ED: May The Games of Architect Intelligence (AI) be with you & Mother Earth's 8 billion beings & 1BnG & HAI .. breaking sept 2023 one of my fav 5 hours spent at university!!
.chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk RIGHT OLD MESS
EE: Back in dad's teenage diary as navigator Allied Bomber Command Burma, a day headed ROM meant a friend's flight went missing. In 2023 ROM is politest term we can use for failure to help youth celebrate 73 years of research with von neumann on only good tech can save our species, and 36 years of world class brands architecture research round biggest decison makers started 1988 when dad restored from The Economist: on how bad media can destroy millennials futures. From the last articles we influenced in The Economist Trust has been the exponentially missing metric. Thanks to a chat with Von Neumann's daughter (who's advances for humanity would her dad have trusted most 2025-1950? EconomistDiary.com is launching a game Architect of Intelligence. Dare you play the most urgent cooperation game in sustainability goals hi-tech-trust-touch world?
ED dedication : To Architects Fazle Abed & Steve Jobs -who convened silicon valley's 65 birthday to Abed in 2001 giving 7 years of design foresight to why mobile digital network not seen in his 1984 launch of PC networking
INDUSTRIAL REV 260th GAMES-cards of sdg-gen
Uni2 :FFL*JOBS*DHgoog
welcome to AIsdgs.com where media designers help take down fake media wherever its wasting 8 billion peoples time

you may want to join economist dairy in 1951 when The Economist sub-ed  NM was seconded to NYPeinceton for year to listen to John Von Neumann design the number 1 journalism-for-humans quiz, Architecture of Intelligence (AI): it was agreed the most valuable scoop earthlings may e-vision = what goods can humans unite wherever celebrating early access to 100 times more tech per decade? - eg a billion times more 2015=1955

or back from future of 80 years of 2025report: join bard-solar express route 1843 to 2023-4-5: 1843 EconomistDiary.com under 30 queen victoria accepts Economist founder James Wilson help to start mapping commonwealth trading maps replacing britannia ruling all of asia waves round global market of englishmen's tea ; in 1859 victoria charters bank for Wilson to go design financial service for quarter of humans on india's subcontinent; after year 1 celebrations by most of the peopels, james dies of diarhea; it takes 112 years before former shell oil ceo educational intelligence empowers womens lesson plans round oral rehydration, 10 community business of goal 2 2 food, goal 3 health and 90% of the peoples trust in a regional bank for female generations to build nation

