.tech1=Global connectivity | .tech2=AIforGood | .^ | Public Goods. | Trust Safety. |
.ED1=Digital Cooperation | ed2=Dig Capacity Building. | ^. | .Rights at and beyond borders | .Inclusion |
source fazle abed cooperation platforms Billion Asian Village Mother Human Development maps
1972 to 2019 and UN2 emergence from Digital Cooperation movements by education transformation friends of Sbed from 2016 annual reviews of sdg4 education Parrt 1 of fazle abed cooperation grassroot networked 1 billaion asian mothers kiving in rural regions with out electricity - necessarily this quarter centiry 1972-1996 granvitayed round cooperation round what the Un has since 2015 dalled goals 1-5= overall abed empowered womne to run vilage microfranchsies and design vital gov services from the bottom up; before abed's death he was horing 6000+ vilage trainers as well as franchsisng the latgest non government school system as an example government could benchmark; hist para health cilge service franchised about 60000 last mile sheakth service livelihoods; also several thousands barefoots lawyers were trained to run their own franchises
a japanese silicon valley partner brough abed mobile too9ls from 1996 ; together with microsilar a quaretr century of leapfroging cooperation platforms were designed - still graviatted overall by vlage poverty alleviation - second generation vilge children trunerd the composition of bangladesh from 90% rural at birth of nation in 1971 to 70% rural at abed's death in 2019; abed asked his partners to continue his legacy with the expectation by 2050 that bangladesh's population might be half urban; for women to continue to community build towards this progress abed fotresay a three-in-one gravity - end poverty, maximise middle class, go green; this indeed is a journey that all of asian people - over 2/3 of youth aspire to with differing races to complete as function of rural-urban capital
there is a close correspondence between abed's designs for blending digitla and real community reality celebrating family building and that which can assist UN2 urgently uinite generation towards sustainability of our species as well as benchmark gov2.0 empowering peoples out of every community to map this journeuy of maximising the happiest of human and artificua=ial intel not the most voilent and fearsome
we will keep seatvhing all 9 un2 windows for maximum cooperation alumni of abed can make - the reasons why he alsoi founded in 2001 the new university movement aimed at sharing all female alumni concerned with maximising sdg cooeptaion- as we can see the four education and tech change levers can enable people to hround the origiunal specification of thye UN's 4 dimensions: public goods for safety/truct by valkuing humans at and beynd boderes and inclusinbcely within nations
This map emerging round abed alumni at the UN dirst review 2016 of sdg 4 eduaction has over the period 2017-2020-23 become Guterres 0=9 piece transformation jgsay of Un2.0 and indeed any gov that wished to transform to serving its people integrated with deepst data/intel which only telecomputing (also known as Von neumann Goats Artificial Intel labs) can now integrated real-time ops of public services from everyt GPS on the planet . This si why the final piece of the un envoy has optimitsically been called COES fit for environmental adadptation out of every community rising in line with nature
see economiustdiary or twiier of UN envoy for prioriity regional celebrations 22-23 - eg indonesia and india g20 follow on from gloval digital celebrating Mongili'sd rise in Un egov rankings
see Economist co-blogs by different gaols market purposes eg food health university as well as abedmooc cataloguing 30 cooperation platforms abed would hop 2020s alumni will youthfully shape in time for better UNfuturesummi as well as schools years 22-23 sdgmetaverseprize.org
Back in 1984 our number 1 edtech priority visioned a digital dashboard of skils accomplished identified with every child supported by a person trainer bot on next lessons to linkin as function of expereiential learninhg directed towards livelihood and quality of life
our last edition of 2025report looks for 100 wways ed and tech can save youth as first sustainabilioty generation -we can see sdgmetaverseprize.org as straming 16 toutes towards the 100; however equally imporatnt will be combinatorial skills relted to markets most sustaimable purposes; to search this we invite you to join the game of worldrecordjobs updated with 52 playing cards each yera since 2008; if your duaghter or son could be cooperation alumni of world class futures for all- who would you choose them to celebrate through awarness and where relevant their own action learning maps; as argued since 1999 at trilliondollaraydits.com profesisonals will need to transfornto 2.0 at least as fast as government themselves; those who are not openly able to value services around doing no harm need closing down faster than we all can bid 7 no trumps. Family building of susdtainable communities and nations is not a party politcal tghisng in the w3ay massive media has spun; mathematcians can help evidence this with the most diverse data your locality beams up with; we dont need startways bodily transportation for human and artificial intel to ground diecersity's motst exciting opportunities forevery living gps o the planet. The ITU started this global connectivity cooperation out of switzerand in 1865; we all alive today are verybfoirtunate that Gneva's digotal twins since Un birth are being reconcted at digiral warp speed with UN HQ NY mediation and pilcy making
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