Paulo Friere

Bottom-Up Professionals

Compare with Gandhi-Einstein's story

Bottom-Up Disaster Relief



Microbanking mainly for redesigned agricultural chains

Adolescent clubs preparing for productive lifetimes

Mapping Value Chains

Non-formal Primary schoolingVillage para-health workers

Village Microfranchising

Village organisation as value multiplying hub






Rural gets On-grid (mobile, solar power) BRAC helps celebrate extremely useful innovations


Gamechanger egs - 10 times more economical trajectories

Education: MOOC, student contests, total redesign of edu age 6 to 25 round learning a living

Banking cashless: for next billion, revists who starts currency chain

Opentech everything- empowers bottom up professionals with mobile apps and by connecting when expert advice needed

Post 2015 goals- and peoples summits- education as core as credit   

e-gov and  hwo the peoples rule of law can help end poverty by Soros and Abed




Reports as avialble March 2013 from http://www.brac.net/content/partners



We rely on a vast array of partners in our mission to serve the poorest communities around the world. It is important for us to look beyond our present role of mere service providers and invest in building a broad-based coalition of rights-based development partners capable of fighting the policies that drive neo-liberal urbanism, and pressing for collective bargaining rights of the poor and marginalized. By working in partnership, we improve our efficiency and effectiveness, and increase our impact on poverty. We collaborate with government agencies and other humanitarian organizations operating on the local, national and international level, who provide us with cash and in-kind donations, expertise, shared resources and other forms of support. All of these programs reflect the strengths and determination of BRAC, its employees, partners and supporters who, working hand in hand with the citizens of Bangladesh have demonstrated the power of ideas and local action.

About Our Partners

Strategic Partners
Institutional Donors
Government Alliances
Corporate Alliances
Implementation Partners
Knowledge Partners
Partnerships for BRAC International


2011 Annual Donor Consortium Meeting Presentation [PDF-2 MB] by Executive Director

2011 BRAC Annual Reports

2010 BRAC Annual Reports




Our advice to worldwide youth linked by the goals of www.wholeplanet.tv  - ieto connect the most productive, sustainable and heroic time to be alive - is:

study how what you may want to be most competent at may connect withy what BRAC  led bySir Fazle Abed's family frees around the world  - if you feel you don't know how to search out enough about BRAC why not look at either http://bracnet.ning.com or http:/microeducationsummit.com or if you wish I willspend 10 minutes trying to guide you round - rsvp either by skype chrismacraedc or email chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk but please note this I can only help you search out links that inform you most if you tell me what sorts of skills and actions you and the people you collaborate with most want to be productive, suatinale and heroic



4 April 2012 Dhaka, The Japanese Embassy Graciously Hosts a Remembrance Event of The Economist's Unacknowledged Giant - chief guest from the net generation''s world of education is Sir Fazle Abed. Joyful Economic revolutions Norman Macrae quest for 3 billion jobs seeks more good news on from Bangladesh at 41 include - digital cash www.bkash.com and with Sainsbury family at www.ashden.org green energy and bottom to top education revolutions

do you have a perspective of what BRAC collaborates around youth and their millennium goal futures with the million times more collaboration technology this new century is blessed with? that you would like the world to debate - sample perspectives below 

As BRAC Turns 40, Sir Fazle Hasan Abed Calls for Education Reform and Youth Development for Poor Countries

Outdated approaches to teaching must give way to modern schooling that prepares the poor for a 21st century knowledge society, says founder of the world's largest development organization  

BRAC representatives from 12 countries gather on stage at the organization's 40th anniversary celebrations in Dhaka
I am sorry to say that patriarchy remains entrenched in our social and religious practices.
Dhaka, Bangladesh (PRWEB) March 02, 2012
Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, founder of the world’s largest development organisation, BRAC, called for innovative solutions to address the needs of the burgeoning youth population in developing countries in an address delivered in February celebrating the 40th anniversary of BRAC.
As dignitaries gathered in Dhaka, Bangladesh, to celebrate BRAC’s 40th birthday, Sir Fazle, who founded the organisation in 1972, announced a new youth strategy as BRAC scales up operations in 10 African, Asian and Caribbean countries. He also called for doing away with “outdated approaches to teaching” in the developing world, calling most public education systems in the developing world unsuitable for preparing students for the 21st century knowledge society.
“You will be happy to learn that BRAC is in the process of developing a comprehensive strategy to help the vibrant, innovative and entrepreneurial younger generation of today to realize their potential, and be the agents of change within their communities,” Sir Fazle said.
The chairperson, who could not attend the gathering for health reasons but delivered the address via a spokesperson for the organization, called for education reform in poor countries. “Unfortunately, public education systems in most developing countries are unfit and unsuited to prepare our youth for the 21st century knowledge society that we must aspire to,” he said.
“Outdated approaches to teaching must give way to new techniques that teach our children not to memorize texts, but to think critically and solve problems creatively. We must give greater thought, and direct greater resources towards early childhood development, and social and emotional learning.”
BRAC is the largest secular, private education provider in the world, with over 5 million students having graduated from its alternative primary schools, dubbed “second chance” schools targeting those left behind by official educational systems. Sir Fazle has been hailed as an innovator in the field of education, winning the inaugural WISE Prize for Education in Qatar, styled as a Nobel for the field of education, last year.
In his speech, BRAC’s chairperson spoke of the “remarkable” progress of the organisation’s home country, Bangladesh, “in almost every major indicator of human development” over the last 40 years. “Today, the progress we have made is the envy of most of the developing nations in South Asia and beyond,” he said.
Infant mortality, for instance, has dropped from 200 per 1,000 live births to less than 50, and maternal mortality from 800 deaths per 100,000 live births to less than 200. Fertility rates have fallen dramatically as well: The average Bangladeshi mother now has just 2.7 children as opposed to 6.5 in 1972. Literacy rates have risen from 25 percent to over 65 percent.
“While it is true that no single organization can take credit for this amazing turnaround, we at BRAC can nevertheless take great pride in the role that we have played in support of governmental efforts to bringing about these successes,” says Sir Fazle. “From immunizing children to popularizing the use of oral rehydration therapy, from providing essential healthcare through a cadre of barefoot health volunteers to providing safe places for mothers to give birth, from curing tuberculosis to improving sanitation, BRAC’s work in public health has contributed to each of our country’s achievements in the health sector.”
Sir Fazle, who turns 76 this year, called on BRAC to remain a “trailblazing organization” as the leadership baton passes to a younger generation. “In these twilight years of my life, I feel a sense of comfort and satisfaction in knowing that we have an able and competent leadership team at BRAC,” he said. “I am confident that this team will ensure BRAC achieves even greater success and impact when I call time on providing leadership to this organization that I have built.”
A champion of girls’ education and the empowerment of women, Sir Fazle lamented the relative lack of progress in those areas. “Gender equality remains the greatest unfinished agenda not only of my life’s work but of our time. Although we have worked for the last 40 years to try to ensure that all citizens can live with dignity and respect and enjoy equal rights as human beings, I am sorry to say that patriarchy remains entrenched in our social and religious practices.”
Notes on Hasan family linked by wikipedia bio of sir fazle abed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fazle_Hasan_Abed
The Hasan Family also spelled Hassan, is an esteemed Bangladeshi family, who have contributed exceptionally to South Asian politics and various social movements for nearly four-hundred years. The seat of this Zamindar family is located in Baniachang, Sylhet near the town of Habiganj. The family is one of the remaining remnants of the nobility of the Mughal Courtto exist in Bangladesh, with their ancient home still intact.According to legend, the family is of Arab and Persian descent, supposedly from the lineage of Abu Bakr, the first Sunni Caliph and father-in-law of Prophet Muhammad. The first known Hasan was sent to Bengal by the Mughal Emperor Jahangir.
Obaid Ul Hasan: Grand Vizier to the Nizam of Hyderabad
 Syedul Hasan: Communist activist, killed by Pakistani soldiers for protecting Hindu families during Bangladesh's War of Liberation

Sir Fazle Hasan Abed: Founder and Chairman of BRAC, the world's largest NGO

Barrister Manzoor Hasan: Celebrated lawyer and activist. Awarded Order of the British Empire for his role in combatting corruption in Bangladesh

Meheriar Munim Hasan: Executive Vice President of US Bank Corporation. Highest ranked Bangladeshi bank executive in the Western Hemisphere.

Nahid Hasan: Director of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association. Celebrated businesswoman of Bangladesh.

Tamara Abed: Head of Aarong, a retail enterprise

.....................................................................http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-15546976 Fairness challenge from first global education 'laureate'

By Sean Coughlan BBC News education correspondent
There isn't a Nobel Prize for education. But this month has seen the launch of an award that would like to have such a similar international status.
The inaugural World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) Prize was announced in Doha, Qatar, with the $500,000 (£310,000) award being given to Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, whose work has brought education to millions of children in impoverished families.
Sir Fazle, the first education "laureate", has worked across decades and continents to help communities to escape the quicksand of poverty and to gain skills and self-reliance.
Created in Bangladesh in 1972, his BRAC project - formerly the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee - is now claimed as the biggest non-governmental organisation in the world.
An estimated 10 million primary pupils have been taught in schools set up by Brac across 10 countries, in such tough territories as South Sudan and Afghanistan.
It's a vast operation, running more schools in Bangladesh than the entire English school system, and it is claimed to be the "largest private, secular education system in the world".
Equal chances
Working with the poorest, most disadvantaged rural communities, often blighted with conflict, exploitation and disease, this is the raw edge of education, with one-room classrooms and basic skills.
Brac school in South Sudan First day at school in a BRAC project in Manderia village in Torid, South Sudan
But speaking after the award, Sir Fazle says that the greatest challenge for global education applies as much to the more affluent countries as to the poorest. And that big problem, he says, is inequity, the stubborn link between family income and educational outcome.
"A child born in a poor household has less chance of going to university than a child born in a wealthy household, in almost every society.
"So how do we remove this inequity? Every child should have the same opportunity."
BRAC works to alleviate poverty on a broad range of fronts - from micro-credit to health schemes - but he says that education is becoming ever more important.
"It's so important for our survival, our progress, that every country wants to put more resources into education."
This isn't simply about economic progress, as he links education and literacy to the building of self-worth and self-help for individuals and communities. It provides the key to understanding "the power structure and how to change it".
Life changing
His own commitment to development stemmed from the life-changing experience of the cyclone that hit Bangladesh in 1970. It turned an accountant into an activist.
Sir Fazle Hasan Abed receiving WISE Prize Sir Fazle Hasan Abed was awarded the inaugural WISE Prize for international education
"Many people died, and I saw the loss of many people, the corpses lying in the fields. That changed my philosophy, I found that life was so fragile, you could die so easily. That changed my values about what kind of life I should lead," he says.
This was compounded by the "death and destruction" he saw during the war that accompanied Bangladesh's independence.
Such experiences profoundly affected him and pushed him to view his country "from the point of view of the poor". It made him "determined to achieve change", he says.
The award of the first WISE Prize was part of a wider event, the World Innovation Summit for Education.
This WISE summit wants to be a kind of Davos for education, bringing together the great and the good to hear about innovation in schools and universities.
It's supported by the Qatar Foundation, which has the succinct ambition to "convert the country's current, but temporary, mineral wealth into durable human capital". This translates as investing heavily in education and becoming a knowledge hub so that there's something of value left when the oil revenue eventually runs out.
It's a fast-forward project with parallels to creating the infrastructure for the World Cup. There is a 1,000 hectare Education City being developed, attracting university partners from the United States, France and the UK.
Missed goals
But big international promises, played out under the photographs and rhetoric of summits, can also turn out to be hollow.
Gordon Brown speaking in Doha, Qatar Gordon Brown issued a call for a "global education fund" at the summit in Qatar
Gordon Brown, former UK prime minister and one of the speakers at the WISE event, delivered a blunt recognition that some of the Millennium Development Goals for 2015 were going to be missed.
"We know it is now impossible, I'm afraid, to achieve the Millennium Development Goal that would cut infant mortality by half - we are too far away."
There were other goals, signed by leading countries, that were going to be missed, he said.
But he called on governments, charities and philanthropists to mobilise to achieve the goal of universal primary education by 2015 - and proposed a "global fund for education".
Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales was among the WISE speakers and Mr Brown called on technology companies, such as Microsoft, Apple, Google and Facebook to play a part in bringing education to the "poorest part of the poorest country".
"We can reinforce in people's minds that when the world makes a promise, it is not a promise that is casually set aside and betrayed for millions of children of future generations, but a promise that we do everything in our power to keep," Mr Brown told the audience in Qatar.
He said that governments had to be held to their funding promises - and "where countries fall behind, we should be telling them that this is not acceptable".
There's a long way to go as one sobering statistic from BRAC makes clear. In 2011, when international conferences in the Gulf can be broadbanded round the world in seconds, it's still more likely that a girl in South Sudan will die in childbirth than finish primary school.