SDG 5  4  3   2  1  0 welcome to Asia and the top 5 sdgoals 50 years search scaling the most exciting collaborations women-led communities empower
ED soon after 2010 death of Von Neumann's first journalist of Architect Intelligence The Japan Ambassador to bangladesh hosted 2 brainstorming sessions- since 2001 Steve Jobs and Fazle Abed had united their support of net generations futures : would a moon of the top 30 cooperations visioned by 1billiongirls help bridge human intel until Steve Jobs gift of a university in phone (iphone 2007) might renew interest in man made engines blending human intelligence ... EconomistLearning.com from 2009 stanford's fei-fei li began the new entrereneurial revolution of pretraining computer visiosn (in about 10 different ways from science games deepmind, to 1000language games LLM , to object recognition of autonomous cars are ever needed, to nlp to literature veviews in real time of very covid publication to 2019 stanford hai inviting every human discipline grads spend time on to HAI ,,,,as pretraining of humans rose to 2015 hopes were that high that it was time to declare 17 cooperation dev goals and roadmapping of UN2 comprised of dynamic subystems of above zero-sum human networking. Bangladesh as deepest place branding of SDG5 celebrates being 52 years young in 2023 the 265th year of smithian moral sentiments at Abed's Alma mater Glasgow Universiity. Supporting hi-tech hi-trust Asian place winners include: singapore 2023; hong kong (22.1 Place winners 22.22022 ... Thailand2021 ..) . Abed was not just a world class civil engineer; he dedicated half a century until his death in December 2019 as servant leader. Aligned by HG Wells bon mots: civilisation is a race between education and catastrophe, Abed Bhai preferred to be seen as host of microeducationsummit not financiers summits: his gravitation purpose of 30 women empowered cooperations that of united refugees, villagers and civil societies in ENDING POVERTY. Fortunately for the worlds poorest new nation Bangaldesh 1971- Abed had networks like no other community leader. HIs friends' coop roadmapping reached out to intel vitalised by at least a billion village mothers in tropical inland asia where, a third of infants were dying of diarrhea before Abed's person to person networking became the best news ever chatted. Fro mid 1950s studies in Glasgow he spent nearly 13 years growing to be Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company's regional CEO. So his lifetime searches uniquely capitalised on what UK and Dutch Royal Societies (soon Japan Royals too) knew how to help end the poverty their colonial era had up to 1945 trapped the majority of humans world trade in. Simply put most Asian coastal belts link national borders defined by what these < a href="http://www.kc3.dev">3 kingdoms designed in to trading barriers over nearly half millennium. And which had made the English language that of world class engineering (digital age as well as pre-digital) So by 1970s these nations royal societies (including londons arts green-geographical, medicinie, science, architects ...) were happy that a grounded movement could link them into what they didnt fully know culturally or consciously. From 1970 on Abed linked in global village mapping like no one else - through these relationships and by designing business microfrachises not charity wherever possible for village women to own. To study with abed alumni is to join in the world's most cooperative empowering women movements for good as well as of childrens development.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Diary home of NeumannEinsteinTuring's most valuable survey since 1951 ; what good will humans design and unite wherever enjoying first access to 100+times more tech every decade ?- eg trillion times moore silicon valley 2015-1955 

In gamification world, our simplest way of addressing this challenge is to imagine asking how brilliant exponential builders of one generation would rate today's or vice versa
 eg for 2023's quiz
 download this 4 page over-guide updates as 73rd celebration of dad first meeting von neumann princeton 1951...

our associates' number 1 maths passion is exponential trust-flow mapping  valuetrue.com, LLM play at www.bard.solar  and our training spaces include alumnisat.com and membership of NY led ED3dao and friend of NY"s most human media agency soundtracknewyork - we design exponential audits for those needing to intergenerationally sustain the most massively needed services amongst us 8 billion beings

hello i am Chris Macrae Dip Stats DAMTP Cambridge , a diaspora scot, septogenerian; i have mainly resided since 1997 in DC region where my daughter was born-I feel my best professional work has been done over 60 trips to asia where from my first journey in 1982, i was privileged to be involved in Harvard/Mit modeling of some of Unilever's largest ever national brand launches- starting with indonesia - allunilver projects apart from Japan were about needs of muslim mothers - lence my linked in handle unwomens and newsletter ed3envoyun.com 

 Miraculously south asian village mothers scaled aid2.0 and shared this with energy 0f 1billiongirls.com ;  it turned out were the deepest person to person networkers collaborating around life critical knowhow and desing microfranchise businesses for good -the generation from early teens up in 1972 ended extreme poverty of inland village families (taht mainly the English Empire had left out in designing the world around trading tea and which somehow the UN didn't really see until partners coordinated by Quadir family brought Bangla solar and mobile to late 1990s)  
across tropical asia where eg half of all infants used to die from 2 lack of access to 2 solutions - mass innoculation and oral rehydration) -both of these were  educational chalenges the wolutiosn wre very ow cost - oral rehydration depends on mixing boiled water sugar and salt in corectly recipe amounts) i have been on the net since 1994 when i published book on leading the most purposeful oragsaiytiosn or networks in the word; i have kept discussions going around same email chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk though many webs i volunteered co-editing eg eu knowledgeboard emotional intelligence were taken down very suddenly for reasons never explained to the volunteers (well i was told in 2004 that politicians gave us research on trust auditing because they fet their publics were not interested; they would revis this if 3 european enrins hapened in same year; by 2008 when subprime multipled even more damage than 3 enrons politivcal musical chairs hd forgotten their promise and si it was when web3/wifi was launcehd out of swizeralnd in 2009 digital media 2.0 was no more deeply human than digita 1.0 in its massive rush among 6 big western organsiations to suck up the most data (firtuantely there was another branch of humans designing Architecture of Intel
while i believe we face extinction if we dont connect UN goals now it has to be noted that in terms of poulation, locations of UN were chosen in very uneven geo-locations; thailand doesnt seem to me the most naural place to seve asia's two thirds of humanity in spite of its choice in 1947 (Bard SAYS) to host a United Nations (UN) office. The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)

