writes (dedicated to 12th year since dad Norman's parting) Ironically as a clan that values networking of livesmatter communities and the in the entrepreneurial revolution of small entrepriese and startup networking for humanising artificial intel and sustsinability :
my first 3 jobs were for the old (British) Empire's Ministry of Transport, Office of Population Censuses and Survey's , National Development Project in Computer Assisted Learning . From there I spent 25 years market modelling societal purposes of the west's biggest corporations (eg helping MIT compile 1980s first database on that0 to discover that father and my 1984 book on would tech sustain millnennials had gone badly off copurse (9/11 and in the place why my daughter was 4 at playschools, anthrax in the sma post, snipers shooting the local xmas tree seller, national institute of health appearning bliunder than a bat to community safety.. How will the rest of humanity play out - is there a future history beyond 2025 - . Ironic for a brain t5hat loves maths small as my mind is compared with mathematicians that made US East Coast 1920s-1950s ready for space and so much moore.
Chris Macrae DAMTP MA Statistics 1973 Corpus Chriti College CANTAB (Oxbridge)
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