Tune in to ABC Friday, Dec. 16, at 10 pm (EST) for a "20/20" special with Diane Sawyer featuring BRAC – and Rina, a new mother who lives in a slum in Bangladesh.

Bearing a child should be the happiest day of a woman life – but too often, for reasons that are entirely preventable, it ends in the death of the mother, the child, or both. BRAC has figured out a low-cost yet ingenious solution for reducing pregnancy risk, reaching 24.5 million people in the process. That's the population of the state of Texas.

In “Making Life: A Risky Proposition,” an hour-long report on challenges faced by mothers in developing countries, ABC News travels to the slums of Dhaka, seeing our work in action – including a visit to a BRAC birthing hut to welcome the new arrival of Rina's healthy baby boy. The report is part of ABC News's Million Moms Challenge.

Show your support today by "liking" the Million Moms Challenge on Facebook. If they reach 100,000 likes by noon today, Johnson & Johnson will donate $100,000 to the cause – so please like and share with your Facebook friends!

We’re making a real difference, and we believe we can multiply our efforts by spreading the BRAC approach worldwide. So tune into ABC on Friday and help us spread the good news!


bracase version 0


please mail chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk bookmarks to great articles on BRAC 1
For those who want to sustain future generations, friends in DC, I (+93 congressmen) would recommend an adventure learning tour to 3 destinations. Fortunately, two of these are within walking distance of each other (Third is a hemisphere away in Africa, but they know each other well and thanks to death of distance are microeconomics map around your entrepreneurial and open source world as the most productive and collaborative triad ). For the sake of transparency, YES I feel I have some friends in one of these places, but this is a web about the place I haven't yet visited. Ian Smilie's new book starts its guided tour like this . Chris Macrae DC Bureau of microcredit.tv 301 881 1655, chris.macrae AT yahoo.co.uk
suggestions for editing bracase welcome - chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
This is a friends web -official webs of BRAC are http://www.brac.net/  http://www.bracuniversity.net/ http://www.bracbank.com/ http://www.bracusa.org/ http://www.youtube.com/user/bracusa1
I have spent 30 years surveying how purposefully organisations sustain their workers missions. BRAC and Grameen are off the scale compared with any large organisation I have researched - and I have surveyed more that half of the world's most famous global 100 brands.
We hope we have found a way to share with youth around the world the exciting intrapreneurial energy that Grameen http://grameen.tv/ generates day in day out

Muhammad Yunus & Grameen Bank


Fazle Hasan Abed
Founder and Chairperson, BRAC
Fazle Hasan Abed is the Founder and Chairperson of BRAC, one of the largest non-governmental organizations in the world with over 100,000 staff members and an annual budget of $430 million. BRAC’s micro-finance program has 6.37 million borrowers and has cumulatively disbursed more than $4 billion. More than a million children are enrolled in BRAC schools and more than 3.67 million have graduated. BRAC’s health program reaches more than 100 million people. BRAC has, in recent years, taken its range of development interventions to Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda and Southern Sudan. Abed has been recognized through a number of awards, including UNICEF’s Maurice Pate Award, the Olof Palme Prize, Schwab Foundation’s Social Entrepreneurship Award, the Gates Award for Global Health, UNDP’s Mahbub-ul-Haq Award, and the Henry R. Kravis Prize in Leadership.
If anyone has ideas how we can do something similar for BRAC, I'd love to hear of them
Chris Macrae Washington DC bureau us tel 301 881 1655 info@worldcitizen.tv
The Worldwide Importance of BRAC & GRAMEEN
.The entrepreneurial leaders and co-wrkers of BRAC and Grameen have demonstrated that poverty is not the fault of people , women and children but a failed system. It is inhuman for a child to be born into a place where it has 20% chance of  dying before the age of 5 due to villages not having local nurses. BRAC's first solution in the 1970s was oral rehydration - a service that village nurses needed to provide when babies had diarrhea. Its inhuman for children to have no access to primary education - BRAC's second main service requiring a teacher in every rural area. Grameen completed this hi-trust local triangle by providing a banker in every community empowering women with credit and peer to peer support to start small entrepreneurial businessesUntil the internet's technology, the world's people and their productive lifetimes had been more separated by the geography of where they lived than interconnected. My father, one of the West's leading microeconomists clarified in 1984 how one generation (1984-2024) would become worldwide connected for the first time. This is the greatest system change ever to hit one generation of the human race. System change can always spiral one of two extremely opposite compound consequences not something in between. It was clear in 1984 that if the 21st Century is to be the best of times for all peoples on this planet then we must share life-critical knowhow in non-zero sum ways, end poverty by bridging digital divides. The millennial goals provide a pretty clear map of what ending extreme poverty simultaneously around the world entails.In July 07 within weeks of becoming UK Prime Minster Gordon Brown give a very clear storyline "people power" of what our institutions have not yet started to transform towards if millennial goals are to be met and local communities are to have an equitable opportunity of being integrated into globalisation. He updated this a little over a year later at Clinton Global Initiative - at a time where fellow keynote speakers -Obama and Mccain - both deplored the excesses of global top-down systems such as wall Street's failed banks - and pledged they would commit America to returning to millennial goals. Ironically, there's a lot every nation can learn from ensuring that communities have banks investing in local people's ability to generate jobs. We are at a stage in human history where the kinds of jobs of the future are changing just as fast as when the industrial revolution emerged. But this time it is pure manufacturing jobs that are disappearing. Brown was correct in visioning an age where government should not promise anyone that their old jobs are safe but should be promising people structures in which everyone has access to developing new jobs. In the midst of this families and children in any civilized place need the same rights that BRAC and Grameen have pioneered :n channeling local medical support, local teachers, local bankers, connection to the worldwide, collaboration spaces in which people peer to peer learn vocational skills. 


In this tv interview, Clinton explains how the micro sustainability investment networks that have emerged in Bangladesh primarily because of the leadership examples and micro-entrepreneurial facilitation structured designed by Grameen and BRAC provide a benchmark for developing nations in our internetworked local to global economy. They have transparently distributed what top-down government and mass media could not equitably empower.  For 30 years now, Grameen and BRAC have modeled themselves round social busienss constitutions. These are the opposite how the traditional charity dollar is spent and then needs to fundraise all over again. The social busienss dollar endlessly recycles its investment in an organization’s service purpose. It does this by insisting people entrepreneurially attend to a positive cashflow but reinvest that back inside the community. The safest way to ensure that owners have no conflict with such continuous reinvestment in development is to constitute the organization as owned by the poorest in the community. While Grameen's origin has been to focus on areas where people could serve each other whilst generating income, the origin of BRAC was, in effect, micro-privatization - doing a better job for the poorest communities with public funds than a bureaucratic or corrupt government. BRAC's Fazel Abed has probably innovated more reliable service franchises around vital needs than anyone alive today. Whereas Grameen's leadership team around Muhammad Yunus has serially introduced the most extraordinary entrepreneurial revolutions. Each of microcredit , micromobile and micro-energy involved planting a long-term investment exponential but one that literally took rural economies to a higher future level - a pathway not just to ending poverty but leaping sufficiently far ahead that even cyclical natural disasters would not push the next generation back under the poverty line 

There is an opportunity for egovernment to make this openness and representation of cultures that unite round the golden rule of all major religions. Do unto others what you would wish done unto you.


Today national strategic dialogues co-chaired by leaders like Abed and Yunus make fascinating reading. In effect, Bangladesh has become the country par excellence in developing sustainable community franchises that end poverty and its boundary environmental challenges. It is evident that its fast growing neighbours India and Chinawill need these services just as much as Bangladesh. The world in effect is finding that Bangladesh is the number 1 exporter of solutions that accelerate accomplishment of millennial goals everywhere as well as developing the sorts of entrepreneurial and job-creating education that all future children need. Educators have spotted that the schooling system the west built has its design origins in western empire's ancient industrial needs, when it was assumed that a few per cent would be promoted to a command and control top, and schools would sift out the vast majority as not talented enough to have their competences invested in. This is the ultimate challenge that the whole world needs change if we are to honor every child's potential from the day she or he is born. If we fully understand the benchmarks that BRAC and Grameen offer us by partnering grassroots networks such as theirs in Future Capitalism, then today's adult generation may yet hand on the best of times to all our future chldrens. Ultimately children are the deepest sustainability investment and a very micro one. Not the sort of flow that macro institutions like Wall Street banks ever got close to appreciating. We need new economic maps. Ones that worldwide networkers can collaboratively search out if mass media puts on reality program in which youth the world over wants to be "The Apprentice" of community entrepreneurs like Abed and Yunus and the 100000 Bangladeshi's+ they have inspired to be community facilitators of microentrepreneurship. 



