In 1970 (at today's population levels) 1 billion asian vilage women were illiterate and without livelihoods primarily beccause their places had not been connected to the first 200 years started up round glasgow machines (smith, watt0> Thgey had no9 access to electri8city gri8dss let alone other energy or communications infrastructures (IT1, 2). By energy we mean bot energy machines need and food/water inpouts needed to feed and sustain human health. Indeed these vikage mothers were often destined to average life expectancy 45 - thats over 20 below world average (critically it means a whole generation of knowledge building is lost- whats the point of going to college if more than half your life is gone before you get a paper certificate?
Education networks traveled through
word of mouth/person to person action learning to
plus primnted word education
plus lrapfroging to apps when solar and mobile offered viilage women giant leaps
What mattered in buiklding an education system foir 90% rural people which bangaldesh was born to start up eiund as world's 8th largest and poorest nation?
-most relevant whatever the age
indeed brac started with adult action learbning of village micr0ofranchsies - designed round positive cashfkow however small and vital community need - eg most productive rice microfranchise- even a franchise through whiuch one vfilage mum visited her route of 300 hoi,mes a welk selling teh 10 most basic medicines - by starting last mile healths ervoce here brac became the nations's largest wholesaler of basic medicines (lowest cost best quality improvements) whiclt the village mom became her community fo 300 families mpst trusteed helath adviser- soon she was in the middle of oral rehdration practices, explaining why nationwide vaccination with ORD and diet bring down iunfant deaths from one in three to rest of world norms - in the porocess the pressure on moms to breed 10 children families would too come down to comparable worldwide places
after brac's first 12 yeras of training vilage moters as microfrachisers they demand brac start the world's largest non-gov primary schooling system geared particularly to their daughters
the figure shows how 6 components iof non linera education were integrated over abed's half centurey economic and hujan developement which up to a billion villlage mums built. This put the educational dimension of bith community , national and global investmnent as much in the middle of deep data innovation as food health, finace. Abed was always searching for lifelong partners- he builkt teh world's largest ngo collaborations -30 plus when mapped by time they weere next piece needed for vilage women ending poverty as well as effectively speaking the first 4 sdgs and 5-16 seen as platforms scaling humnan development 100000 person communities at a time where all lives matter with women ensuring that is what drives development (eg heaslth sciety grows economies leyt alone sustainability expoentialks across generations not vice versa
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