welcome to AIsdgs.com where media designers help take down fake media wjerever its wasting 8 billion peoples time
you may want to join economist dairy in 1951 when The Economist sub-ed NM was seconded to NYPeinceton for year to listen to John Von Neumann design the number 1 jiou7ranolusm quiz of Architectiure of Intelligence: it was agreed the most valuable scoop eathlings may e-vision = what goods can humans unite wherever celebrating early access to 100 times more tech per decade - eg a billion times more 2015=1955
from 1843 entries in EconomistDiary.com queen victoria accepets Economist founder James Wilsno help to start mapping commonewalth trading aps instead of all of asia being designed for englishmen'sd tea and england's ag policy being designed to starve the irish; in 1959 victi9ria charters bank for Wislon to go design finacial service for quarer of hmans on india's sucontinent; after year 1 celebrations by most of teh peopels,james dies of dairrhea; it takes 112 years befire a regional bank empowers women to build a nation beginning with netwirking oral rehydration;
EconomistScotland.com: 2023 would have been dad Norman's centenary as well as 73rd year co-working with Von Neumann and maps of SUSTAINABILITY GENERATION. Notably, EconomistGames.com is inspired by 3 Glasgow U alumni: Adam Smith James Watt, FAZLE ABED ..Current Intel compasses of AbedMooc.com include:
| SDG 5 4 3 2 1 0 welcome to Asia and the top 5 sdgoals 50 years search scaling the most exciting collaborations women-led communities empower | INDUSTRIAL REV 260th GAMES-cards of sdg-gen![]() | diary: next UN sdg-games 250th year review of moral sentiments and industrial revolution ![]() | www.ukcop26.org/volunteer green economics- the younger half of the world's only hope | Coming soon Fieldbook of Fazle Abed and 1 billion girls empowerment. I see these as 7 chapters of the fieldbook of Abed and womens nation building. Are you able to see if Shameran Abed agrees these are close to honoring his father's purpose or do you want me to do that? Chapter 1 Ending poverty with financial services - Chapter 2 Ending famine with village agriculture and 100% employment of women geared to community building and celebrating nation's market/entrepreneurial advantages Chapter 3 Raising life expectancy from 25 below to close to world norms through maximising last mile health service capacity with collaboration focus on affordable life-shaping solutions for infants and mothers Chapter 4 Education designed to value's the (girl/boy) child's life, love of self, communal dignity of everyone as an action learner and livelihood co-creator Chapter 5 Community as (global village) platform search for collaboration in resiliency and family-led conscious effort to respect every person and nature's dynamics | ![]() Chapter 6 Did Abed discover optimal framework matching The Economist's 150 year searching for Entrepreneurial Revolution ie a third movement to mediate historic empires, big politics and big corporate through intergenerational and inter-hemisphere sharing of advances in engineering. Specifically matching Von Neumann's definition of industrial revolution 3 as era of above zero-sum value exchange modeling coherent with 100 times more tech per 8 decades 1945-2025 compounding to everyone's collaborative and natural advantage. Chapter 7 Exploring Abed's checklist of the most urgent work to be done through the decade after his passing and purpose of the younger half of the world in connecting first true decade of sustainability generation through hi-trust behaviors and borderless transparency of data mapping integrating every GPS | https://engineering.stanford.edu/people/fei-fei-li probably most important tech for sdgs connector in world today ; secondly people abed inspired are trying to transform un via https://www.un.org/techenvoy/content/ongoing-work now led by indian civil servant amandeep gill;; guterres is making this his signature transformation but the 4 people who started this in 2016 after abed's 80th birthday jim kim ban ki-moon jack ma and melinda gates dont seem to know the indian civil servant amandeep gill who has taken over - also when kim got education un to finally connect with geneva it was through 2 propel: kituyi who then led unctad but may be rival to ruto and houlin zhao whose 8 years chair itu has just gone; its not clear whats happening with kenya unhabitat but hope to observe mar 22-25 new york with singapore friend jack sim number 1 practice connector of sdg6 www.worldtoilet.org and www.bophub.org - jack is the one person I can regularly communicate with have introduced john to jack and vincent chang who has just ended 4 years leading brac university but john is having up to 70 million property assets stolen from him by the person he though was his 45 year partner so not able to focus this month; meanwhile the metaverse has become a race - culturally can womens kindness take back web spaces - johns honk kong friend jeanne lim www.beingai.com having a good go; johns most powerful friend in ny remains chandrika tandon sponsor of nyu engineering campus in shanghai; unfortunately these dots need connecting ; I may need to relocate to glasgow as it has lower cost of living and currently cant find one project to work on; i want to finish last book dad worked with von neumann family since 1951- dad and i started co-authoring 2025 report genre from 1984; it seems the world really is at final sdg ai crossroads; sadly cant find which one human being bow represents all that fazle did for bangladesh- if you ever chat to monica yunus i would like to know how much succession she will take on ( - at brac i have to assume it couid be shameran but cant fond way to communicate with hum and I am told that tamara and asif sent 25 family members to eg glasgow cop26 - not one was up to fazle level of connecting -anyhow I dont want people politics around ai for good - thats a maths thing- john and i have found www.nexteinstein.org training 100 brilliant mathematicians for africa .... still know sunita gandhi scalling literacy across india like never before -so if you kmnow which countries become pivotal to your diary please tell me ahead of time so i can shoirtlist who just might be the extra connector women empiwerment needs lastly this shows some examples of chatgpt and why iot may be possible to redsign brac uni around it http://innovations.ning.com/forum/topics/what-if-ai-wants-humans-intel-to-be-sustainable - overall until trumps wave of hate if china disapates I am focusing on singapore and hong kong - all through my life those 2 groups of 8 million people have multiplied so much good | welcome to SDGscotland. lifelong action learning on ending poverty, celebrating health #AIforgood (glasgow's 260th year of first engineer james watt & first IR economist adam smith): growing green: humanity's last best chance ...economistdiary.com - THANKS be TO Glasgow U alumn fazle abed- small may be beautiful but in ending poverty, large scale coalition empowering women community building is essential..1billiongirls.com asks how many 1 billion dollar sdg investments a year can women empowerment coalitions inspire: brac bangladesh billion dollar microfinance loans ; abed ultra poor billion dollar grants a year; bkash billion dollar cashless banking for poor ; brac bank billion dollar youth engagement and sme city bank; billion dollars of lowest cost remittances; billion dollar investments in each of 5 ages of schooling ; billion dollar vaccine empowering poorest families grants ; 15 agricultural value chains whose crop science and ai data is networked around poorest asian farmers... |
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