Monday, September 29, 2014

reports from start of last millennium goals year

valuetrue.com curricula for the world record book of job creation

brac.tv: people i wish i had introduced the poor world's greatest jobs creator to
valuetrue search for most human value of internet
brac.tv: people i wish i had introduced the poor world's greatest jobs creator to
Why nature will not sustain human species unless act now on biggest mistakes economists made Q3 C21
Which brand most collaboratively values millennials goals to 2030?
Course World Record Job Creators -by friends of The Economist's Macrae's Net Generation's Heroes
Saving Youth - Top 100 Videos to Viralise
Leapfrogging curriculum- humanity's greatest value multiplying revolution
MillennialHealth Curriculum - next half billion jobs
Dont you just love economics and media? aka jobs and the curriculum of youth economics
1758 birth of moral viewpoint of economics as social action
Will enough Under 35 year olds know how to map goodwill value chains for 21st to sustain human race?
Mindset's Great Escape: elders economics war on youth
Curriculum of safe community banking
Curriculum of The Web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet. The future is still so much bigger
Diary of when/where youth can linkin to sustain world
2030 curriculum of Gandhi
Nobel Peace Summit Curriculum Competition
curriculum of washington dc - worst of best pro-youth capital
Conscious Capitalism $64 Trillion Dollar Curriculum - Purpose of Hi-Trust banking 99% of humans need
Who was missing from cast of first social good summit-mooc?
9 minute mooc - youth futures depend on whether ceos sustain or destroy value chains
Which trillion dollar markets have even one ceo leading best for youth futures
debates with big funders of end poverty schemes
will media barons ever learn to value connections between likes and dislikes?
The Future History of Social Business Since 1976
how does conscious capitalism relate to valuetrue exchange
VT & collaboration entrepreneur revolution of micrifranchies and bottom-up value chain mapping
VT and the compound risks of unseen wealth
The Economist & Bangladesh - VT & 1976's 2 great calls for wholeplanet redesign of 21st C systems :
3 most important metrics of pro-youth economics: goodwill, sustainability, transparency
Book Introduction to economics of youth

 Diary UN start of the year 2014-=2015 new york -file note for http://brac.tv verison 1

 I was privilleged to attend 5 meetings in 48 hours before getting an early train to listen to the curriculum of rice at usaid shared by the phillipines open learning network IRRI

 http://valuetrue.com/id32.html and brac.tv Last week I attended NY gala luncheon convened to celebrate sir fazle abed - unfortunately I was on other side of room during the 90 minutes we shared bread- these are my shortlist of people I met over 48 hours in NY that I really wished I had a quick chance to introduce to sir fazle abed


 -but first It was a pleasure to see that sir fazle abed has redoubled his commitments to girls-job designed education   (more at openlearningcampus.com and womenuni.com )


ps this startup year 2014-2015 was particulatly important as it also coincides with the last student year before millennium goals are hopefully given back to girls as per this sir fazle abed inspired  script http://www.dhakatribune.com/op-ed/2014/sep/10/learning-beyond-2015  -realistically its also the last student year that universities across america will have a chance to converge on the CNN turner invitation atlanta nov 2015 http://youthcreativelab.blogspot.com  -what do millennials now know to linkin to UN after the billion dollar empowerment giving  from the turner family


from www.fashion4development.com summit


sarah butler sloss (ne sainsbury) green microenergy awards networks http://ashden.org with royal co-sponsor prince charles


a female executive of the state department ( name private until project wwwww is started )


wife of ambassador to philippines in new york


co-creator of the green carpet at perfume company Chopard (hq in geneva)


dr michel sidibe of unaids in geneva 


franca sozzani of vogue italy who could have more impact if she teamed up with rome links noted below 



 from UN Global leadership women


the toure family (father mother daughter) of ITU geneva and linking first ladies of africa (including their home base oe mali) to Zero mothers die - one of the most urgent reasons I can thinks of valuing free nursing colleges everywhere


the redoubtable eva wan of Bawang international-one of china's strongest business ladies  and now "giving" to girls education in africa


from the dt seminar sponsored by grameen intel, ifad and usaid


Kazi Huque (and intel team) whose nurtured about 25 wizard bangladeshi technologists to work on converting big data to mobile agri apps for poorest farmers


 IFAD leaders rome who could do so much more reaching out to millennials' youth if they partnered club of rome and its youth social action networks of the nobel peace laureates summit


the usaid speaker who promised to connect leaders of curriculum of rice (wednesday dc usaid) 


from our quieter dinner party and collaboration cafe 


ladies changing the jewelry value chain and john of soundtrackny.com 


ethiopian and usafrica disapora supporters of the elearning satelllite http://www.yazmi.com, and dispora's taking responsibility to end costly middlemen from 20 selected food markets

who do you most wish you had introduced sir fazle abed to and where are they located in case diaries ever snap! chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk washingtin dc 301 881 1655 valuetrue.com


more of what happened in new york 

http://brac.tv and



wanted - ideas on how anywhere could unite in celebrating good news of collaborating with brac

Timeline of Open Learning Campus (OLC) -latest newsletter

2014 world record top10 job creator jim kim's world bank takes collaboration lead : launching OLC (with coursera) august 2014, 2nd annual youth summit october 7 2014, first annual UN-partnered millennials competition spring 2015

100 links to BRAC


background research links on women4empowernent curricula at womenuni.comand millennials (25-35 profesionals) most valuable knowledge network ever to human race at yunus.tv


1972: in the West The Economist starts debating OLC after seeing students experiment with early digital learning network (UK national dev program computer assisted elarning; milllenials goals and swot of planetary sustainability of net generation published after 12 years of global views mediation; NZ educators start continuous experiments atwww.thelearningweb.net- book form becomes favorite export to 10 million chinese parents


in East BRAC starts greatest bottom-up lab for OLC -Bangladesh becomes doubly famous for this when Muhammad Yunus starts linkng in 4 years later- latest updates celebration's MOOC Yunus; yunus invites atlanta to turn youth peace laureate summits into twin capitak events with most value to host than olympics or world cup




1989 Berners Lee launches the web- soon mit media lab in boston becomes most resourced open source tech wizards innovation lab;early 1990s Samara launches Africa's and Asia first freedom of peoples info satellites-sonn Kenya's IHUB backed by ushahidi becomes the  worldwide youth's most exciting open source tehnology wizard's networking space

- 2014 update Yazmi.comled by DC-Ethiopia diaspora networks


Late 1990s S.Africa's free university launched- 2014 update Blecher parners now shoot for 1 million additional job creation across whole 14 million youth african schooing system by 2020- ihub partners all over africa (and indeed in any capital with future) invited to linkin

Late 200s Khan Academy invesnts the most valuable reporting format of all -maximum 9-minute audio blackoards-0 game is on- which audio-blackboards are so valued by youth to peer to peer learn with that their viral actin networking makes trending on twitter look like a sideshow


puzzle 1 : Back in 1962 The Economust celebrate the win-win peace economics model of japan and projects milennail population statistics will require Asian Pacific milllenials to be responsible for more than half of the planet's open and  sustainbility investments 1975- 2025- who;s connecting this? jack ma?  Yao Ming with Brookings Inside Out China and Unseen Wealth teams? rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk washington dc hotline 301 881 1655

How did bottom-up NGO BRAC become the world's largest most collaborative network for partnering in millennials sustainability? While it is known globally and locally for sharing extreme innovations in community banking, its foundations were first built on 3 subnetworks:

bottom-up disaster relief

massive scaling of microfranchisie solutions to life critical challenges

what the WISE laureates value as number 1 job-creating education network in the world (parallel nominees by context of freedom of entrepreneurial skills)


help us review 2013 MOOC

2013 was a year in which professors might have found out what a huge gap ...

is khan academy's 60 minutes introduction to coding the most valuable training billions of youth have ever been offered? otherKhan links

Who's mapping the most valuable collaboration youth networks in the world -here's why 42 years of entrepreneurial revolution surveys lead us to value orbiting around families of Abed and Soros and Turner- whose collaboration with youth's futures do you value most?



  • what would a million youth most wish to see in a 6 weeks mooc guided tour to www.brac.net -if you can help our research please email chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk  washington dc 1 301 881 1655

internet as entrepreneurial revolution of learning learning

valuetrue search for most human value of internet 

1:34 pm edt 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

brac commits to massive scale up girls education

Global anti-poverty leader pledges to invest at least $280 million to reach 2.7 million additional girls and train 75,000 teachers by 2019.

(PRWEB) September 24, 2014

BRAC, already a global leader in providing opportunity for the world’s poor, has boosted its commitment to girls’ education in low-income countries with a five-year pledge to reach 2.7 million additional girls through primary and pre-primary schools, teacher training, adolescent empowerment programs, scholarships and other programs.

These commitments make BRAC a leading partner in CHARGE, the Collaborative for Harnessing Ambition and Resources for Girls Education, a global collaborative of more than 30 partners working to advance the “second generation” of global girls’ education. The initiative was announced today by Hillary Rodham Clinton, former US secretary of state; Chelsea Clinton, Clinton Foundation vice-chair; and Julia Gillard, former prime minister of Australia, at the 10th Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting in New York.

"We have always used an approach to development that puts power in the hands of the poor themselves, especially women and girls," says Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, the founder and chairperson of BRAC, who joined other leaders at Clinton Global Initiative today to launch the initiative. "Educated girls turn into empowered women, and as we have seen in my native Bangladesh and elsewhere, the empowerment of women leads to massive improvements in quality of life for everyone, especially the poor."

BRAC is already the world's largest private, secular education provider, with 1.3 million boys and girls now enrolled in 43,500 primary and pre-primary schools and 311,000 participants in its adolescent development programs. Formerly Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee, BRAC is now active in a dozen countries, serving the poor through the empowerment of women and girls with tools such as microfinance, education, healthcare and a full-fledged university, BRAC University in Dhaka.

This commitment significantly expands BRAC's existing education programs by reaching an additional 1.3 million girls directly in BRAC schools, roughly 636,000 additional girls through teacher training in government schools, and 714,000 more through various other programs, including adolescent empowerment, gender harassment awareness, mentorship programs, and scholarships.

BRAC estimates the investments needed to fulfill these commitments will be more than $280 million, over half of which has already been raised from partnerships with AusAid, UK Aid and The MasterCard Foundation.

Specifically, BRAC commits to the following areas:

1. Getting girls into school: Since its inception in 1985, more than 10 million students have graduated from BRAC's primary and pre-primary schools, which target children who would otherwise be left behind by formal education systems due to poverty, displacement or discrimination. BRAC recognizes the unique role girls play in bringing health and prosperity to their communities, and the majority of its students are girls.

BRAC plans to expand its school programs to offer education to about 1.3 million girls in marginalized communities across seven countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan Tanzania, Sierra Leone, South Sudan and Uganda.

BRAC recognizes that entering primary school is not enough. It further commits to providing 11,500 scholarships in Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Uganda to ensure that girls have the support they need to stay in school at least through secondary education.

2. Ensuring school safety: BRAC’s approach to schooling relies heavily on community support. In all areas – including Pakistan and Afghanistan, where going to school is often dangerous for girls – BRAC works closely with members of the wider community to emphasize the importance of girls’ education. BRAC deepens community support through various local bodies and mechanisms, including school management committees, parent-teacher associations, and gender awareness to ensure that BRAC schools remain safe spaces for learning. As part of this commitment, BRAC pledges to expand existing programs in Bangladesh to improve school safety by raising awareness on gender harassment for 240,000 girls

3. Improving quality of learning: BRAC recognizes that enrollment numbers do not describe the true depth of the problem of quality in the world’s education systems. Schools in poor countries tend to favor rote memorization over true learning, doing little to impart the life and work skills needed to prepare our youth for the 21st century knowledge society. Of around 650 million primary school age children in the world today, an estimated 250 million have not learned to read or count, regardless of whether they have gone to school. Children need classrooms, teachers, suitable technology, and an enabling environment that will encourage them to think for themselves. These elements will develop the problem-solving skills, critical thinking ability, and enterprising mindsets that are some of the greatest assets for navigating one’s way out of poverty.

