Our Definition of Ending Poverty - a world designed so that each next girl or boy born has a good chance at life- in turn this means every community is designed to sustain this goal
History distributed life opportunities very unevenly geographically- even as President Kennedy declared the 1960s goal of racing to the moon - the majority of peoples lived in rural areas without access to electricity and with life expectancies over 20 years below
Once you know that it should be no surprise that the entrepreneurship's number 1 university partnership of last mile health is closely related to partnering universities in ending poverty; ...
The main ways a billion village women in Asia ended poverty were through microfranchises :
replicating last mile rice production where knowledge linked ti alumni of borlaug increases village productivity several fold
designing last mile health services in bangladesh over 100000 village others made positive cashflow by doordashing 10 non prescription medical items; each mother had a route of 300 homes to visit weekly; over time she because the most trusted person for medical news such as when to get vaccinated
It wasnt until 1996 solar and mobile partners came to villages that village networking could be anything other than person to person; after that both internet and university could be designed to both connect partners COLLAB platforms and both microfranchise specifications and deeper research - see these 36 collaborations which have turned brac into both the largest ngo partnership and the number 1 universities of 1 early childhood play, 2 last mile medicine, 3 ultra poor financials services...download one page guide
partnership links
U of Last Mile Health
U of Early Childhood
University of End Poverty
Women Univeristy of triangularising : end poverty, grow middle claas, go green
Journal of New economics- G;asgow University- friends of Adam Smith Scholar
EconomistPoor.com EconomistDiary.com
Between founding in 1843 to 1990 The London Economist overarching editorial purpose was mediating end of poverty.Its sub-editor Norman Macrae 1947-1988 was also biographer of John Von Neumann and advanced the logic of The Economist December 1976 that designing every community as a thriving place to ne born into would need bottom-up transformation in which biggest corporates and governments were likely to pose the greatest compound risks to the 21st C celebrating the first sustainability generation
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