  design maths exponentials answers to questions like how would the following rate each others work in celebrating next generation's advancement aligned to mother nature's valuation of life on earth

here is my 73rd year learning curve  featuring people I belive 8 billion beings need to valeutru first; I am always searching for whom I don't know - we welcome nominatiosn at worldreordjobs.com

2016 Antonio Guterres OR Jim Kim OR Fazle Abed OR Steve Jobs (3 of these people design frabcsucan serice in every co-worker - the foutrh hist fazle abed 65th birthday party in 2001 -setc=ve wanted his last gtreat invention to celebrate deepest human connections of digital tech in ways that steve jobs1.0 the pc hadn't quite done).

By the way if you wish to substitute Dr Yunus - see goirlsworldbank before you join our diary yunusmooc.com (it took me 16 trips to undersatnd both of these amale angels contributions to poorest asians developing nations- if you love storytellers start with yunus; if you are trying to understand replicable community solutions thats why I got so cheered up after my aftehrs death when japan ambassador to bangaldesh invited me to listen to fazle abed's 65th birthday party wished hoisted by steve jobs family - they both committed to connectnggraduate age studenst to build futures that elders with minds designed by expoentual lower trajectirues literally cant inagine designing cooperation around  exp videos 2008 2016 2020

The NET my afther Norman soent a yera 1951 seconded to NYPrinceton by The eEonomist to pretrain with Neumann and his friend Einstein Turing -what had they invenetd - which were the SWOT (especially expoential Opportunities/Threats) of their legacy - neumann boiled this dow to 4 cupport UN with all of its crises; celebrate the most human energy scientists; celebrate digital engineers linked to9 deepest needs of communities; design win-win maps of trade

Dad had spoent his lst dys as a teenager so Neumann's questions echoed with his understanding of adam smith and a condition of dad's employment at The Economist was he passd an iq test on the centenary biography if the purpose started 1943 by founder of The economist Janes Wilson and his 20something female supporter Queen Victoria -c ould emoire be transfomred into commonwealth

Its importamt to understand a handful of englisg words - artificial when applied to engines means man made - it was first coined in this sense in earky 19th century when brits who had designed engines to amplify physical power asked could engines be designed to amplify analytical power; by 1865 physical power included trasportaiin powere meaning cities would become expoenetialllly more populous than rural and lectricity had somehow becomin a bridge - it powred physical engines; it supported architeccts desin interconnectin cities; and it gave birth to the first worldwide communications scetir the telegraph; frm 1865 switezerland became the epicentre of mass coooperation/coms industries which turned out to be both good and bad (2 world wars); if this is where humans had got to in designing machines there was a very serious chalenge to mediat - which von neumann called the survey of what good will people unite when accessing at least 100 times more tech per decade; by 1965 that was 100*100 perdecade for the people epicented around the town spavniards had named st clare (patron of community health) and its link to stnfird (founded to calue all teh states chldren when the family's only sone had died in his teens of water born disease contacted on the family's visit to Rome); there was 100 times more analytical capacity of programable chips which had leapt firward according to god=rdon moore's law when a japanese calculatir manufacturer had given intel its largest ever order; alsomot the same time the tokyo olu=ympics demonattaed the power of satellites to briadcast though i have always been most interested in intel exhnages between every gps which staellites do at almost no cost once the infarstructure is invested in)


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