BRAC seeks to improve the quality of education for girls in seven countries by training 75,000 teachers in child-centric education methods. These teachers, in addition to reaching girls in BRAC’s own pre-primary and primary schools, also includes government school teachers who will reach an additional 636,000 girls in state-run primary and secondary schools.

4. Helping transition to the world of work: BRAC recognizes that the economic empowerment of women has led to enormous gains for poorer countries, and that preparing women for the workforce needs to begin at an early age. BRAC’s Empowerment and Livelihoods for Adolescents (ELA) program aims to do this by providing adolescents girls with safe spaces, peer mentorship, life skills, health awareness (particularly reproductive health), vocational and leadership skills, and access to finance through microloans. ELA is the fastest growing program in BRAC’s operations outside of Bangladesh, with more than 70,000 girls now participating in Uganda, Tanzania, South Sudan, Sierra Leone and Liberia. They join more than 168,000 girls in similar clubs in Bangladesh, where a number of other trade-specific training programs have also led to girls breaking the gender barrier in traditionally male-dominated fields like driving and motorcycle repair.

BRAC plans to deepen and expand its adolescent girls empowerment programs in Bangladesh, Uganda, Tanzania, South Sudan, Sierra Leone and Liberia, reaching about 400,000 additional girls with robust and relevant livelihood training to ensure sustainable economic independence.

5. Supporting developing country leaders in girls’ education: BRAC is committed to providing thought leadership, advocacy and advisory services to advance successful girls’ education approaches and models around the world. BRAC plans to invest $6 million in the Institute for Educational Development at BRAC University in Dhaka to become a global learning hub for innovation, research, training, advocacy and assessment on approaches to quality education in the developing world. It commits to training 52,000 mentors in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Tanzania and Sierra Leone to give them the leadership skills they need to support vulnerable girls in school, and to develop a local learning network in Uganda to share best practices in girls' education.

With a track record of implementation at scale with continuous impact evaluation, BRAC can serve as a source of evidence and learning to improve program effectiveness. It therefore commits to developing programs of technical assistance for other NGOs, development agencies, and governments. It will develop partnerships and a learning community for stronger global advocacy with the hope of furthering the movement for girls' education and empowerment across the world.

BRAC, a development organization founded in Bangladesh in 1972, is a global leader in creating opportunities at scale as a means to end poverty. With more than 120,000 employees, it is the world's largest non-governmental organization, touching the lives of an estimated 135 million people in 12 countries using a wide array of antipoverty tools such as microfinance, education, healthcare, legal rights training and more. BRAC University in Dhaka is a hub of higher learning with more than 6,000 students enrolled. Learn more at BRAC.net.

BRAC USA is an independent, US-based grantmaking affiliate of BRAC formed in 2006 to advance and support BRAC's global mission to create opportunities to unleash human potential and end poverty. Learn more at BRACUSA.org.

Read more: http://www.virtual-strategy.com/2014/09/24/brac-commits-massive-scale-girls-education#ixzz3ELm9qrko Follow us: @virtualstrategy on Twitter | VirtualStrategyMagazine on Facebook


chris macrae bethesda 301 881 1655


Coalition of fan webs of next billion girls jobs-led education  include





Who's Free Edu Who  Free Nursing College

2:29 pm edt 

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Abed is the first recipient of the prize, conceived in 2010 as a Nobel for the field of education. The world’s largest prize of its kind, the jury for the award consisted of five eminent persons in the field of education: James Billington, the U.S. Librarian of Congress; Jeffrey Sachs, director of The Earth Institute and Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development at Columbia University; Fatma Rafiq Zakaria, chair of India’s Maulana Azad Educational Trust; H.E. Naledi Pandor, Minister of Science and Technology for South Africa, and Abdulla bin Ali Al-Thani, the WISE chair.

In debates and panel discussions at the Doha conference, which runs from Nov. 1 to Nov. 3, BRAC officials are promoting the nonprofit’s high-tech, low-touch approach to educating the world’s poor. BRAC delivers a message of cost-efficiency and scalability to a summit of over 1,000 thought leaders running from Nov. 1 to Nov. 3 in Doha.

“In these difficult financial times, as more and more people rise up to speak for the ‘99%,’ occupying streets across various cities of the world, the issue of inequity has been thrown into the forefront of world politics,” says Abed. “How do we begin to address this? We start with education – because education is the great equalizer.”

Already educating millions, BRAC is in the midst of an international expansion effort that sees it perfecting and scaling up its innovative low-cost education approach with help from private sector partners. BRAC is scaling up massively in Uganda thanks to a $45 million commitment from The MasterCard Foundation, for instance. Numerous public sector agencies such as the UK’s Department for International Development and the Australian Government Overseas Aid Program have also partnered with BRAC on education initiatives.

Soon celebrating 40 years of operations in Bangladesh, the Dhaka-based organization emphasizes large-scale solutions. According to BRAC officials, the wisest investments are often as simple as renting a schoolhouse instead of building new ones.

After just five years in Uganda, BRAC and The MasterCard Foundation already reach over 2 million people and are on schedule to reach 4.2 million people, or over 12 percent of the population, by 2016. BRAC has exceeded commitments made in 2007 to educate youth in the poorest parts of Africa and Asia, having committed to mobilizing $271 million for education at the Clinton Global Initiative conference in 2007, with a goal of reaching 7.5 million children by 2012. BRAC has already raised more than $288 million to reach 5.6 million children.

“Innate talent is distributed equally around the world at birth, knowing no bounds of geography or class,” says Susan Davis, president and CEO of BRAC USA. “Opportunity is not. We need to redress that imbalance if this world of 7 billion is to prosper as a whole.”

In addition to traditional learning, BRAC seeks to “educate the whole child” with life skills training as part of a comprehensive antipoverty strategy designed to create ladders of opportunity for the poor. For instance, it is embedding social and emotional learning into its curriculum, teaching self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making. This approach is especially important in conflict and post-conflict environments like Afghanistan and South Sudan.

BRAC also partners with private entities to promote connectivity among the poor when it is cost-effective to do, using mobiles phones, smart phones, desktop and laptops. The organization is currently in partnership talks with Pearson PLC, a leading global media and education company, to assist in Pakistan and elsewhere.

10:16 am est 

Friday, March 1, 2013

BRAC is celebrating impact of mobile and solar age of racing to end poverty like no other network -  links welcome here.

Examples of mails being sent to highly connected youth entrepreneur competition leaders aimed at seeing if part of week 5 of brac mooc can extend collaboration to youth with most passionate ideas of solutions relevent to millenium goal acceleration

Typical mail being sent from MIT Collaboration Cafe Festival 7 March 2013 

Last Sunday had an exciting meeting in Dhaka with sir fazle abed , BRAC's FOUNDER


Our idea is to design a massive open online curriculum as a 6 week guided tour to brac the world's most collaborative ngo- by about week 5 students will be asked to reference extraordinary youth competition entries that it would be most relevant for sir fazle and brac to support


So that the first draft of the curriculum is completed by end of june, I aim to arrange monthly meetings with sir fazle. I believe every way that MIT youth (including open tech wizards) and sir fazle can help each other is urgently needed. For example the quadir brothers, one of whom runs MIT Legatum, is helping BRAC design cashess banking to reach the next billion


Does this sound like your sort of adventure?


all the best


chris macrae washington dc 301 881 1655 skype chrismacraedc


rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk if you have an idea of a youth project that brac most needs to know about - egs

open infrared 

9:22 am est 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dimensions of BRAC Partnering

BRAC International

Last updated 23 November, 2011


BRAC Haiti

Partnership for:
Shelter Project in BRAC Haiti. Project duration is May 2011 - Jan 2012. 
Agriculture based Livelihood intervention. Project duration is Mar 2011 - Mar 2012. 


BRAC Haiti

For the Housing Project in BRAC Haiti. Project duration is June 2010 - Nov 2011.

DIGICEL Foundation

BRAC Haiti

For the Youth Enterprise School (YES) in BRAC Haiti. Project duration is Mar 2011 - Feb 2012.


BRAC PakistanBRAC LiberiaBRAC Sierra Leone
For the Health, Agriculture, Poultry & Livestock, Research & Evaluation, and Training Programmes in BRAC Liberia and Sierra Leone . Project duration is Oct 2008 - Dec 2011.Also for Flood rehabilitation project in Pakistan.

Omidyar Network

BRAC Sierra LeoneBRAC Liberia
For the Health, Agriculture, Poultry & Livestock, Research & Evaluation, and Training Programmes in BRAC Liberia and Sierra Leone . Project duration is Oct 2008 - Dec 2011.

Humanity United

BRAC Sierra LeoneBRAC Liberia
For the Health, Agriculture, Poultry & Livestock, Research & Evaluation, and Training Programmes in BRAC Liberia and Sierra Leone . Project duration is Oct 2008 - Dec 2011.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

BRAC Tanzania
For the Integrated Project in BRAC Tanzania.


BRAC Sierra Leone
For the Microfinance Programme in BRAC Sierra Leone. Project duration is Oct 2009 - Dec 2013.

BRAC Liberia
For the Microfinance Programme in BRAC Liberia. Project duration is Oct 2009 - Dec 2013.


BRAC Liberia
For the Agriculture Programme in BRAC Liberia. Project duration is June 2011 - May 2013. 
BRAC Sierra Leone
For Agriculture Programme. Project duration is June 2011 - May 2013.


BRAC Afghanistan
GAVI is a partner for the Mobile Health Teams for Badghis project (duration is Sep 2008 - Dec 2011) and Nimroz project (duration is Sep 2008 - Dec 2011)

World Bank/MOPH

BRAC Afghanistan
The partnership is for SHARP Nimroz health project. The project duration is Oct 2009 - Mar 2013. The committed fund is USD 2,315,402.
BRAC South Sudan
For ELA programme. Project duration is May 2010 - Jan 2012.


BRAC Afghanistan
This is for agriculture programme. The project duration is Nov 2009 - Nov 2011. The committed fund is USD 4,445,291.

Italian Corporation

BRAC Internaitonal
This partnership is for agriculture programme. The project duration is Nov 2011 - Oct 2013. The committed fund is USD 500,000 

United Way Worldwide

BRAC Tanzania - Microfinance
BRAC Microfinance, started its operation on the mid of 2006 in Tanzania and currently working in 112 branches with more than 118,000 borrowers. United Way Worldwide has been helping BRAC Tanzania as one of our promising partners for Poverty Alleviation through Micro Finance. 
The overall objective of this partnership is to increase access to financial Services for the majority of poor in Masama Branch and Machame Branch in Kilimanjaro region with a particular emphasis on women who have been left out by the mainstream financial system. The program is designed with a focus on poverty reduction through credit facilities for employment and income generation for the poor in Masama and Machame. A minimum of 2000 women entrepreneurs in Masama and Machame will be served with small loans within 1 year.


