AI log Xmas 2022 ED: Most urgent search since start of 2023- anyone want to gamify how millennials free to play AI Games - urgent match with eg King Charles AI World Series since Nov 2023 and whether Soft landing in Paris can unite youth superstars of both celebrity and intel worlds; on plan z 6 months osaka expo in 2025 may be most important space for aiverygood gamesters as we breathe 2025's rare air - first imagined back in 1983 by our club of 2025report
EL: AI March Madness 2024: on hypothesis that Taiwan American Lisa & Jen-Zen are liberating humanity's greatest experiments with 150 million + transistor brain-engines: if there is a particular overlap of intel you see pls phone any east coast time +1 240 316 8157 Though resident in DC , NY and Valley on West Coast seem to me where good intel needs to AI remap millennials worlds. Just a Diaspora Scor.s visions of www. I am most interested in intergenerational exponential maths audits not short-term. I spent about 15 years 1990-2005 finding out this was opposite to purpose of PWG and other Big5 I worked with and sadly opposite to how EU has mapped intel. So I am often not popular but also able to give a different insight on any big decision project that has got stuck. I was first from 1988 to publish how to value brand architecture partnerships and whether their unique purpose sustainable Chris
Over my 50 years of working life i realise i have published far too much on my concerns with bad media and too little on good intelligence
i now vision that intelligence as the only chance us humans have of designing win-win trade for all 8 billion peoples. I'd like to change definition of education - how lifelong students and teachers improve each others intelligences as one and same system of communities spending humans time and data
for my latest monthly updates on intelligence pls mail me or text +1 240 316 8157
for media publications see last edition of 2025Report (now a 42 year old genre of imagineering what happens to gen3) or Usum or my books world class brands, brand chartering, co-author with Economist Norman Macrae the 2025 report genre; ; for journals see my guest editing triple issue journal of marketing managent 1999 on brand reality and the ever increasing need to combat fake media, or checkout another 50+ papers eg via
Latest Chat with Gemini is also invitation to form linkedin Igroup Chips4all
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