BRAC Tanzania - ELA
The Empowerment and Livelihood for Adolescents (ELA) programme started in Tanzania in August, 2008 with the financial support of BRAC USA. In April 2011, the programme expanded with the financial and technical support of UNICEF. 
UNICEF & BRAC Tanzania share a commitment to the principles set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The Convention on the right of the child and The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. BRAC Tanzania implement this through ELA (Empowerment and Livelihood for Adolescents) Program on prevention of HIV infection, unwanted pregnancy and Sexual Violence. 
The UNICEF-funded program is running in the Temeke district and both urban and rural dstricts in the Mbeya region, with 80 clubs and 3,005 female members. 

BRAC Uganda 
For the Karamoja project. Project duration is from Nov 2010 - Dec 2014.

Oxfam Novib

BRAC Afghanistan
Partnership is for:
CBHP - Parwan and Nangarhar. The project duration is from Nov 2008 - Oct 2011
Wash Samangan project. Project duration is from Aug 2011 - Feb 2011
Disaster Risk Reduction Project. Project duration is from Sep 2010 - Aug 2011

BRAC South Sudan
For Agriculture Programme. Project duration is Apr 2010 - Mar 2012.

Global Fund

BRAC Afghanistan
Partnership is for:
GFATM R8 TB project. The project duration is from Oct 2009 - Sep 2014.
GFATM R8 Malaria (PR) project. Project duration is from Feb 2010 - Jan 2015.
GFATM R8 Malaria (SR) project. Project duration is from June 2010 - Jan 2015. 


BRAC Afghanistan
This is for the TB Care 1 project. Project duration is from Feb 2009 - June 2011.


BRAC Afghanistan
Partnership for:
IMCHN - Kabul project. Project duration is from July 2010 - Oct 2011.
Health NID -Helmand project. Project duration is from Nov 2009 - Mar 2011.
MNCH Badghis project. Project duration is from Oct 2010 - Sep 2011.
MNCH - Helmand & Nimroz health project. Project Duration is from July 2011 - July 2012.
Behavioural Change & Communication project. Project duration is from Aug 2010 - July 2011.


BRAC Afghanistan
Partnership for the Health NID -Helmand project. Project duration is from Nov 2009 - Mar 2011. 


BRAC Afghanistan
Partnership for the Nursing Training School project. Project duration is from Oct 2009 - Sep 2012. 


BRAC Afghanistan
Partnership for:
Supplementary Feeding Programme. Project duration is from Feb 2010 - Mar 2011.
Food for TB Patients - Kabul project. Project duration is from Apr 2010 - Dec 2011.
Food for TB Patients - Parwan project. Project duration is from Apr 2010 - Dec 2011.

French Embassy

BRAC Afghanistan
Partnership is for the Surobi DH Support Project - Kabul. Project duration is from Sep 2010 - Apr 2011 


BRAC Afghanistan
Partnership is for the Girls Education Programme. Project duration is from Jan 2007 - Mar 2012. 


BRAC Afghanistan
Partnership is for the Enhancement of Literacy in Afghanistan. Project duration is from July 2010 - June 2011.

Ministry of Rural Rahabilitation and Development(MRRD)

BRAC Afghanistan
Partnership is for the National Solidarity Programme (NSP)

World Bank

BRAC Afghanistan
Partnership is for the National Solidarity Programme (NSP).


BRAC Afghanistan
This is for the Community Infrastructure Project. Project duration is from July 2010 - June 2011.


BRAC Afghanistan
Partnership is for the Targeting Ultra Poor programme and also for the Comprehensive Capacity Development Programme.

Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund

BRAC Pakistan
Partnership is for the Education, Health, Social Safety Net project Health Insurance TUP, Flood Refinancing through MF and also for the Flood Rehabilitation project. 

UWW - Citi Foundation

BRAC Tanzania
For the Microfinance programme.


BRAC Tanzania
For the Rice Cultivation in collaboration with IRRI.

MasterCard Foundation

BRAC Uganda
For Health, Education, Agriculture, Poultry & Livestock, Research & Evaluation and ELA programmes.

Gold Smith

BRAC Uganda
For Karamoja Project. Project duration is Nov 2011 - Nov 2013.


BRAC Uganda
For Participatory Video Initiative - ELA programme. Project duration is Aug 2011 - Mar 2012.

Population Services International (PSI)

BRAC South Sudan
For Malaria project. Project duration is Jan 2011 - Dec 2012.

Comic Relief

BRAC South Sudan
For Education project. Project duration is Feb 2011 - Mar 2014.

Stromme Foundation

BRAC South Sudan
For Education Programme. Project duration is Jan 2010 - Dec 2012.

London Mining

BRAC Sierra Leone
For Agriculture programme. Project duration is July 2011 - June 2012.


BRAC Sierra Leone
For Human Rights and Legal Empowerment Programme. Project duration is June 2010 - Dec 2011.


BRAC Sierra Leone
For Human Rights and Legal Empowerment programme. Project duration is Jan 2011 - Dec 2013.

Caritas Austria

BRAC Haiti
For Morne a Bateau Livelihood Project. Project duration is Feb 2011 - Jan 2012.


Knowledge Partners

Last updated 23 November, 2011

George Washington University

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene ProgrammeDisaster, Environment and Climate Change Programme 

BRAC DECC and WASH Programmes host one intern every three months as a receiving institution. All students complete pre-agreed tasks as part of fulfilling their requirements for Masters in Global Health. Three credits are awarded to the intern on successful completion of the assignment.

International resource Centre for Water and Sanitation

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Programme

IRC is considered a "centre of excellence" in water, sanitation and hygiene globally. They provide back-up technical support in the fields of technical, knowledge management and monitoring for the ongoing WASH Programme.


FHI 360

Alive and ThriveHealth Programme

FHI 360 (former AID-ARTS) provides technical support in communication and private sector activties.


Alive and ThriveHealth Programme

GMMB provides advocacy support.


Alive and ThriveHealth Programme

IFPRI provides support in monitoring, learning and evaluation.

International Rice Research Institute

Agriculture and Food Security Program


IRRI is implementing different projects for the improvement of rice productivity of Bangladesh through variety development and technology dissemination.

International Potato Center (CIP)

Agriculture and Food Security Program

Research and development conducted on potatoes through gerplasm exchange and training.

World Fish Center

Agriculture and Food Security Program

Implementing the project on Challenge Programme on Water and Food (CPWF) in the southern parts of Bangladesh.

HarvestPlus Challenge Program (CIAT and IFPRI)

Agriculture and Food Security Program

BRAC is providing support for communication and deployment of zinc fortified rice varieties in Bangladesh. Negotiation is ongoing for participation in seed multiplication and marketing of orange-flesh sweet potato in Uganda, Sierra Leone and Liberia. The Executive Director of BRAC is a member of the Project Advisory Committee of HarvestPlus.

Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI)

Agriculture and Food Security Program

BRRI provides breeder seeds and training to BRAC staff.

Hi-Tech Seed Co Ltd, China

Agriculture and Food Security Program

BRAC is an active partner in producing hybrid rice seeds in Bangladesh with the technical assistance of Hi-Tech Seed Co Ltd. BRAC also desires to have access to technical knowledge in order to develop hybrid rice seeds which are suitable to Bangladesh climate and also to produce and market such seeds in the country.

Yuans Hi-Tech Seed Co Ltd, China

Agriculture and Food Security Program

BRAC is an active partner in producing hybrid rice seeds in Bangladesh with the technical assistance of Yuans Hi-Tech Seed Co Ltd. BRAC also desires to have access to technical expertise in order to develop hybrid rice seeds suitable to the Bangladesh climate and also to produce and market such seeds in Bangladesh.

China National Hybrid Rice Research and Development Center (CNHRRDC), China

Agriculture and Food Security Program

BRAC is an active partner in developing hybrid rice for the benefit of Bangladeshi farmers with the technical assistance of CNHRRDC. Both parties agreed to make efforts to jointly promote the development of hybrid rice, make contributions which will benefit the Bangladeshi farmers and strengthen the friendship between China and Bangladesh.

Small Engines for Economic Development (SEED), USA

Agriculture and Food Security Program

BRAC is an active partner to market the SEED pump, to address the designing and developing irrigation products and services which will increase the income for small farmers.

International Federation for Training and Development Organization (IFTDO), UK

BRAC Learning Divison


The IFTDO is a world-wide federation (UK based) formed in 1972. It is a diverse network of human capacity building and development organizations linking training and HR professionals in HR societies, corporations, universities, consultancies, government organizations and enterprises. Through its member organizations, it represents more than 500,000 professionals in 50 countries. Through this network BLD can:

• Increase recognition as an internationally active organisation by using the IFTDO logo while mentioning the fact that they are IFTDO members

• Expand capabilities through exchanging strategies, techniques and technology

• Learn about important training events and developments

• Access global thinking and practices through the IFTDO global network, projects and research

• Shape state-of-the-art international development projects

• Participate as delegates, presenters and exhibitors at IFTDO conferences

 Receive discount of on-conference registration 

• Contribute articles to the IFTDO NEWS and website

World Vision Bangladesh

BRAC Learning Divison

A year-long course on "Leadership Enhancement and Development" designed and facilitated by BRAC Learning Division for the managers of World Vision Bangladesh.

Save the Children UK

BRAC Learning Divison

Jointly working on submitting a training project proposal with BLD.

Save the Children USA

BRAC Learning Divison

Three-month long training project on health issues undertaken in the Bhola District.

Sajida Foundation

BRAC Learning Divison

BLD Provides different training course on Development Management, Human Communication and Personnel Management to the Sajida Foundation staff members.

ILO Bangladesh

BRAC Learning Divison

BLD provides different training courses on Supportive Supervision, Human Communication and Monitoring and Evaluation to the staff of ILO Bangladesh.

Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB)

BRAC Learning Divison

BLD provides different training courses on Management, and Effective Communication to the staff of TIB.


Advocacy for Social Change


Local Press Clubs of 47 District & Divisions

TB Control, Malaria ControlHealth Programme 

Journalist Associations

TB Control, Malaria ControlHealth Programme 

Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD)

Targeting the Ultra Poor ProgrammeAdvocacy Programme 

Institutional Donors

Last updated 23 November, 2011 

Oxfam Novib

Community Empowerment Programme

Donors for the Social Development component of the Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction (CFPR) Project.

Education Programme

The funding of BRAC Education Programme II (BEP II) 2009- 2014 is supported by a donor consortium that includes five donors ( AusAID, CIDA, DFID, Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands and Oxfam NOVIB). Primarily, BEP II addresses issues relating to access and quality, and operates at five institutional levels:

Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary, Adolescent and Continuing education.

These are all areas where BEP has initiated different activities and made progress. In four of these areas, BEP provides direct access to services and has a strong focus in their quality. In the secondary education programme, BEP is partnering with government-supported schools to improve the quality of their service provision. Besides this, the European Commission (EC), Unicef and Nike contribute to BEP to operate non-formal primary schools, pre-primary schools, Adolescent Clubs and SOFEA (Social and Financial Empowerment of Adolescent) programmes as bilateral donors.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Community Empowerment Programme

UNDP is the donor for the "UN Joint Programme on Violence Against Women" project, where BRAC Community Empowerment Programme (CEP) is providing technical assistance to UNDP for the project. The project takes place in the Habigonj, Narsingdi, Feni, Sirajgonj, Satkhira and Barguna districts. The project is being implemented in partnership with UNDP and Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives. The goal of the project is “to improve the overall violence against women (VAW) situation in the REOPA and LIC operating districts”.


Improving Maternal, Neonatal and Child Survival (IMNCS)BRAC Health Programme 

Education Programme

The funding of BRAC Education Programme II (BEP II) 2009- 2014 is supported by a donor consortium that includes five donors ( AusAID, CIDA, DFID, Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands and Oxfam NOVIB). Primarily, BEP II addresses issues relating to access and quality, and operates at five institutional levels:

Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary, Adolescent and Continuing education.

These are all areas where BEP has initiated different activities and made progress. In four of these areas, BEP provides direct access to services and has a strong focus in their quality. In the secondary education programme, BEP is partnering with government-supported schools to improve the quality of their service provision. Besides this, the European Commission (EC), Unicef and Nike contribute to BEP to operate non-formal primary schools, pre-primary schools, Adolescent Clubs and SOFEA ( Social and Financial Empowerment of Adolescent) programmes as bilateral donors.



BRAC Health Programme 

BRAC has been implementing a TB - HIV collaborative project with USAID funds, receiving technical and financial support for the project through FHI 360. The project offers HIV screening test to TB patients in six DOTS corners of BRAC in Dhaka and Chittagong city corporations.

FHI 360

BRAC Health Programme 

BRAC has been implementing a TB - HIV collaborative project with USAID funds, receiving technical and financial support for the project through FHI 360. The project offers HIV screening test to TB patients in six DOTS corners of BRAC in Dhaka and Chittagong city corporations

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM)

TB ControlMalaria ControlHealth Programme

From 2004 onwards, Bangladesh has been receiving the Global Fund for National TB Control Program under the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS). BRAC serves as the principal recipient related to NGO implementation with 43 other partners. In addition, BRAC provides direct services in 297 upazillas in 42 districts, including Chittagong Hill Tracts, prisons, twenty four academic institutions, Chittagong and Khulna Port Authority Hospitals and various parts of the city corporations.

European Union

Agriculture and Food Security Programme

Implementing EU funded projects in the coastal regions of Bangladesh.


Islamic Development Bank (IDB)

Agriculture and Food Security Programme


Implementing agriculture credit project in the cyclone prone area of Bangladesh.



Education Programme


The funding of BRAC Education Programme II (BEP II) 2009- 2014 is supported by a donor consortium that includes five donors ( AusAID, CIDA, DFID, Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands and Oxfam NOVIB). Primarily, BEP II addresses issues relating to access and quality, and operates at five institutional levels:

Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary, Adolescent and Continuing education.

These are all areas where BEP has initiated different activities and made progress. In four of these areas, BEP provides direct access to services and has a strong focus in their quality. In the secondary education programme, BEP is partnering with government-supported schools to improve the quality of their service provision. Besides this, the European Commission (EC), Unicef and Nike contribute to BEP to operate non-formal primary schools, pre-primary schools, Adolescent Clubs and SOFEA ( Social and Financial Empowerment of Adolescent) programmes as bilateral donors.

Implementation Partners

Last updated 23 November, 2011


Improving Maternal, Neonatal and Child Survival (IMNCS) 

BRAC works at community level to create demand for health services among community people, while UNICEF works with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of GoB in the supply-side by providing technical and logistical support to the GoB health facilities.

Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communications (BNNRC)

Community Empowerment Programme 

BRAC and BNNRC are in partnership forming "Children's Clubs" for BRAC's Community Radio, "Radio Pollikontho" in Maulvibazar, with funding from UNICEF.

Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF)

Community Empowerment Programme 

Acid violence victims reported to BRAC CEP receive medical treatment, legal aid, and rehabilitation support in partnership with Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF).

Shishu Polli Plus

Community Empowerment Programme 

BRAC CEP is providing Income Generation Activities Trainings to Shishu Polli Plus beneficiaries (women who are victims of violence). In addition, BRAC CEP refers women violence victims reported to CEP to Shishu Polli Plus shelter homes.

The Hunger Project - Bangladesh

Community Empowerment Programme 

BRAC CEP and The Hunger Project - Bangladesh, is implementing the "Social Mobilization and Accountable Local Government towards Creating MDG Unions" in Mymensingh district in partnership. The project is funded by BRAC and also has BRAC RED as a partner.


Community Empowerment Programme 

BRAC Community Empowerment Programme and Saferworld are in partnership implementing activities of the "Community Safety Pilot Project" in Kishoregonj district with funding from Saferworld.


Vision Bangladesh ProjectBRAC Health Programme 

The Project is jointly funded by BRAC and Sightsavers with a portion of 50:50. BRAC is responsible for the demand side of the project i.e. advocacy and community mobilization. Sightsavers is responsible for the supply side including coordination with the partner hospitals for cataract surgery.

Migration Forum Asia (MFA)

Safe Migration Facilitation Centre (SMFC) Project 

NGO Committee on Migration

Safe Migration Facilitation Centre (SMFC) Project 

Migration Forum Asia (MFA)

Safe Migration Facilitation Centre (SMFC) Project 


BRAC Enterprises’ efforts are not driven towards maximizing profit for the shareholders, but to benefit its stakeholders who are essentially the millions of deprived and disenfranchised poor of the country. 
The surplus that BRAC social enterprises generate fuel most of BRAC’s non-income activities such as the health and education programmes. 
Learn more ...

See all BRAC social enterprises at a glance or view details below:

Agriculture & Food: BRAC SericultureBRAC Cold StorageBRAC Tea EstatesBRAC Salt
BRAC Sanitary Napkin & Delivery Kit
Livestock & Fisheries: 
BRAC PoultryBRAC Poultry Rearing FarmsBRAC FisheriesBRAC DairyBRAC Feed MillsBRAC Artificial InseminationBRAC Chicken
Green Enterprises: 
BRAC SolarBRAC NurseryBRAC Handmade Recycled Paper
Printers and Printing Pack: 
BRAC PrintersBRAC Printing Pack

BRAC's first www Youth Entrepreneur Competition
BRAC’s first-ever Facebook competition is officially over! Congratulations to our winner, Daniel Ng from the University of Virginia on his ‘Play’ Project– a community playground project with the objective of creating safe accessible spaces for underprivileged children to play.

A special mention goes out to our runners up; Maya – a community empowerment project for women, and Amadeyr Cloud’s digital content delivery project.

In January, we received over 40 submissions from around the world and finally narrowed it down to seven best innovations with potential to be implemented at BRAC. We convened several internal judging panels to make our final decision. The winner gets the unique opportunity to work with BRAC’s Social Innovation Lab in Bangladesh.
Event: 3ie-LIDC Seminar - Reaching the Poorest: Lessons from the Graduation Model
If you're in London, come see BRAC Development Institute's Syed Hashemi and Anasuya Sangupta discuss an effective model for reaching the very poorest. The Graduation model is based on BRAC's Ultra Poor programme in Bangladesh and is being piloted and scaled up in 10 countries around the world.

Date: Tuesday 24th April, 2012
Venue: Manson Lecture Theatre, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London, UK
Time: 5:30 – 7 pm

Syed Hashemi, Founder and Director, BRAC Development Institute and Senior Advisor, CGAP
Aude de Montesquiou, Microfinance Analyst, CGAP
Anasuya Sengupta, Senior Research Associate, BRAC Development Institute
2:41 pm edt 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Creative space: the BRAC Social Innovation Lab

On October 19, the BRAC Social Innovation Lab was formally launched in an informal gathering called “Social Innovation Forum.” The event focused on a theme of “How does BRAC do social innovation—past, present, and future?” and was dedicated to the memory of Aminul Alam (1949-2010), one of BRAC’s earliest and most influential innovators. A clip of his retelling of BRAC’s initial activities in poultry was played to pay tribute to the passion and incredible dedication he brought to the organization.

The chairperson, Sir Fazle Abed, participated in the launch and offered inspirational reflections on innovation at BRAC. “Necessity is the mother of all inventions, as well as innovations,” he remarked with humor, and emphasized that BRAC’s goal at this point is not to reinvent the wheel, but to “do old things in a new, unique way.” There are many examples of these principles in practice in BRAC’s history; in the Oral rehydration Therapy Extension Program (OTEP) that BRAC launched in the 1970s, for example, BRAC took the “per-piece” payment scheme and applied it to health educators, tying their compensation to how many mothers they effectively taught how to make the lifesaving solution of water, salt, and sugar. Lay health educators reached twelve million mothers and significantly reduced child mortality from diarrheal disease, the major killer at the time. It used a similar model for education, considering students’ retention of knowledge in teachers’ pay. “No one had done it this way, but we did,” Abed commented. Innovation is one of BRAC’s core values, and there is no shortage of examples of how this looks in action. Abed closed his comments by reflecting on the many opportunities for innovation in the current global context, with particular excitement about gains that could be realized in education with creative usage of technology and expanding connectivity.

Few places in the world have a more apparent need for creativity in development than Bangladesh. At once a success story of economic growth, entrepreneurship, and public-private approaches to building durable strategies for providing social services, it continues to face a host of complex and significant changes: climate change, rapid rates of urban migration, to name just a few. Bangladesh must grapple with the growing economic and social inequalities, and mobile populations that challenge traditional delivery models for everything from TB treatment to microfinance. BRAC can be a leader in identifying ways to adapt and continue to combat poverty in the midst of these changes. And with its expanding presence abroad, there are increasing opportunities to translate these local innovations to new contexts. With 2.5 billion people still living on under US $2 a day, the necessity remains quite palpable.

With these possibilities in mind, the newly formed Social Innovation Lab team made a short presentation to further describe the state of innovation at BRAC. They called attention to how the organization has evolved over time to manage the incredible scale and scope of its activities—in introducing the necessary processes and specialized units that this operation requires, barriers to encouraging, testing, and evaluating innovative ideas have inadvertently cropped up. This is particularly true for dialog across programs, leading to missed opportunities to effectively harness the full magnitude of experience and wisdom at BRAC. In addition, there is often limited time to examine how others, in Bangladesh and abroad, are tackling dimensions of poverty, or to keep up with the ever-advancing state of knowledge, technology and research and global priorities. Innovation is a crucial competency to maintain, to continue to effectively combat poverty and sustain the energy and excitement of the caliber and talent of individuals that have built the BRAC that exists today.

How can a massive organization practice innovation? BRAC has been reflecting on how to ensure that its investment in innovation matches the scale of its operations, and out of these conversations, the initial idea of a “Social Innovation Lab” was conceived. Housed in the Communications Department, this unit will seek to institutionalize innovation at BRAC and create an accessible space for all where ideas are shared, generated and nurtured. It will support programs in identifying existing innovations, running pilot programs, and facilitating dissemination of experiences, as well as seeking new partners with promising solutions to work with BRAC in tackling complex issues. Through its activities, the Social Innovation Lab will build program capacity for managing internal innovation and foster cross-program and organization-wide dialog and support for new ideas on how to advance BRAC’s mission. Already, a variety of exciting opportunities are emerging for consideration, from better serving “floating people” (transient slum dwellers) in urban areas, to utilizing technology for effective data utilization in integrated initiatives, to exploring reproductive health for adolescents to adopting an innovative model of private high schools from Kenya. The Social Innovation Lab will evaluate these proposals and their overall alignment with BRAC’s strategy and activities, and work with the programs to prioritize which to pursue. Many more exciting suggestions were offered by BRAC staff who attended the event, confirming that there is a wealth of innovative spirit and potential to harness and build on.
4:19 am edt 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

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Dear chris,

With all of my years working with BRAC and in development in general, I still find myself consistently blown away by the people we work with.  Last month in Liberia, I met Cecilia Doe, a formidable woman who took on the Firestone corporation to get rights to land where her community now leverages BRAC's tools and training to grow rice.  

Cecilia is Liberia's secret to success, and she's one of millions!  You can read below about how young girls in Uganda and Bangladesh are changing their communities as well.

In addition to the incredible women and girls BRAC works with in developing communities, there are also many wonderful volunteers and interns who commit their time to BRAC's mission.  I had a chance to meet with some of the summer interns at BRAC while in Bangladesh earlier this month, and was thoroughly impressed by this amazing group.  You can read posts from some of our interns in the US and in Bangladesh on our blog.

New and experienced, our interns and volunteers are part of the soul of this organization.  They are true ambassadors of BRAC.

Best wishes,
Susan Davis
President & CEO

BRAC Partners with SMS Forum UReport in Uganda
BRAC was recently introduced to an initiative called Ureport. Initiated by UNICEF, Ureport is an SMS based forum designed to provide Ugandan youth with a platform to raise issues that concern them. The system uses mobile technology to allow youth to interact with each other and participate in a national dialog process.

BRAC Uganda has partnered with the Ureport initiative by including the members from their youth clubs. BRAC Uganda's Empowerment and Livelihoods for Adolescents program has 690 clubs for adolescent girls and a further 100 Youth Development Centers under its Access to Health, Education and Youth Development program in Karamoja. About 26,500 adolescent girls in Uganda are now reached by these programs. Ureport is a great opportunity for BRAC to connect these girls through new mediums and a feedback based process. It fits nicely with our objective of supporting youth in becoming contributing members of their communities. Already more than 3,500 club members are being registered into the system along with nearly 9,000 young members from the microfinance and health programs. The hope is that these BRAC participants will spread the message and encourage others to join.

Click here to read the rest.

Insana's Story: A Student and a Teacher


Insana is 18 years old. She lives in a village in Kalampur, Dhamrai in Bangladesh.

When she was in Grade 10, Insana was forced to drop out of school, as her family was unable to bear the associated costs and needed one more hand to add to the meager family income. This was a big blow for Insana, as she enjoyed school and wanted to continue her education further. Nevertheless, in response to her family’s needs, Insana stopped going to school and started rearing some chicks and ducks to help support her family.

Insana was a member of a local SoFEA club, and her club mentor and the staff became aware of this and offered her the chance to enroll in a training program to learn tailoring. Although there was pressure from her family to find a higher earning job, Insana decided to take up the training.

Click here to read more of Insana's story.

Christy Turlington goes back to Bangladesh

This week, Christy Turlington Burns returned to Bangladesh for the first time since filming No Woman, No Cry, a documentary that follows the stories of four women who face the dangers of pregnancy. One of the stories Christy covers in her film is Monica, who is working with Yasmin, a BRAC Community Health Promoter, to ensure she has a safe pregnancy.

On the first day of her return, Christy talks with BRAC staff and visits our maternal health program in the slums of Dhaka, where she reunites with Yasmin.

Click here to read Christy's story of her first day back in Bangladesh.

4:55 pm edt 

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Global Alliance for Banking on Values commit to support $2 billion lending expansion

NEW YORK, Sept. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- A new network of growing, crisis-resistant, sustainable banks has announced an ambitious commitment to support the expansion of $2 billion in lending to underserved communities and green projects around the world.The Global Alliance for Banking on Values made the announcement at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York this month. The independent network of eleven of the world's leading sustainable banks - who serve over 7 million customers, in 20 countries, with a combined balance sheet of over $14 billion - was launched earlier this year in the Netherlands. According to its Chair, it already has concrete proposals to start making a major impact.he Global Alliance for Banking on Values consists of the following members: 
Alternative Bank 
ABS, Switzerland, www.abs.ch
Banca Popolare Etica, Italy, www.bancaetica.com
Banex, Banco del Exito, Nicaragua, www.banex.com.ni
BRAC Bank and BRAC Microfinance Programme, Bangladesh, www.brac.net andwww.bracbank.com
GLS Bank, Germany, www.gls.de
Merkur Bank, Denmark, www.merkurbank.dk
Mibanco, Banco de la Microempresa, Peru, www.mibanco.com.pe
New Resource Bank, United States, www.newresourcebank.com
ShoreBank Corporation, United States, www.shorebankcorp.com
Triodos Bank, The Netherlands, www.triodos.com
XacBank, Mongolia, www.xacbank.com
To qualify for membership, each institution has to meet three criteria:
- They are independent and licensed banks with a focus on retail customers;
- with a minimum balance sheet of $100 million
- and, most significantly, they should be committed to responsible financing and the triple bottom line of people, planet and profit.
Please, view the website of the Dutch Royal House for the speech of Princess Máxima.
6:33 pm edt 

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

BRAC leads anti-poverty effort in post-conflict countries http://www.brac.net/index.php?nid=438

NEW YORK, July 22, 2009 - BRAC is leading a $15 million initiative to rebuild war-torn communities in West Africa, four organisations supporting the effort announced today.

The Soros Economic Development Fund, Open Society Initiative for West Africa, Omidyar Network, and Humanity United are funding this groundbreaking initiative to support families and prevent renewed conflict.

"This investment in the people of West Africa comes at a critical time," said Stewart Paperin, president of the Soros Economic Development Fund. "With their countries emerging from devastating civil wars, this support gives people the tools to rebuild."

BRAC, one of the world's largest anti-poverty groups, is providing microfinance, health, and agricultural support in Sierra Leone and Liberia. It anticipates that over 500,000 people will benefit from these programmes.

"In the face of overwhelming need, BRAC's work has real potential to create opportunities for hundreds of thousands of families to stabilise their lives and build for the future," said Matt Bannick, managing partner of Omidyar Network. "Our investment will help catalyse this economic and social impact."

Since March, BRAC has opened 20 new microfinance branches in Sierra Leone and Liberia and will add 20 more by the end of the year. BRAC made its first loans in June. Over the next two years, it will provide financial services to tens of thousands of women, as well as agricultural supplies and training to small crop and livestock farmers. BRAC will also prepare four hundred community based health volunteers to provide ongoing essential healthcare and help fight deadly diseases like malaria, tuberculosis, and cholera.

"People desperately need to earn a living," said Fazle Hasan Abed, founder and chairperson of BRAC. "Despite the many challenges these countries face, Liberia and Sierra Leone are uniquely positioned to become models for successful development in West Africa. We are committed to providing training and resources so that the poor, especially women, can unleash their capabilities as entrepreneurs and improve their livelihoods." 

BRAC's work in Sierra Leone and Liberia is being funded through a combination of grants and equity, and BRAC is negotiating additional debt capital to finance the loan portfolio. This two-year pilot programme will help BRAC build a long-term sustainable strategy for integrated development in Sierra Leone and Liberia.

http://brac.tv please help us track how BRAC is changing africa
older refs- Liberia 1

BRAC's 2008 Report is at http://www.brac.net/useruploads/files/BRAC%20Annual%20Report%20-%202008.pdf

Other Africa BRAC highlights http://www.brac.net/usa/bracs_work_africa.php

BRAC, a leading international development organization founded in Bangladesh announced that it has successfully raised $62.6 million of debt capital to provide microfinance loans to poor borrowers in Tanzania, Uganda and Southern Sudan. The BRAC Africa Loan Fund provides long-term, local-currency funding that will enable BRAC to scale up its microfinance operations to reach over 700,000 borrowers through over 200 branches across the three countries. The Fund represents the largest single financing to date of a southern hemisphere development organization expanding into Africa.

The Fund will aggregate US dollar loans from investors through a special purpose company and use the capital to make local currency loans to BRAC UgandaBRAC Tanzania and BRAC Southern Sudan over a period of seven years. A second and final closing is planned during the first half of 2009 to reach the Fund’s target of $74.0 million.

1 Uganda April 09: BRAC Uganda has emerged as the largest NGO in the country, employing close to 1400 staff, 97% of them being Ugandan. Mr. Islam also explained how BRAC Uganda currently operates 123 offices in 37 districts across the country, impacting the lives of half a million people. more refs 1 2 3 4

About BRAC Tanzania:
In June 2006, BRAC began operating its Microfinance Program in three regions in Tanzania - Dar-es-salam, Arusha and Coast. In the past year, approximately USD 4 million in loans has been distributed through this program. The microfinance program includes outreach and services at the village level and is specifically focused on women. BRAC leveraged this organization capital to develop extension service cadre in health, agriculture and livestock initiatives. Currently, there are over 350 BRAC staff members working in Tanzania. 

Click here to read BRAC Tanzania's 2008 Annual Report (pdf) 
Microfinance Program
Established in June 2006 and has undergone major expansion since January 2007 
Operates 41 branches in seven districts
Organized 1,481 groups
Mobilized 39,513 members; 25,518 of whom have borrowed
Disbursed over USD 4 million in loans
Employed 40 branch managers and 164 community organizers

Health Program
Established in January 2007
Operates 20 branches 
Mobilized 26,210 community members to participate in health education
Trained 200 CHVs

Agriculture Program 
Established in January 2007
Operates 15 branches 
Distributed 48,625 kg in seeds
Trained 243 model farmers and extension workers
Serves 1,448 general farmers

Poultry and Livestock Program 
Established in January 2007
Operates 20 branches
Trained 200 volunteers
Employed 350 staff members (95 percent are Tanzanian and over 95 percent are local women)
Signed an agreement with the Government of Tanzania’s relevant ministries to ensure adequate vaccination supply

Sierra Leone April 09: BRAC Sierra Leone has now set up 10 microfinance branches and launched its health, agriculture and livestock programs

S.Sudan March 2009: BRAC currently operates 17 microfinance branches in the country, reaching 14,000 members and is piloting initiatives in livelihoods, health and education.


2:24 am edt 

Friday, May 15, 2009

headline stats from new book on brac

  • BRAC is the biggest non-governmental, nonprofit organization in the world – in terms of its budget, its staff and the number of people it reaches. BRAC is the biggest international NGO in Afghanistan, working very effectively in some of the most difficult areas. BRAC has broad-based development programs in East Africa and in countries recovering from war: Sudan, Sierra Leone and Liberia.
  • BRAC provides more than $1 billion a year in micro loans to poor people; the repayment rate is more than 97%.
  • BRAC pioneered a program for diagnosing and treating tuberculosis that is now used worldwide. BRAC treats almost 100,000 TB patients a year and has a 92% cure rate.
  • BRAC operates more primary schools in Bangladesh than all the nursery, primary and secondary schools in England combined.
  • BRAC’s dairy processes more than 70,000 liters of milk a day. The milk is produced entirely by villagers in every district of Bangladesh, none owning more than one or two cows.
  • Students from across the world attend the BRAC University; thousands of villagers use its libraries and its on-line computer centers. The BRAC Bank has become one of the largest and most trusted in Bangladesh in only eight years of operation, and its lending concentrates almost entirely on small enterprise development, one notch up from microfinance.

Help us with worldwide brand seeding of 5000 youth goodwill ambassador network uniting bangladesh and worldwide mapmakers of microeconomics, social business entrepreneur networking and future capitalism's sustainability investments -next project meeting all day+1 birthday party with dr yunus , dhaka, 29 June 2009 - help us track the best for the world news that brac and grameen  are helping peoples celebrate-
spring 09.1 IDCOL to Produce Solar Panels in Bangladesh Energy Bangla - ‎Apr 24, 2009‎
The IDCOL CEO said the programme is being implemented through 15 partner organisations (POs) -- Grameen Shakti, BRAC Foundation, Srizony Bangladesh, ...
.2009 open planningBRAC headlines of 2009 include-Fazle Abed attended CGI planning meet:  people included William Jefferson Clinton, 42nd President of the United States and Founding Chairman of Clinton Global Initiative, Justin Yifu Lin, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank, Margaret McKenna, President of The Wal-Mart Foundation, Dr. James Mwangi, Managing Director and Chief Executive of Officer of Equity Bank Limited, Pamela Passman, Corporate Vice President of Microsoft Corporation
===================planning how 5000 youth ambassadors worldwide can exchnage yunus and abed and other microeconomic leaders replications 
there are obviously many sub-permutations of issues vital to 5000 youth ambassadors , I wish interns in bangkadesh would bring a plaque with their university crest and nail it to the hotel reception wall declaring their university to be virtually associated with dhaka. the idea that a 3 year undergrad course needs to be done in one bricks ad mortared expensive place is not sustainable for any undergraduate of development economics - we needs to turn one of the dhaka hotels into a sort of club med for interns of dhaka as the open uni of smba - by the way the former first lady of s.africa already calls dhaka the open uni of microcredit.
It would be fantastic if we could pool knowhow on how to make interns and other adventure learning tours bettter and better - I believe this can be a fantastic student led social business - its relevant to exploring at least 4 deep microcredits and epicentres of smba as well as their interactions - 3 are in dhaka : grameen, brac, and asa - all in the same area; one is in kenya; if anyone can get to kenya in march 2010 that's when a once in a lifetime microecreditsummit comes to nairobi; kena has the world;'s first youth and mothers mobile micropecredit; it may yet be enough to empower obama's foreign assistment pledges- notwithstanding briliant efforts by finca, brac and microloanfoundation among others I dont see any other millennium goal map connected by microeconomits  for africa emerging without connecting through what jamii bora can help collaborative multiply but look forward to other maps if you have them 
.for june 29 we are thinking that we will probably also find a very few interns who are already there and marry what they are doing in with june 29; we have also been promised by the end of may access to all records of interns that have ever been to grameen; we'd like ambassador5000 to connect that and intern records of other microcredits - we are searching for those young people who found internship in bangladesh a life changing experience that in some way they wish to contnuouly social business network- once we have a few common resources like a web of 1000 social busienss http://socialbusiness.tv/ which new york youth pledged to in januray all these jigsaws may come together at the same time but we need young people in the modst of assembling the big pictures
I believe I am correct in saying that mostofa is available during the month mid june to late july to help optimise any inteviews or visits you might want; of course he needs to confirm that and also has local family responsibilities but it is my assumption that integrating inten programs and youth ambassador 5000 and interviews that future capitalist journalists want to make with grameen global brand inside is work that mostofa with lamiya's team will be doing for a long time to come-
3.0 that is partly why we filmed last summer grameen inside and made 9 hours of transcripts before the whole world started making up glossier stories; we wanted to see the view of lifelong workers at bgrameen before the glossy broadcast story; at least that is what back in january 2008 we (sofia, modjtaba, mostofa, mark and I) asked dr yunus permission to do. new york jan  anmd london fe archives http://www.youtube.com/caplinski
1.0 perhaps we need 2 plans - many people who are coming to dhaka june 28/9 yunus 69th birthday partyhttp://yunusforum.net/  (also the first third of a century of bangladesh's micro-up maps being shared worldwide - a new genre to be published as microeconomics future capitalism or innovating collaboration and social business entrepreneur networks) for about 4 days
 but you imply a second group including mostofa and yourself who want a month in dhaka adventure learning-action plan - Paris: I understand you have the special case of the blockbuster movie work; some other people may blend this in with internship or other action research or future capitalism journalism ; ...

last summer grameen inside and made 9 hours of transcripts before the whole world started making up glossier stories; we wanted to see the view of lifelong workers at bgrameen before the glossy broadcast story; at least that is what back in january 2008 we (sofia, modjtaba, mostofa, mark and I) asked dr yunus permission to do. new york jan  anmd london fe archiveshttp://www.youtube.com/caplinski
So by july 08 have 9 hours of films and transcripts available made in dhaka - examples of which I also gave to saskia but which are kept in the grameen video library which goes back 30 years and is alongside the nobel permanent exhibition ; in other words depending how deeply you want to search the media archives there is at least a week's material to look at on just quarter of a floor of grammen bank; also one of the people attending on june 29 is a photoographer who has gone to a sample of everywhere with dr yunus whom mostofa can introduce you to- it is impossible to understand the female and youth magic of microcredit without understanding what was involved in setting up womens circles/centres in 1976- the greatest investment in open knowledge infrastructure a nation has ever made making silicon valley look pretty bogus in its roots; and for a modern rendering of where that leapfrogs to I attach a concept I was given by http://grameensolutions.com/ at start of jan 08 for thiose of an IT can chnage the world mind
.healthcare snap between 2 capitals with most at stake :DC & Dhaka

please may I introduce you in various criss-crossing ways but with particular coordinates on micro-medicine and the world's top 2 sustainability investmment collaboration gravities between dc and dhaka - the 2 greatest yes we can epicentres with son of microcredit in charge in dc and fathers and mothers of microredit leading dhaka

Nalini a fulbright prize winner in dc and active in research in india that seems to have remarkable parallels to larry brilliant's; and professor in childrens medicine a george washington and her son Abhi who has just graduated there in medicine ; they both attended the GWU talk of yunus in early february where 50 other youth were given tockets I bought by alex - to mostofa in london

mostofa is a bangladesh is villager and also a london universiuty student who is central to the idea that dr yunus briefed him on last summer at microcredit bali  of ambassador 5000

Youth AMB5000 is an opportunity to connect:

1 how grameen does internships and open sources micro-solutions with communities all over the world

2 how networks and uni students who support bangaleshi methods connect with other yes we can or micro up methods

3 all the other stuff that both yunus and fazle abed and other micro-solutions leadrs in dhaka go round developing hi-trust partenrships around

so it would be useful to rehearse what areas of medicine or other things interest you and mostofa can find out whetther there are any live projects going on inside grameen that currently need help or whether there are any attempts to search out partnerships which need relationship building among usa -eg earlier this month princeton students hosted an event on microcredit*microhealth -if we could replicate that some time in DC you would think we might start hunting who in NIH is interested in sustainable medicine/health care and of course when dr yunus is in dc he's usually asked to visit either bernanke on banks or hilary on healthcare - or other experts (grameen has several hundred medical staff of which about 5 are in boston at grameen america hq and the erst in bangladesh); and then  2 blocks away from grameen is brac the original vilage bursing network -new book by ian smillie freedom from want describes that

or other ways of essentially building a rural national health system as a jigsaw of hi-trust connecting pieces

I pretty quickly get out of my depth of understanding in medical areas which is also why mostofa and I want to convince people inside grameen that they need to become good at corresponding with very customised trajectories youth leaders may be on - its like huge detailed game of snap in my mind but then I am just a very simple-mided free marketmaker as many scots are

Nalini - back in britain a personal family friend is sir KP - former head of the royal academy of medicine - if you can search him and see if there is a topic in his cv that interests you then I can try and send an email between you - somehow I have to try and get cambridge university medical school connecting with dhaka but I have to find some topic that sir keith knows they do

chris.macrae @yahoo.co.uk

http://brac.tv http://hubsworld.tv

Freedom From Want: The Remarkable Success Story of BRAC, The Global Grassroots Organization that’s Winning the Fight Against Poverty April 2009 / 304 pages / Paperback / 978-1-56549-294-3 / $24.95

11:25 pm est 

mapmaker's data from the book's freedom chapters coming soon
10:07 am edt 

Freedom C0 & C2
.In 1950 , Abed's Uncle Saidul went to London as Pakistan's trade commissioner, and in 1954 Abed followed. For an 18 year old, traditional ideas about going into govenment service seemed outdtaed in the new post-colonial world, and Abed wanted to do something out of the ordinary. He still cannot explain what drew him to naval archotecture, except for the fact that it was well out of the ordinary. Soon he found himself in Glasgow. The naval archotecture course was a 4 year program with alternati ng 6 month periods in the calssroom and the shipyard, where studentls learned through hands-on experience. Afetr 6 months of basic physics and maths, he went to Yarrow and company shipyard as an apprentice draftsman, an experience he describes toay as "not that lovely". The second year, he skiipped the shipyard and started to think ahead. He was beginning to realizxe that as a naval architect he could be obliged to spend the rest of his life in Glasgow, Belfast, or Norway. He visited Norway in 1955 to take a look, and he was not impressed. he wrote to his uncle in London saying he had concluded that naval architecture was "not my line" after all. His father objected to him quitting but his uncle welcomed him back to London where he now concluded that his options lay between law and accounting 

This book is about the triumph of optimism, enterprise, and common sense over despair. It is about development without bodrers., and an incredible organisation created to deal with abject poverty in a broken country. The borders BRAC has crossed are not just political borders, though those are real enough. It has breached the borders of development orthodoxy, discovering the fallacies in standard approaches to community development and demonmstrating that poverty can be pushed back dramatically if it is tackled directly. It has shown that poor, even completely destitute, women in a conservative Muslim society can learn, earn and lead. It has shown that the market can be a powerful ally in the fight against poverty. It has breached the borders of small, turning tiny experimental efforts into huge enterprises that are staffed almost exclusively by tens of thousands of villagers who once had nothing , and whose own borders were once defined by ignorance, ill health, isolation and fear.

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